1. Lessons’ Title (Chapter title Β5): “How the Greeks changed the natural environment”
2. Class: Third and Forth Grade (9 and 10 years old) 3. Date: .
4. Other Class Present: NO (both grades can attend the same lesson, except maths, in Greek schools)
5. Subject: “Environmental Study” and “Computers”
6. Teaching Chapters of the Curriculum:
Road safety education
Computer drawing
7. Teaching Targets:
v Students should be familiar with functional characteristics of the roads outside of an urban center. Students to get familiar with the appropriate pedestrians response to the road signs.
v Students should realize the problems and risks that correlate with car’s circulation and parking and to trace ways to avoid accidents.
v Students should learn how to move as pedestrians on the streets and how to avoid road-danger in the specific area they live in.
8. Expected Results:
v Students should be know how to use the shape tools (Rectangles, Eclipses, Rounded rectangles) existing in Ms Paint.
v Students should know the most important traffic.
v Students should know the appropriate traffic behavior so that they will not themselves become responsible for accidents (As pedestrians or as co-drivers)
v Students should feel the thrill of initiative and creativity.
9. Required Time Two teaching hours.
8. Prerequisite knowledge of students: Students should be familiar with Ms Paint tools.
9. Required Educational Material:
v a. Teacher’s book for “Environmental Study” of the Forth grade
v Student’s book for “Environmental Study” of the Forth grade
“Digitized” pages from the book “Environmental Study” for third and Forth grade.
Required Equipment: Computer, Printer, Traffic signs from hard paper, plasticine
Required Software: Ms Paint
Accompanying Books:
Accompanying CD roms, Web addresses:
http://www.yme.gr/trans/kok/kok.html The site of the ministry of Transportation
http://www.infixnet.gr/kok/ The most common traffic signs and their interpretation
10. Description of the subject to be taught:
The specific teaching unit refers to traffic education in peripheral and agricultural roads. Information is given about the expected driving behavior in these roads and the obligations of the pedestrians in order to avoid accidents that would harm themselves or others. Advisory material is also provided about the expected behavior of a passenger in a car
11. Steps to teaching of the subject:
During the first phase we study along with the students in what is the road consisted, how it is constructed and what can be its possible deficiencies and characteristics.
Teacher and students hold a conversation about the causes of car accidents, the road condition, and responsibility of the drivers, pedestrians and the state
The conversation focuses in cases that a child is involved in an accident (as a pedestrian, a driver, or a passenger ). Teacher should try and bring on the surface student’s experiences on the subject and create vivid examples located virtually on the well-known living area of the students
During the second phase the teacher demonstrates the traffic signs to the students. It is advisable that the most ordinary signs are made from cardboard instead of limiting the demonstration to the book’s images. A conversation should be hold about each sign’s use.
On a third phase, the teacher explains to the students Ms Paint’s tool use and ask from the students to design some traffic signs with Ms Paint.
On a last phase the teacher can print student’s creations and hung them on the classroom’s walls
12. Instructions to Teacher:
· It would be better if the conversation about the road’s characteristics would be hold in real conditions.
· A traffic employee could be invited and discuss with the students.
· Students can construct traffic signs from cardboard or wood and then place them in a special corner that will be named “Traffic Education Corner”
· They can also create small traffic signs from plasticine. That can be materialized during the painting class, so that a cross curriculum approach will be achieved
1. Evaluation of students: (1 to 5)
Group / Pupil / Attention / Performance / Cooperation / GroupPerformance
Group1 / Name1
Group2 / Name1
2. General impression of the class
3. Did any specific problems occur during the lesson?
4. Would you consider it as successful?
5. Do you have any definite proposals for the improvement of teaching?
6. General - Other comments?