/ e-mail:

Volunteer Registration Form

If you feel you cannot complete all the questions, these can be discussed at interview

Title: Miss Ms Mrs Mr Dr Other …………………………

Name: ……………………………………………………………….

Address: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

……………………………………………………………………….Postcode: ……………………………………….

Tel: Home: ……………………… Work:…………………………Mobile: ……………………………………………

E-mail: ……………………………………………………………….. May we phone you? Yes No

Date of birth: …………………………………….

Male Female

For monitoring purposes, we would ask you to indicate the following:

Which of these do you feel best describes your ethnic group?

White Scottish White Irish White Other British White Other

Asian Bangladeshi Asian Chinese Asian Indian Asian Pakistani

Asian Scottish/Other

Black African Black Caribbean Black Scottish/Other Mixed background

Other background

Which ONE of the following best describes your situation? Please tick ONE only.

Paid employment full-time

Paid employment part-time


Retired/Early retired

Unwaged for ……..months

Income Support

Job Seekers Allowance

Incapacity benefit/DLA/ESA



Full-time parent


Asylum seeker


Are you new to volunteering? Yes No

Would you be interested in receiving our volunteer e-bulletin

which includes one-off volunteer opportunities,

training on offer and other useful information? Yes No

Are you aged between 12 and 25? Yes No

(you may be eligible for the Saltire Award for young volunteers)

Are you a driver? Yes No

If YES, do you have access to a car? Yes No

What is your main reason for volunteering? Please choose ONEonly.

Meet new people Use my spare time well Help me into paid work/education

Increase my confidence Part of my beliefs/valuesHelp me learn new skills

Improve my health/wellbeing See a need and want to improve things


How did you first make contact regarding volunteering?

Emailed Volunteer Centre Phoned Volunteer Centre Visited Volunteer Centre

It’s important for us to know how you heard about the Volunteer Centre. Was it

Word of mouth Passing by Phone book

Talk/Presentation Poster/leaflet/Newsletter Media e.g. radio, newspaper

Job Centre Job Club

Skills Development Scotland/Careers Service

Referred …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Website (please give details) ……………………………………………………………………………………………

Other (please give details)………………………………………………………………………………………………

Which interest or cause would you like to give your time to?

Please put 1 against your favourite, and then simply tick UP TO FIVE others that interest you.


Anti poverty work

Arts (music/drama/crafts)





Drugs/Alcohol issues




Ethnic minorities





Human/Civil rights/Justice

Learning disabilities

Men’s Groups

Mental Health



Overseas aid/Developing world

Physical disability

Refugees/Asylum seekers


Sensory impairment

Sport/Outdoor activities

Tackling Unemployment

Women’s’ Groups

Young people

What type of voluntary work would you like to do?

Please put 1 against your favourite, then tick UP TO FIVEothers that interest you.

 / Dunfermline:
29A Canmore Street,
Dunfermline KY12 7NU
01383 732 136 /  / Kirkcaldy:
16 East Fergus Place,
Kirkcaldy KY1 1XT
01592 645 300 /  / Glenrothes:
Craig Mitchell House, Flemington Road, Glenrothes KY7 5QF
01592 751 749 /  / Cupar:
Volunteer House, 69 Crossgate, Cupar KY15 5AS
01334 654 080
Fife Voluntary Action is a Company Limited by Guarantee, Registered in Scotland No.SC203613; Scottish Charity No.SCO28457. Registered Office: Craig Mitchell House, Flemington Road, Glenrothes, KY7 5QF

Administration/Office work

Advice/Information giving

Advocacy/Human Rights

Arts (Music/drama/crafts)



Care/Support worker


Charity Shops/Retail


Development Work

Committee Work




Disaster/Emergency relief


Equal Opportunities/Race




Home-based Volunteering

Justice/Legal assistance




Management/Business Skills


Online volunteering

Playschemes/Children’s clubs


Research/Policy work

Residential Volunteering

Short term/Seasonal volunteering


Sports, outdoor activities

Tutoring/Supporting Learners

Volunteering for under 16s

Youth work

 / Dunfermline:
29A Canmore Street,
Dunfermline KY12 7NU
01383 732 136 /  / Kirkcaldy:
16 East Fergus Place,
Kirkcaldy KY1 1XT
01592 645 300 /  / Glenrothes:
Craig Mitchell House, Flemington Road, Glenrothes KY7 5QF
01592 751 749 /  / Cupar:
Volunteer House, 69 Crossgate, Cupar KY15 5AS
01334 654 080
Fife Voluntary Action is a Company Limited by Guarantee, Registered in Scotland No.SC203613; Scottish Charity No.SCO28457. Registered Office: Craig Mitchell House, Flemington Road, Glenrothes, KY7 5QF

Do you consider yourself to have a disability/health issues that might affect your volunteering? Yes No

If you wish, please give details:


Is there any kind of support you feel you might need to access volunteering? Please describe.



When are you likely to be available to volunteer (e.g. Monday morning, Thursday evenings etc)? Please describe:


Are you available: School holidays? Term time? Can you be flexible? Yes No

How many hours might you be able to give? ...... per week/fortnight (delete as applicable)

Some organisations need to run police checks on volunteers or require volunteers to be members of the Protection ofVulnerable Groups scheme. If you wish to discuss this, please tick this box:

May we pass on some of your details to volunteer-involving organisations as part of our service in trying to find

a volunteer opportunity for you? Yes No

“I confirm the information provided is, to the best of my knowledge, correct.”

Signed: ……………………………………………………………. Dated: ………………………

Thank you for completing the form.

 / Dunfermline:
29A Canmore Street,
Dunfermline KY12 7NU
01383 732 136 /  / Kirkcaldy:
16 East Fergus Place,
Kirkcaldy KY1 1XT
01592 645 300 /  / Glenrothes:
Craig Mitchell House, Flemington Road, Glenrothes KY7 5QF
01592 751 749 /  / Cupar:
Volunteer House, 69 Crossgate, Cupar KY15 5AS
01334 654 080
Fife Voluntary Action is a Company Limited by Guarantee, Registered in Scotland No.SC203613; Scottish Charity No.SCO28457. Registered Office: Craig Mitchell House, Flemington Road, Glenrothes, KY7 5QF