Lower Dauphin Band Boosters
Meeting Minutes
April 15, 2015
Attendance: A total of 13 members attended including Lisa Grubb, Mary Yohn, Griffin Yohn, Dwight Steinly, Cindy Morris, Kathy Keister, Nancy Orth, Natausha Bulgrien, Susan Seacord, Keith Richardson, Kari Potts, Carrie Jean Bell, and Eric Heberlig.
The General Booster Meeting started around 7:00 PM immediately following an Executive Committee Meeting.
Florida Trip: Mr. Richardson expressed his thanks to the Boosters and everyone who helped get the band to Florida. He said the trip went very well, and there were no major problems. He is trying to arrange to share some Disney photos with parents and make a DVD of the recording session available, perhaps for a nominal cost. Cindy asked Susan to send out an email reminding students to return their laundered uniforms to the school by April 27.
Band Banquet: Lisa will get a roster of band students to Joy Steinly, who is collecting ticket orders and RSVPs. Mr. Hutchison also invited the middle school students who participated in marching band. Kathy said she will arrange for flowers, and Cindy is ordering gifts for the 23 seniors. Mr. Richardson said he will talk to Katie Goerl about the slide show and have her prepare an email for Susan to distribute requesting band and senior photos. Natausha requested that parents and students be reminded to make payments in the form of check or money order only, not cash.
Wildwood: Both trailers will be needed for this trip which begins April 30. Dwight is taking the trailer to be fixed on Sunday. He has the estimate for the repairs, and Mr. Richardson will check with the school on how to get that reimbursed. Dwight said the trailer will be back by the end of the week, and he will make sure both are ready to go for Wildwood. Lisa reminded Natausha that the drivers will need cash for the tollbooths. Lisa is looking into security arrangements for the hotel as Mr. Spada is unable to cover that this year.
Music in the Parks: Dates for this event are May 1, 8-9, 15-16, 22, and 29. Kari and Carrie Jean are trying to sell the boxed lunches to visiting schools and are lining up volunteers to help. Mr. Richardson noted that help would especially be needed during the evening sessions after the students leave school.
Secretary’s Report: There were no changes to the minutes from last month which are posted on the booster website.
Treasurer’s Report: Natausha presented a report on the account balances for the month. There is currently $30,988.92 in Overall General Funds Available. Natausha noted that the Students Accounts amount does not match Savings because not all of the Florida funds have been transferred, and there is still a large Florida payment to be made. There were some discrepancies on the budget report, but she will be meeting with former treasurer Irvette Timms this week to reconcile them. She may also change the format for the monthly budget report.
Spring Cleaning: Lisa would like to arrange a work date to clean out the band tower and the storage shed. She will pick some dates and have Susan send out an email requesting volunteers. The carts are going to be scrapped, and there are a lot of color guard items that need to be sorted. Dwight noted that the trailer wheel covers are also currently in the tower as they were damaged by groundskeepers using weed whackers. Mr. Richardson will talk to the school about getting compensation for these items.
Booster Officers: Susan will send out an email requesting a volunteer to take over as Secretary for 2015-16 as she will no longer have a student in band. Lisa also suggested volunteers be found to shadow the Executive Committee members who will be graduating after next year: 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, and Band Manager.
Fundraising: Lisa mentioned several fundraising opportunities for next year, including Castle Vineyards (a wine tasting and Blues music event over the summer) and Flagship Cinema (coupon books for movie theatres). Music in the Parks is the last fundraising event for this year.
Meeting adjourned at 8:00 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Susan Seacord