
Summary Sheets: A world Of Plants

Introducing Plants

Give as many reasons as possible why it is advantageous to have a wide variety of plants.







Explain the possible consequences to man and animals of a reduction in the variety of plants.

Man: -







Plants have a variety of uses as foods, fuel, building material, cosmetics, medicines, clothing. Describe three specialised uses of plants

1. ______

2. ______


3. ______


Make a list of potential uses of plants





Describe the production of timber as a flow diagram

Making food

What is photosynthesis? ______

Write out the word equation for photosynthesis

Fill in the diagram about the three fates of glucose produced by photosynthesis


What chemical converts light energy into chemical energy and where is it found?

Chemical= ______

Found in = ______

What is a limiting factor? ______

List the main limiting factors in the process of photosynthesis.





What factor is limiting at A and B

A= ______

B= ______

Plant and leaf structure

What do plants need transport systems? ______

Water is transported from the roots to the leaves by xylem vessels. Draw and label a diagram of a xylem vessel.

Apart from transporting water what other functions do xylem vessels have in plants?



Sugars are transported from the leaves around the plant in phloem vessels. Draw and label a diagram of a phloem vessel.

Through what structures do plants taken in Carbon dioxide and release oxygen? ______

Explain when, how and why these structures are opened.

When they are open ______

How they open ______

Why they open at this time ______

What other substance is lost through these structures? ______

Draw and label the internal structure of a leaf.

Growing Plants

Draw and label a seedstating what the function of each part is.

List the factors affect the germination of seeds




Describe and explain the change in the % germinationof seeds which occurs over a range of temperatures.



20-30˚ C ______


31-40 ˚C ______

50˚C + ______

Label the diagram of a flower

Fill in the table about the functions of flower structures

Letter / Structure / Function

Plants produce flowers to aid pollination. Pollination is the transfer of pollen from an anther of one flower to the stigma of a flower on another plant. Two types of pollination exists wind pollination when pollen is transferred by the wind and insect pollination where pollen is transferred by insects

Fill in the table about the differences between wind and insect pollinated flowers.

Structure / What the structure is like in the different types of plants and why
insect / wind
Pollen grains

Describe the processes which occur after pollen has landed on the stigma up to seed dispersal.

1. pollen lands of the stigma






After the seeds have been formed they have to be dispersed this can occur using the wind, animal internal or animal external.

Complete the sentences below explaining how the above seed dispersal mechanisms work, what the seeds look like and an example.

Wind dispersal


How it works: ______

What the seeds look like: ______

Animal internal


How it works: ______

What the seeds look like: ______

Animal external


How it works: ______

What the seeds look like: ______

Asexual reproduction

Asexual reproduction involves only ONE parent. Describe some of the methods plants use to asexually reproduce. You can add diagrams.

Method 1:

Method 2:

Fill in the table about the advantages and disadvantages of sexual (involving flowers and the production of seeds) and asexual reproduction in plants.

Type of reproduction / Advantages / Disadvantages

Artificial propagation

This is a method used by humans to create more plants which are exactly the same as the parent plant. They are clones.

What does the term clone mean? ______

Describe some of the methods humans use to produce more plants. You can add diagrams.

Method 1:

Method 2:

What are the advantages to humans in using artificial propagation methods? ______