Low SES School Communities National Partnership
Equity Programs and Distance Education Directorate page1
May 2010
Focus group discussion starters
The sets of statements following relate to the key elements of effective engagement with the community.The facilitator could lead the discussion by asking the participants to respond to each of the statements by indicating their agreement with the statement as it relates to the school.
Participants could use the options: don’t know, strongly agree, agree, disagree or strongly disagree.
The facilitator could elicit further information by asking participants to explain their response.
1. Communication
This is a school where …..
- information about the school’s programs and activities is regularly communicated to parents/carers
- information about student’s progress is clearly communicated to parents and carers
- members of the community are regularly invited to meet with school leaders
- where information about student learning is shared between home and school
2.Connecting learning at home and at school
This is a school where …..
- learning activities connect students to family and community contexts
- class activities are interesting and engage students in learning
- parents/carers are encouraged to be involved in their child’s learning
3. Building community and identity
This is a school where …..
- members of the community come together to support student learning
- all members of the school community can contribute to its success
- the backgrounds of all cultural groups are reflected in school practices and activities
4. Recognising the role of the family
This is a school where …..
- teachers and families work in partnership to support students’ learning
- parents and carers are supported to assist their child’s learning at home
- the needs of families are considered when organising school activities such as meetings
5.Consultative decision making
This is a school where …..
- the school talks with families when there are important decisions to make about what goes on in the school
- parents, carers and community members including the local and/or regional AECG are involved in the development and monitoring of key activities in the school plan
- community representatives on school committees are actively encouraged, valued and listened to
6. Collaborating beyond the school
This is a school where …..
- community resources and skills are used to support student learning
- school leaders are active members of community committees related to education and training
- the wider community actively supports events to celebrate student achievements
This is a school where …..
- families are encouraged to be involved in classroom and school activities
- parents and community members including the local and/or regional AECG encouraged and supported to take on leadership roles within the school
- positive relationships exist between the school and its community
Schools may wish to add additional questions to gather views about other aspects of school life
Schools may use the questions below or adapt them to suit the context of their community.
1. Successes
What are the three most successful things that the school and community do together to improve students’ learning outcomes?
2. Improvements
What are three things that the school and community could do better to improve students’ learning outcomes?
General comments:
Thank you for your time. Your contribution will assist in the school planning process.
(The facilitator could add details of any planned activities where the results of the surveys/focus group discussions will be made available)