Loveland High School Arts & Crafts Expo

Saturday, November 4, 2017 10am – 3pm

#1 Tiger Trail, Loveland, Ohio 45140

Participation Information

Welcome to the 34rdyear of our handcrafted fine art and fine craft show sponsored by the Loveland Athletic Boosters. Please read over the following participation rules prior to submitting your application.


The event is held atLovelandHigh School in Loveland, Ohio near KingsIsland amusement park and about 20 miles north of Cincinnati. We have approximately 172 Booths; offer table rental and electricity (limited). We advertise our show in the Community Press for multiple areas, Cincinnati Enquirer, yard signs, local businesses, online community calendars and much more. We provideAthlete assistance in and out of the craft show, food deliveryand booth sitters for small breaks. Our show is designed to give the artist/crafter what they want at a show.


This is a juried show and we look for quality artisans. Previous participation does not guarantee acceptance or the same booth. All products that you are selling must be handcrafted by you.You must only bring the work that you supplied on your application.


All booth sizes are 10x10. Booths are setup in the Front & Rear Gymnasium, Cafeteria and Main Hall. Wall spaces and spaces with electricity are very limited. If using electric, you will need to bring your own electrical cords and duct tape. All set-ups, chairs and items must be located inside your booth space. All exhibitors are expected to present their art/craft in an attractive manner with covered tables and inviting displays. Due to liabilities exhibitors are not allowed to bring pets.


We hold a raffle for artists/crafters to showcase their work. A raffle tag will be provided for you that will detail your booth location and company information so that shoppers can find you. Participation in the raffle is expected and very much appreciated.


Vendors may start setting up as early as 6:00am the morning of the show. Student volunteers to assist vendors will not be available until around 7am. The show ends at 4pm, do not start packing up until then.


Jury Application deadline is May 1, 2017; but applications will be accepted until all booths are full.While we attempt to honor location requests, no guarantees can be made and previous participation does not guarantee the same booth or show acceptance. If applying for electric, a separate $5 check must be included with the application. If we cannot provide electric, your $5 check will be returned with your confirmation letter.

Returning Exhibitors need to resubmit photos each year as it is necessary for the jury process. Photos must be submitted for all items you plan to bring to the show. Photos do not need to be submitted on actual photo paper; but some form of printed photos are required.We limit the number of vendors for all categories of crafts therefore it is important to provide clear pictures of your items and that the items are photographed well.

After May 1, 2017 there will be NO refunds of booth fees for cancellations. If your application is denied your booth fee will be returned to you.


Acceptance letters will be sent via email once your application is processed beginning 6/1/2017 and should be complete by July 2017. Checks will not be cashed until this time as well. Confirmation packets will be sent at least one month prior to the date of the show.

Loveland High School Arts & Crafts Expo Application

Saturday, November 4, 2017 10am – 3pm

#1 Tiger Trail, Loveland, Ohio 45140

YOUR NAME (not business name): ______

STREET:______CITY:______ST:_____ ZIP:______

PHONE: ______EMAIL: ______

BOOTH PREFERENCE (select one): (1) same as last year booth #______; (2)Specify an area: ______;

(3) No preference

Please give a short description of your product that you hand make. Include everything that you will be selling.

Please list all shows that you participated in 2017:______


BOOTH 10X10 COST $70.00 HOW MANY ______=$______

ELECTRIC (IF AVAILABLE) $5.00 =$______


TOTAL =$______

After May 1, 2017 there will be NO refunds of booth fees for cancellations.

HOW WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE LISTED IN THE PROGRAM? (specify name or business name)


Please include the following items with your application:

1. Check or money order made payable to: LOVELAND ATHLETIC BOOSTERS

2. Separate check or money order for electric made payable to: LOVELAND ATHLETIC BOOSTERS

3. Self addressed, stamped, letter size envelope (4 inches x 9 ½, not check size)

4. Photos of all items, minimum of 3 photos, (1 of overall booth appearance if available)

**applications missing any of the above items will not be processed**


For questions please call 513-348-0948 before 8 pm or email:


Date App Recd:______Booth Fee Check#:______Amount: ______

Processed Date: ______Electric Check#: ______Amount:______