Course Name Syllabus
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Approved: XXXX
Contact Information
Name / Position / Phone/Pager / emailInsert director here / Director
Insert co-director here if applicable
Insert coordinator here / Coordinator
Course Information
Brief Description of Course
Add a paragraph that describes your Course
Course Goals
As a result of successfully completing XXX: **Ideally you should have 4-6 goals
- Students will be able to …
- Students will be able to …
- Students will be able to …
- Students will be able to …
- Students will be able to …
Course FormatSchedule
Dates of the course, times/days of the week, and hours worked/week.
Educational and Instructional Modalities
As an example…
10% didactic, 70% clinic time, 10% small group
Role of the Student in this Course
As an example for Clinical Elective:
Outpatient Clinics: Students on the outpatient services are expected to see clinic patients independently prior to the preceptor. For each patient visit the student should obtain a relevant history, perform a pertinent physical examination, retrieve clinical information from the electronic medical record and other sources, present the patient to the clinic preceptor, finalize the visit with the preceptor and patient, enter orders for additional diagnostic testing or therapies, write medication prescriptions, and construct a clinical encounter note in the student section of the EMR. Additionally, students should offer to conduct phone follow-ups with patients.
Inpatient Service: Students on the inpatient services are expected to follow a maximum of X patients at a time. For each new patient the student should obtain an admission history and physical examination, retrieve clinical information from the electronic medical record and other sources, present the patient to the supervising resident and preceptor, finalize the admission plans with the supervising resident or preceptor and patient, enter admission orders for additional diagnostic testing or therapies, and enter the admission History and Physical in the student section of the EMR. Each day the student should pre-round on his/her panel of patients (i.e. gather interval history and data, perform a focused physical examination, present the patient during rounds, enter new orders, and construct a daily progress note).
Required Textbook(s)/Readings
If you are using a required textbook include the following information:
Book Title + ISBN / Author/Publisher/Edition / Appx CostAdditional Resources
Limit to a manageable number of high impact resources.
Assessment Grading
Preceptor Evaluations
For Clinical Courses: This Clinical Courses employs a preceptor evaluation which contributes to the student’s overall course grade.
Assessments – Complete the table with all assessments in the rotation
Assessment/Assignment / Due Date / Weight towards Final GradePreceptor Evaluations
Grading System
Students will receive a final letter grade of PASS (P), or FAIL (F) for this course.
PASS: A student who achieves the criteria will be assigned a grade of PASS for the course.
FAIL: A student who fails to achieve the criteria for PASS will be assigned a grade of FAIL for the course.
Student Feedback
Student feedback is important and helps identify opportunities to improve the course.
At the conclusion of each course, clerkship or rotation medical students are required to complete a summative evaluation. Evaluations are completed electronically and remain confidential.
Standard Policies
Please refer to the Student Handbook (on the Student Affair’s website) for these policies:
Addressing Sexual Misconduct
Attendance policy
Dress Code
Examination and Grading Policies
Grade or Score Appeal
Professionalism, Roles & Responsibilities
Center for Disability & Access Services
The University of Utah seeks to provide equal access to its programs, services and activities for people with disabilities. If you will need accommodations in the class, reasonable prior notice needs to be given to the Center for Disability and Access, 162 Olpin Union Building, 581-5020 (V/TDD). Staff of the Center for Disability and Access will work with you and the instructor to make arrangements for accommodations. All written information in this course can be made available in alternative format with prior notification to the Center for Disability and Access.
The Senior Director of the Academic Success Program, Dr. Steven Baumann (1C047B SOM Dean’s Office, 587-3671, or ( ), serves as the liaison between the School of Medicine and the Center for Disability and Access.