Staff Handbook
Adopted 2015
Date for Review: Jan 2016
Love of God, love of others,
love of learning.
Caru Duw, caru pawb, caru dysu.
At Knighton C in W Primary School we value the positive relationships between colleagues; all staff have an important role to play in making our school a welcoming, nurturing and positive place in which to teach and learn.
This document should provide you with all necessary information about school procedures. Please ask if you need further explanation about anything or if you think there is information missing.
Section 1:
Ethos and values
At Knighton we place great importance on:
- the development of the whole child
- valuing everyone
- the power of positive encouragement
- building self-esteem
- providing a broad-based, stimulating and connected curriculum
- developing problem solving
- developing literacy and numeracy skills
- building a positive home-school partnership for every child
- equal opportunities in work and play
- positive transition
- aesthetic, cultural and creative understanding
- a healthy and sustainable future for our pupils and the world
- our Welsh heritage and language
- spiritual and religious awareness
- positive links with the community
The role of the staff
At Knighton we believe that pupils do best when staff:
- feel happy, secure and valued
- work together as a team and model positive, caring relationships
- have a real commitment to teaching and learning and shared professionalism; supporting each other at all times
- work positively with all parents
- are reflective and adaptive
- develop a culture of inclusion in and out of the classroom
Core values of the teaching profession
- At Knighton we adhere at all times to high standards of professional conduct as outlined in the professional standards that currently apply in Wales for support staff, teachers and headteachers.
Staff conduct and appearance
Staff are responsible for maintaining the confidence and respect of their peers, pupils and the wider community by:
- behaving in and out of school in a way that does not compromise their position or the reputation of the school
- not bringing unsuitable material in to school
- not posting anything on social media sites that compromises themselves or the school (follow revised code of conduct from GTCW)
- being clean and tidy and appropriately dressed
Staff must be aware of the confidential and sensitive nature of their role:
- avoid discussing a child when other parents are within earshot
- avoid discussing a child negatively with other staff when the child or other children are within earshot
- only share information about a child on a ‘need to know’ basis
- avoid discussing children outside school
- keep all records about children in a secure place at all times and not off-site other than on security-protected school equipment
Section 2:
Child protection and safeguarding
All staff must read and sign the child protection policy and the safeguarding policy.
If a child discloses to you:
- CPOs are Mrs Strong and Ms Turner-Taylor
- speak to the child out of earshot but not out of sight of other adults
- reassure the child and let them understand that they have done the right thing and that they can talk to you again at any time
- do not promise to keep the information secret
- as soon as possible record and date what has been said and give this to a CPO ASAP and before the end of the school day
- do not discuss the matter with anyone else
- if you are distressed by the experience talk to Mrs Strong
Building safety
- do not leave a door open and unattended; wear your door fob and identification at all times
- sign in and out of the building and ask visitors to do so (unless they are attending the Christmas production or parents’/carers’ evening when everyone is in the hall)
- accompany any visitor without DBS check at all times
- politely challenge anyone without identification
- make sure all visitors wear an identification badge (unless…see above)
Safer code of conduct
- all governors, staff and volunteers have a duty to keep pupils and themselves safe from physical and emotional harm
- they must feel able to raise child protection issues in relation to any adult and be protected by legislation if they need to ‘whistleblow’
- staff must be registered with the GTCW and comply with the Code of Professional Conduct and Practice for Registered Teachers and the Statement of Professional Values and Practice (see
Physical contact and personal privacy
- any physical contact with pupilsmust be appropriate to a member of staff’s professional role
- any intimate care must be carried out discreetly but not by a single member of staff in a room with a closed door ie it must be discreetly monitored by another member of staff.
Behaviour management and physical intervention
Corporal punishment is unlawful and no staff should use any form of degrading punishment to punish a pupil. Team teach training should be followed in a situation where restraint is needed. Any teacher who thinks they have a pupil who may need physical intervention should write a behaviour plan for that pupil, with the aim of avoiding such situations arising, and give it to Mrs Strong.
Staff may only legitimately physically intervene with a pupil to prevent them from:
- committing a criminal offence
- injuring themselves or others
- causing damage to property
- engaging in behaviour prejudicial to good order
- to maintain good order and discipline
One-to-one situations
These should not be held in a secluded place and the door should be left open. Meetings away from school are not advised.
Administrating medicine
Parents should go to the office and fill out a form so that office staff can do this. No medicines other than asthma inhalers should be kept in classrooms. Parents are responsible for checking that medicine is within date. In an emergency, all staff are expected to assist a child, which may include administrating medicine.
If a child has any kind of injury the ‘bump procedure’
must be followed in full. A flow diagram which outlines this procedure can be found in the office and above the first aid station opposite the hall. It is the member of staff who witnessed the accident who must follow procedure and complete the paperwork,and phone call home if the injury is not minor, before the end of the school day.
Transporting pupils
- where possible professional drivers to be used
- in exceptional circumstances where this is not possible, adults to be sure their vehicle meets all legal requirements, is roadworthy and appropriately insured. Car seats must be used if height of child requires this.
Photos and videos
- consent form on entry to school must be completed by parents/carers before photos can be taken and displayed
- use a school camera
- be clear about purpose of photo and how long it will be stored
- do not distribute images without consent of guardian
Internet use and electronic communication
On social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter:
- staff should not have pupils as ‘friends’ or discuss school matters
- exercise professional caution if you have parents as friends
- any bullying should be reported to AHT ASAP
- refer to GTCW guidelines
Staff safety
You have a duty to act to ensure your own and others’ safety at work by:
- reporting health and safety concerns to H&S officer (M Strong)
- not leaving a colleague alone in a threatening situation
- reporting such situations to AHT or Chair of Governors
Section 3: school organisation
NB: no pupil should be left alone and unattended during the school day. Staff must take care to check that pupils who are alone for short periods of time, eg to go to the toilet, have returned to class in the expected period of time.
School day
8.40am: playground gate is unlocked. Breakfast Club staff are on duty
8.50am: teaching staff meet pupils on playground and walk them in to class
9.00am: registration (unexplained absences require office to ring home by 9.30am)
9.10-930am: office staff check with teaching staff if phone calls home are needed to ask parents/carers for PE kit, reading books etc
10.30: break
10.45am: teaching staff meet pupils on playground and walk them in to class
12 noon: Foundation phase classes are collected for lunch by MDS
12.15pm: KS2 classes go out to lunch play/ lunch
1.00pm: teaching staff meet pupils on playground and walk them in to class
2.30-2.45pm: Foundation Phase break (and KS2 on Thursdays)
3.15pm: end of school day
Collective worship
Please ensure classes arrive on time so that following sessions can start on time.
Monday: 2.10- 2.30pm whole school collective worship, one member of teaching staff from each key stage to attend
Tuesday: FP hymns and prayer, KS2 individual class worship
Wednesday: KS2 hymns and prayer, FP celebration
Thursday: 2.45-3.05pm: whole school collective worship, all staff
Friday: 9.10-940am: whole school collective worship (rewards and class assemblies) all staff
This legal document must be completed at start of morning and afternoon sessions using Teacher Centre. Individual staff have their own passwords to access this.
Teaching staff will:
- follow codes as listed
- complete by 9.10am
- send notes explaining absence to office
- complete lunch registers and send record sheet along with any lunch money to the canteen
- expect pupils to participate in all activities if they are fit to attend school unless a doctor’s note suggests otherwise
The school office will:
- inform CPO if a pupil on the Child Protection register is absent for more than two days without explanation
- contact home by 9.30am if no explanation for absence has been received
- add pupils arriving late to the register, marked appropriately
- provide AHT with information regarding persistent absenteeism and lateness
- remind parents/carers of the need for daily phone calls during an absence unless a return date is agreed between the parent/carer and the office
The AHT will:
- follow the procedures for non-attendance as provided by ERW
- confirm if absences are authorised or unauthorised with the office
Non-teaching time supervision
- playtime duty rota displayed in staffroom
- duty staff to decide if playtime is inside due to weather and will inform staff in advance: duty staff to walk around all classrooms for their key stage and send to staffroom for any extra help needed or to office for first aid
- class teachers to organise activities for wet playtime
- senior mid-day supervisor and AHT (deputy in her absence) will be available to deal with behaviour issues at lunchtime
See appendix 1
School rules
- We do what the adults in school tell us to do (Just do it!).
- We keep our hands, our feet and other object to ourselves (Kind Hands).
- We are kind and respectful to everything one and everything (Kind Words and Actions).
When we make the right choice… / When we make the wrong choice…
1 / Verbal praise / Warning
2 / Stickers / 1 minute at break*
3 / House points / 5 minutes at break*
4 / Additional Responsibilities / Missing whole playtime
5 / certificates home / Missing several playtimes
6 / Memo/message home / Loss of privileges (i.e. back of the line)
7 / Stand up and tell the class / Memo/message home
8 / Class rewards / Sent to another teacher
9 / Golden Time / Re-location to another class
10 / Phone calls home / Sent to AHT
11 / Celebration assembly certificates / Letter home to Parents/carers
12 / Playground pals / Parents into school for a meeting
13 / Go tell/show another teacher / Behaviour plan written
14 / Go tell/show your Buddy class / Going on a daily report card
15 / Go tell/show the Head Teacher / Temporary exclusion
16 / Letters home / Permanent exclusion
*for repeated minor incidents minutes may accumulate up to a maximum of 1 minute for each year of the child’s age.
This is a broadly hierarchy of consequences. We always seek to give the smallest consequence possible, however very rarely a child will present such severe behaviour that a severe consequence will be required. At Knighton Primary we do not usually prescribe particular consequences to particular behaviours. The decision as to which consequence is appropriate will be a judgement call made by a member of staff who understands the child’s needs.
Discipline should be overwhelmingly positive and repeated problems lead to class teacher writing behaviour modification program and meeting with parents with AHT to support as needed.
- whole classes should never be punished; only those specific pupils disobeying school rules should receive consequences
- every new session should allow a pupil a fresh start
- pupils should never be referred to as ‘naughty’; focus should be placed on the behaviour being wrong rather than the child
- any class with a child who needs the chance to take time out should have a designated ‘safe zone’.
All staff have a duty to promote good behaviour in all pupils in all parts of the school.
If a member of staff needs support from other members of staff, the red triangle from that area of the school should be sent to the office.
All staff have the responsibility to deal with bullying. As part of PHSE sessions, pupils should discuss what bullying is and how to combat it. All pupils need to be reminded that, should they have a concern, they need to tell a member of staff who should pass the information on to AHT. Pupils are also told that they can go straight to AHT or write a message for the Guardian Angel box outside the office.
All concerns are taken seriously and worked through using our Guardian Angel scheme. This gives groups of pupils the opportunity and structure to solve their own disagreements. If a group fails to solve a problem after three meetings, the AHT contacts parents/carers concerned and staff take responsibility for improving the situation.
Educational visits
- all trips need to be cleared with the AHT well in advance
- consent forms from parents/carers must be completed and kept
- walks around town may be covered by consent form filled in as part of new parent/carer pack
- ratios of adults to children suitable for activity and age must be observed (see M Strong)
- specific risk assessments must be completed and read by all adults involved (Evolve)
- contact lists and office mobile, first aid kit and medication must be taken and overseen by named member of staff:asthma inhalers should be kept by pupils
Fire drill
Staff to read directions for their room as fixed to all doors and:
- follow procedure as listed and practised in termly fire drill
- ensure that an up-to-date list of pupils with hearing impairment, or other conditions that might make evacuation difficult, have a named adult to check they leave with the other pupils
- in the classroom display should reflect the current topic
- displays in the corridor can be left for a year
- literacy and numeracy across the curriculum should form an important part of all displays
- examples of three ability levels of work should be included using colour code: LA green; A blue; HA red
- copies are kept in office
- all staff should read these before they go home
- other letters home should be checked by AHT
Pupil dress code
- follow uniform requirements as in prospectus
- earrings restricted to studs only: these covered with tape for PE
- no other jewellery to be worn
- nail varnish to be discouraged
- encourage long hair to be tied back for PE/swimming
Staff absence/lateness
- contact AHT/deputy/Sarah as soon as possible, ideally before 7.30am
- indicate possible length of absence
- complete self-certification form by end of first day back if absence is no more than 1 week
- doctor’s certificate is required for more than a week’s absence
- see Special Leave of Absence policy for term-time leave of absence procedures
- all teaching staff are expected to attend INSET days
Transfer of records
- pupil records must be sent within 15 working days
- office staff to post records and complete ‘common transfer form’ online
- do not leave valuables unattended
- discourage pupils from bringing personal items into school
- any valuable items brought in should be sent to office for safekeeping
Planning and record keeping
- follow planning format for the key stage (see key stage co-ordinators)
- key stage coordinators to provide AHT with long-term and medium-term plans
- planning and a set of books to be handed in to AHT office weekly, for Monday after school SMT meeting
- all test results must be inputted on to system and tracking documents updated termly (see deputy head). Meetings to set individual pupil targets will be held in autumn term. Following termly update of tracking documents, meetings will be held between AHT and deputy and teaching staff to review targets
Supply teachers
- teaching staff to leave planning, lists of groups of pupils, and outline of day (this should be in easily accessible planning folder) for supply staff- ideally this should be e-mailed in advance where possible
- teaching staff to ensure list of medical and behavioural issues is available for supply staff
- supply staff are expected to mark work to match school marking policy (see AHT or deputy)
- if teaching staff are concerned that they are not getting the correct amount of non-contact time they should talk to AHT
- PPA time should be spent on activities directly linked to improving teaching and learning
- amounts vary depending on age and ability of pupil
- tasks should be related to class work and be accessible by all pupils
- see Homework policy
- no unsupervised outside door should be left open or unlacked
- any pupils working outside must be supervised
- identification and key fobs should be worn by all staff at all times
- Breakfast Club staff open front gate in the morning at 8.40am, designated office staff/teaching assistants lock them at 9.15am and designated office staff/teaching assistant open them at 3.05pm
- pupils who are late enter via main entrance with parent/carer and sign in
- all visitors and parents/carers sign in and out of the building
Health and Safety