ADOPTED 09-28-1984

REVISED: 06/27/2016, 02/14/1998, 09/10/1994, 09/11/1993, 02/15/1992, 04/07/1989


The name of the organization shall be “Louisiana Taxidermists Association”, sometimes referred to as LTA, a non-profit organization.


To promote the high standards in the art of taxidermy and to strive to produce high quality work with the exchange of ideas among taxidermists.

To foster understanding in the general public about the field of taxidermy and other related outdoor sports industries.

To assist members of the LTA and the general public in their understanding of the federal and state fish and game laws.

To monitor state legislative action that could affect the field of taxidermy and related outdoor sports.

It will be the object of the LTA to assist, in any way possible, the conservation of all our natural resources for future generations.

To engage in such other civic, charitable, educational and business activities that the LTA shall deem necessary.


Member Definition: A person who has paid his/her general membership dues in full, and is ethically pursuing the practice of taxidermy, whether full or part time. (Rev. 02/14/1998)

Class of Members: Professional, Amateur, and Associate

Professional – A professional taxidermist is a person who is practicing taxidermy and is receiving remuneration for his/her work.

Amateur – An amateur taxidermist is a person who is practicing taxidermy and not receiving remuneration for his/her work.

Associate – A person who is involved in fields related to taxidermy

Member Voting Rights: Each active member in attendance shall have the right to vote on all matters affecting the operations of the LTA, which shall be properly presented for their consideration at duly constituted meetings of the LTA. Each primary member and/or spouse in attendance shall have one vote each. (Rev. 02/14/1998)

Dues: The association membership dues shall be from January 1 through December 31. The general membership dues will include immediate family members. Then for each child that will be participating in the competition, under the age of 17, will need to pay the child member fee. (Rev. 02/10/2015)

The LTA is an affiliate of the NTA.

Ethical Standards:

#1. All members are required to maintain ethical practices adopted by the LTA. Members not in compliance with the by-laws of the LTA will be submitted, upon investigation, to the general membership for a vote of expulsion.

#2. At no time will a member be allowed to address another member in a disrespectful way in any LTA event. All members shall refrain from attacking another member or taxidermy business, all personal and private matters need to be discussed outside of any LTA facility/event. (Rev. 01/04/2016)

#3. The conviction of any crime, by a board member, will be reviewed by the board of directors and disciplinary action will be decided by a majority vote. (Rev. 01/04/2016)

#4. All members will be treated equally. (Rev. 01/04/2016)

#5. No member shall be allowed to sue its association or its officers for any reason.

Honorary Members: Any person shall be eligible, with board approval, to become an honorary member, but shall have no rights or privileges of any character by reason thereof.


The elective officers of the association shall consist of the president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, and seven (7) board members.

#1. The president shall be the chief executive of the LTA. He/she shall preside at all LTA meetings and shall perform such other duties as may be specified from time to time by the membership. Historian, parliamentarian, and public relations person shall be appointed annually by the president.

#2. The vice president shall assume the duties of the presidency in the absence of the president and shall perform such other duties as may be specified from time to time by the membership.

#3. The secretary shall have custody of all other property and records of the LTA except as specified. He/she shall take accurate minutes of all meetings of the board of directors, as well as all membership meetings. The secretary shall perform such other duties as may be specified from time to time by the membership. All records of the secretary are property of the LTA and should be retained for a minimum of five (5) years. All records shall be passed on to the incoming secretary. (Rev. 02/14/1998)

#4. The treasurer, also a taken position by the secretary whenever needed, shall have custody of the funds of the association. He/she shall deposit all assets in the name and to the credit of the LTA. He/she shall disburse the funds of the LTA, take proper vouchers therefrom, and render to the LTA such reports as they shall prescribe. The treasurer shall be bonded for the faithful performance of his/her duties. All books, records, and vouchers shall be open to the inspection of any member. The treasurer shall, at least once a year, and whenever requested by the association, render a full and entailed account of all receipts and expenditures, and submit a schedule showing the financial status of the LTA and any changes, if any, since the last report. All records of the treasurer are the property of the LTA and should be retained for a minimum of five (5) years. (Rev. 02/14/1998)

#5. The board shall consist of eight (8) board members, seven (7) by elections and the eighth shall be the immediate past president of the association. The board members shall be direct representatives of the membership at all board of director meetings. They shall be appointed by the president to chair committees and to assist in the assimilation of material for the association. They shall keep abreast of changes occurring in the industry. And any officer or board member who fails to attend two (2) consecutive meetings, will be reviewed for possible removal from their position. (Rev. 02/14/1998)


The incumbent president shall automatically become a member of the board of directors for the duration of the new president’s term.


#1. It is required that a nominee for the office of president be on the residing board of directors, or have served on the board in the past and is a member in good standing at the time of his/her nomination.

#2. Nominations and elections will be held at the membership meeting in the banquet room of the convention/competition each year.


Any officer or board member of the association may be removed at any time, with just cause, through a special meeting called by the president, by a vote of two-thirds (2/3rds) of the membership present. Notification will be made by the president.


Any vacancy in any office of the association may be filled for the unexpired portion of the term by majority vote of the association present at a meeting. If such vacancy occurs between meetings, the president or (if the vacancy occurs in the office of the president) the vice president may appoint a successor to serve in such office until the next meeting of the association. If any officer is absent or unable to perform his/her duties, the association may delegate his/her powers and duties, during the period of such absence or disability to another person. Said powers and duties shall be carried out by the appointee until the next meeting of the association.


Any officer or board member may resign his/her office at any time by giving written notice thereof to the secretary. The resignation shall become effective upon the date specified herein, or if no date is specified, upon receipt thereof by the secretary. Acceptance shall not be necessary to render the resignation effective.


The board of directors shall consist of seven (7) board members. The property, business, and affairs of the LTA shall be under the direction and control of the board of directors.


Meetings: All meetings shall have a sign in sheet, and must be signed by all attending members. Meetings will also be recorded and conducted according to all rules of order. (Rev. 01/14/2016)

A sergeant at arms will be appointed from the current sitting board members to make sure order is maintained and carried out until the end of their term. (Rev. 01/14/2016)

If a problem occurs during a meeting, it will be solved at that same meeting. (Rev. 01/14/2016)

At no time will a member be allowed to address another member in a negative manner in any of the LTA meetings. The object of the conversation can be discussed, but not the person. (Rev. 01/14/2016)

Meetings will not be restricted to the number of members in attendance. (Rev. 01/14/2016)

If you have any suggestions, please address them during the comments portion of the meeting so the changes can be voted on by the association. (Rev. 01/14/2016)

Meeting Dates: There will be a minimum of three (3) meetings per year. Spring, summer and fall. Special meetings may be called by the president when deemed necessary.

Meeting Place: The meeting shall be held at such a place and hour as the board of directors shall determine. (Rev. 02/14/1998)

Competition: The annual competition for the members of the LTA shall be held at such a place and time as the board of directors shall determine. Competitions shall be governed by competition rules set by the board of directors.


The fiscal year of the LTA shall be from the first day of January through the last day of December of each year.


By-laws may be amended by affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3rds) of the membership present at any regularly scheduled meeting or special membership meeting called by the president. Notification in writing must be presented to membership at least 30 days prior to meeting. (Rev. 02/14/1998)


A membership directory of all LTA members can be requested by any member of the association, contact the secretary for a copy of the directory.