Family / Species / ndhF / PHYA
Akaniabidwillii (Hogg.) Mabb. / HM120260 / HM120316
BretschneiderasinesisHemsl. / AY483247 / -
Batismaritima L. / AY122403 / -
Aethionemasaxatile (L.) R. Br. / DQ288726 / EU915077
Alliariapetiolata (M. Bieb.) Cavara & Grande / DQ288727 / EU915078
Alyssum linifloliumSteph. exWilld. / - / EU915080
Anelsoniaeurycarapa (A. Gray) J. F. Macbr. & Payson / DQ288729 / -
Arabidopsis halleri (L.) O'Kane & Al-Shehbaz / HM120261 / HM120295
Arabidopsis lyrata (L.) O'Kane & Al-Shehbaz / DQ288730 / HM120296
Arabidopsis neglecta (Schult.) O'Kane & Al-Shehbaz / HM120262 / HM120297
Arabidopsis thalianaecotype Col (L.) Heynh. / AP000423 / EU915082
Arabidopsis thaliana ecotype Tsu (L.) Heynh. / HM120262 / HM138769
Arabisalpina L. / DQ288731 / EU915083
Armoraciarusticana G. Gaertn., B. Mey. & Scherb. / - / AB036762
Astaschaffneri (S. Wats.) O. E. Schulz / DQ288733 / EU915084
Aubrietadeltoidea (L.) DC. / DQ288734 / EU915085
AubrietaparvifloraBoiss. / DQ288735 / EU915086
Baimashaniapulvinata Al-Shehbaz / DQ288736 / EU915087
Barbareavulgaris R. Br. / DQ288737 / EU915088
Biscutellaauriculata L. / HM120264 / HM120298
Biscutelladidyma L. / DQ288738 / EU915089
Boecheralaevigata (Muhl. ex. Willd.) Al-Shehbaz / DQ288739 / -
Boecheraplatysperma (A. Gray) Al-Shehbaz / DQ288740 / EU915090
Boecherashortii (Fernald) Al-Shehbaz / DQ288741 / EU915091
Brassicaoleracea L. / DQ288742 / EU915092, EU915093
Brayarosea Bunge / DQ288743 / -
Buniasorientalis L. / DQ288744 / EU915094
CakilemaritimaScop. / DQ288745 / EU915095
Camelina alyssumThell. / HM120265 / HM120299
CamelinahispidaBoiss. / HM120266 / HM120300
Camelinalaxa C. A. Mey. / HM120267 / HM126546
CamelinamicrocarpaAndrz. ex DC. / HM120268 / EU915096
Camelina sativa (L.) Crantz / DQ288746 / HM120301
Capsella bursa-pastoris (L.) Medik. / HM120269 / EU915097
Capsella rubellaReut. / HM120270 / HM120302
Cardaminehirsuta L. / HM120271 / HM120303
Cardaminepulchella (Hook. f. & Thoms.) Al-Shehbaz & G. Yang / DQ288749 / EU915098
Cardaminerhomboidea DC. / HM120272 / HM120304
Catolobuspendula (L.) Al-Shehbaz / DQ288732 / EU915099
Caulanthuscrassicaulis (Torr.) S. Wats. / DQ288750 / EU915100, EU915101
ChalcanthusrenifoliusBoiss. / DQ288752 / EU915102
Chorisporatenella (Pallas) DC. / DQ288753 / EU915103
ChristoleacrassifoliaCambes. / DQ288754 / EU915104
Cochleariadanica L. / HM120273 / HM120307
ClypeolaasperaTurrill / - / EU915105
Coincyasp. Rouy / - / HM126545
ConringiapersicaBoiss. / DQ288756 / EU915106
CremolobussubscandensKuntze / DQ288757 / EU915107
Crucihimalayahimalaica (Edgew.) Al-Shehbaz ,O'KaneR.A.Price / HM120274 / HM120308
Crucihimalayalasiocarpa (Hook.f. & Thomson) Al-Shehbaz ,O'KaneR.A.Price / HM120275 / HM120309
Crucihimalayawallichii (Hook.f. & Thomson) Al-Shehbaz ,O'KaneR.A.Price / HM120276 / HM120310
Cusickiellaquadricostata (Rollins) Rollins / DQ288758 / EU915108
Descurainiasophia (L.) Webb / DQ288759 / EU915109
Desiderialinearis (N. Busch) Al-Shehbaz / DQ288760 / EU915110
Dilophia salsaThoms. / DQ288761 / EU915111
Dimorphocarpawislizenii (Englem.) Rollins / DQ288763 / EU915112
DiptychocarpusstrictusTrautv. / DQ288762 / -
Dontostemonsenilis Maxim. / DQ288764 / EU915113
Drabaaltaica Bunge / DQ288765 / -
Erysimumcapitatum (Douglas ex Hook.) Greene / DQ288766 / EU915114
Erysimumcheiranthoides L. / HM120277 / HM120291
ErysimumcheiriCrantz / HM120278 / HM120292
Erysimumlinifolium (Nutt.) M. E. Jones / HM120279 / HM120293
ErysimumperofskianumFisch. & C. A. Mey. / HM120280 / HM120294
Euclidiumsyriacum (L.) R. Br. / DQ288767 / EU915115
Eutremaaltaicum (C. A. Mey.) Al-Shehbaz & Warwick / DQ288836 / EU915116
Eutremaheterophyllum (W. W. Sm.) H. Hara / DQ288768 / EU915117
Exhalimolobosweddellii (Griseb.) Al-Shehbaz & C. D. Bailey / DQ288773 / EU915118
FarsetiaaegyptiacaDesv. / DQ288769 / EU915119
Fibigiasuffruticosa Sweet / - / EU915120
Goldbachialaevigata (M. Bieb.) DC. / DQ288771 / EU915121
GraellsiasaxifragaefoliaBoiss. / DQ288772 / -
Heliophila sp. Burm. f. ex L. / DQ288775 / EU915122
Hesperidanthusjaegeri (Rollins) Al-Shehbaz / DQ288751 / EU915123
Hesperidanthussuffrutescens (Rollins) Al-Shehbaz / DQ288770 / EU915124, EU915125
Hesperismatronalis L. / DQ288776 / EU915126
Hesperis sp. nov. Al-Shehbaz / DQ288777 / EU915127
Hirschfeldiaincana (L.) Lagr.- Foss. / DQ288778 / EU915128, EU915129
Hornungiaprocumbens (L.) Hayek / DQ288779 / EU915130
Ianhedgeaminutiflora (Hook. f. & Thoms.) Al-Shehbaz & O'Kane / DQ288780 / EU915131
Iberissempervirens L. / DQ288781 / -
Iberisumbellata L. / HM120281 / -
Idahoascapigera (Hook.) A. Nelson & J. F. Macbr. / DQ288782, DQ288783 / EU915132, EU915133
Iodanthuspinnatifidus (Michx.) Steudel / DQ288784 / EU915134
IonopsidiumacauleRchb. / DQ288785 / -
Isatistinctoria L. / DQ288786 / EU915135
Leavenworthiacrassa Rollins / DQ288787 / -
Leiosporaeriocalyx (RegelSchmalh.) F. Dvorak / DQ288788 / EU915136
Lepidiumalyssoides A. Gray / DQ288789 / EU915137
Lepidiumdraba L. / DQ288790 / EU915138
Lobulariamaritima (L.) Desv. / DQ288791 / -
Lunariaannua L. / DQ288792 / EU915139
MancoahispidaWedd. / DQ288794 / EU915140
Matthiolafarinosa Bunge ex Boiss. / DQ288796 / EU915141
MatthiolaintegrifoliaKom. / DQ288795 / EU915142
Menonvilleahookeri Rollins / DQ288797 / -
MorieraspinosaBoiss. / DQ288798 / EU915143
Mostacillastrumorbignyanum (E. Fournier) Al-Shehbaz / DQ288799 / EU915144, EU915145
Myagrumperfoliatum L. / DQ288800 / EU915146
Nasturtium officinale R. Br. / DQ288801 / -
Neotorulariakorolkowii (RegelSchmalh.) Hedge & J. Léonard / DQ288803 / EU915147
Nerisyreniajohnstonii J. D. Bacon / EU907362 / EU915148
Nesliapaniculata (L.) Desv. / HM120282 / HM120311
Neuontobotryselloanensis Al-Shehbaz / DQ288802 / EU915149, EU915150
Neuontobotrysfrutescens (Gill. ex Hook. & Arn.) Al-Shehbaz / DQ288827 / EU915151, EU915152
Nevada holmgrenii (Rollins) N. H. Holmgren / DQ288829 / EU915153
Noccaeacochleariforme (DC.) A. Löve & D. Löve / DQ288804 / EU915154
Noccaea sp. 1 Moench / DQ288805 / EU915155
Noccaea sp. 2 Moench / DQ288806 / EU915156
Olimarabidopsiscabulica (Hook.f. & Thomson) Al-Shehbaz ,O'Kane & R. A. Price / HM120283 / HM120312
Olimarabidopsispumila (Stephan) Al-Shehbaz, O'Kane & R. A. Price / HM120284 / EU915157
OreolomaviolaceumBotsch. / DQ288808 / EU915158
Pachycladon exile (Heenan) Heenan & A. D. Mitch. / HM120285 / HM120313
Pachycladon novae-zelandiaeHook.f. / HM120286 / HM120314
Pachycladonstellatum (Allan) Heenan & A. D. Mitch. / HM120287 / HM120305
ParlatoriarostrataBoiss. & Hohen. / DQ288809 / -
Pennelliabrachycarpa Beilstein & Al-Shehbaz / DQ288811 / EU915159
Pennellialongifolia (Benth.) Rollins / DQ288810 / -
Phoenicaulischeiranthoides Nutt. / DQ288812 / -
Physaria floribundaRydb. / DQ288813 / EU915160
Physariarosei (Rollins) O'Kane & Al-Shehbaz / EU907363 / EU915161
Planodesvirginicum Greene / DQ288814 / EU915162
Polycteniumfremontii (S. Wats.) Greene / DQ288816 / EU915164
PseudocamelinacampylopodaBornm. & Gauba ex Bornm. / DQ288817 / EU915165
Ptilotrichumcanescens DC. / DQ288728 / EU915079
Rhammatophyllumerysimoides (Kar. & Kir.) Al-Shehbaz & O. Appel / DQ288818 / EU915166
Robeschiaschimperii O. E. Schulz / - / EU915167
Romanschulzia sp. O. E. Schulz / DQ288819 / EU915168, EU915169
Schizopetalonrupestre (Barn.) Reiche / HM120288 / EU915170
Schizopetalonwalkeri Sims. / HM120289 / HM120315
Shangrilaia nana Al-Shehbaz, J. P. YueH.Sun / DQ288823 / EU915171
Sisymbriopsismollipila (Maxim.) Botsch. / DQ288824 / EU915172
Sisymbriopsisyechengnica (C. H. An) Al-Shehbaz, C. H. An & G. Yang / DQ288825 / EU915173, EU915174
Sisymbriumaltissimum L. / DQ288826 / EU915175
Sisymbriumlinifolium Nutt. / DQ288821 / EU915176
SmelowskiaannuaRupr. / DQ288831 / EU915177
Smelowskiacalycina (Stephan ex Willd.) C. A. Mey / DQ288828 / EU915178
Smelowskiatibetica (Thomson) Lipsky / DQ288774 / EU915179
Solms-laubachiazhongdianensis J. P. Yue, Al-Shehbaz & H. Sun / DQ288830 / EU915180
Stanleyapinnata (Pursh) Britton / DQ288832 / EU915181, EU915182
Stenopetalumnutans F. Muell. / DQ288833 / -
Sterigmostemumacanthocarpum (Fisch. & C. A. Mey.) Kuntze / DQ288834 / -
Streptanthussquamiformis Goodman / DQ288835 / EU915183
Strigosellaafricana (L.) Botsch. / DQ288793 / EU915184
Synthlipsisgreggii A. Gray / EU907365 / EU915185
TetracmepamiricaVassilcz. / DQ288837 / EU915186
Thelypodiumlaciniatum (Hook.) Endl. / DQ288838 / EU915187, EU915188
Thlaspiarvense L. / DQ288839 / EU915189
Turritisglabra L. / DQ288840 / EU915190
Apophyllumanomalum F. Muell. / AY122356 / -
CapparishastataJacq. / AY122366 / -
Cratevapalmeri Rose / AY122370 / HM120317
Maeruakirkii (Oliv.) F. White / AY122378 / -
Carica papaya L. / AY483248 / DS981656
Cleome hasslerianaChodat / - / HM120306
Cleome pilosaBenth. / AY122385 / -
Cleome viridifoliaSchreb. / AY122386 / -
Podandrogynechriquensis (Standl.) Woodson / AY122393 / -
Polanisiadodecandra (L.) DC. / AY483270 / EU915163
WislizeniarefractaEngelm. / AY122391 / HM120324
Emblingiacalceoliflora F. Muell. / AY483256 / -
Gyrostemon sp. / AY483252 / -
Gyrostemontepperi (F. Muell. ex. H. Walter) A. S. George / AY483253 / HM120318
Tersoniacyathiflora (Fenzl) A.S.George / AF122404 / -
KoeberliniaspinosaZucc. / AY483249 / HM120319
Moringaoleifera Lam. / AY122405 / HM120320
PentadiplandrabrazzeanaBaill. / AY483254 / -
Oligomerislinifolia MacBride / AY483255 / -
OchradenusbaccatusDelile / HM120290 / HM120321
Reseda lutea L. / AY122406 / -
Tovariapendula Ruiz. & Pav. / AY122407 / HM120322
Tropaeolummajus L. / AY122408 / HM120323
Anomolous Genera
ForchhammeriapallidaLiebmann / AY122381 / -
ForchhammeriasessilifoliaStandl. / AY483257 / -
Forchhammeria sp. nov. Standl. / AY483258 / -
ForchhammeriatrifoliataRadlkofer / AY483259 / -
Forchhammeriawatsonii Rose / AY483260 / -
Tiraniapurpurea Pierre / AY483261 / -
Malvales: Malvaceae (outgroup)
GossypiumgossypioidesStandl. / AF520732 / -
Table S2. Familes and species sampled in this study with GenBank accession numbers. We follow the Angiosperm Phylogeny Website ( which includes Bretschneidera in Akaniaceae.