Louisiana standards and benchmarks for art education require that the students keep a journal/sketchpad. Each student should have art materials available at home to complete the weekly assignments. The date listed is for the “week of” and the work is checked in art class the following week. If there is a holiday on the day of class, the assignment is still to be completed and will be check on the next art class. The grades for the assignments reflect 20% of the nine weeks grade.
January 8: Create a rainbow pie-shaped color wheel. Include primary, secondary and intermediate colors. Use any art medium: crayon, colored pencil, cut paper, watercolor paint or marker. Use a circle that is the biggest you can make on the page.
January 15: Create an imaginary animal/creature that combines the features of two very different animals (i.e. part giraffe and part elephant; part fish and part bird) Use crayons and/or colored pencils. Make the creature as large as the page. Put the creature in its habitat/environment.
Art Sketchpad Assignments 3rd Nine Weeks 2017-2018January 22: Create a jungle drawing like the artist Henri Rousseau. Look at trees, plants and bushes outside. Create a page filled with these beautiful images of nature. Hide a monkey, a snake, and a person within this jungle. Be sure to show the sky and sun or a rainy day like the damp rain forest. Use any materials.
January 29: Design a rocket or space shuttle. Look at images on the Internet to help with your design. Make the spaceship in a beautiful sky with stars, clouds and other planets. Fill the page with color. Use crayons.
February 5: Create a Mardi Gras float that shows something that you like (i.e. princesses, animals, Star Wars, soccer, Saints). Make the float as large as the paper. Use markers to fill the page with color.
February 19: Create a drawing of a city. Make a variety of buildings that overlap. Add details to each building. Is the sky showing daytime or nighttime? Use crayons.
February 26: Use your first name as the center of a radial, patterned design. Use block or bubble letters to spell your name. Create a curved, looping line to create a circle/oval around it. Skip a space and create another circle/oval around the previous shape. This time use a jagged or zig-zag line. Fill with other shapes, add color; more lines and shapes until the space is filled. Radial means it revolves around a center. Use patterns and lots of color. Use markers and crayons.
March 5: Trace your hand either 3 or 4 times on the paper. Do not overlap. Decide what colors, not black or white, will fill the background. Fill each hand with patterns of black and white lines, shapes and patterns. Use markers or colored pencils.
March 12: Design 5 large, beautiful spring flowers. Make them overlap and fill the pages. Add greenery to fill in around the flowers. Use any art materials.
March 19: Free drawing…create anything that you enjoy drawing. Use any materials