2016 Summer Programs

Program 1:Introduction to Nordoff-Robbins Music Therapy: Foundations, Improvisational Resources and Clinical Applications

Mon-Fri, July 18 – July 22, 2016

Learning Objectives:

This five-day Specialty CMTE (30) will include:

1) Historical and philosophical foundations of the Nordoff-Robbins approach

2) Foundational and contemporary case studies

3) Musical resources and improvisational techniques

4) Clinical application with a range of clients

Areas of the CBMT Board Certification Domains addressed:principles and practices of the Nordoff-Robbins Model of Music Therapy (II.A.3.d, 4.e,f),improvisation as an investigative tool in assessment (I.B.1, 3 a-h, 7,11,12,13 a-d); improvisation as the primary mode of treatment (II.A.1.a,2. f,g,w,aa,aq,av,ba,bb,bc);

incorporating clients’ moment-to-moment responses—instrumental, vocal, physical, verbal and/or emotional—in goal-directed improvisation (II.A.5.o,q,z,aa,ac), andunderstanding clinical functions of various elements of music (II.A.5 a,c-f,h,n; IV.A.6)

Program 2: Clinical Improvisation in Nordoff-Robbins Music Therapy

Mon-Fri, July 25-29, 2016

Learning Objectives:

This five-day Specialty CMTE (30) will include:

1) Musical resources and techniques for improvising and composing for therapy

2) Clinical application with a range of clients

3) Large and small group music making

4) Supervisory feedback on participants’ current work.

Areas of the CBMT Board Certification Domains addressed:principles and practices of the Nordoff-Robbins Model of Music Therapy (II.A.3.d, 4.e,f),improvisation as an investigative tool in assessment (I.B.1, 3 a-h, 7,11,12,13 a-d); improvisation as the primary mode of treatment (II.A.1.a,2. f,g,w,aa,aq,av,ba,bb,bc);

incorporating clients’ moment-to-moment responses—instrumental, vocal, physical, verbal and/or emotional—in goal-directed improvisation (II.A.5.o,q,z,aa,ac), andunderstanding clinical functions of various elements of music (II.A.5 a,c-f,h,n; IV.A.6)

Program Prerequisites: The level of instruction presupposes the musical knowledge and ability to accompany oneself while singing; play scales and chord progressions in a variety of keys; basic understanding of chord structure & harmony; approx. five years of experience on one harmonic instrument, preferably piano or guitar. Improvisation skills not required! Please note: we welcome music therapy students and interested professionals as well.

Qualifications and Credentials: Instructors include Dr. Alan Turry, LCAT, MT-BC, Nordoff-Robbins Music Therapist, Managing Director, NR Center; Michele Ritholz, MA, LCAT, MT-BC, Nordoff-Robbins Music Therapist, Coordinator of Training, and Jacqueline Birnbaum, MA, LCAT, MT-BC, Nordoff-Robbins Music Therapist, Administrative Coordinator, and other NR Center Staff. For more info:www.steinhardt.nyu.edu/nordoffrobbins/staff

Schedule and Format: Each program is scheduled for Monday-Friday 9:30–4:30, with two hours of breaks each day. Format for “Introduction to NRMT” and “Clinical Improvisation in NRMT” includes lectures, clinical illustrations on DVD/videotape, experiential workshops, music making. For Clinical Improvisation, each day we will divide into small groups for individualized skill acquisition, supervision of participants’ clinical work and feedback by instructors. Classes are limited to 16 people.

Specialty CMTE Credits:30

Cost:$975 per program (includes $35 book fee; No scholarships available)


Program 1: Introduction to Nordoff-Robbins Music Therapy: Foundations, Improvisational Resources and Clinical Applications

Program 2: Clinical Improvisation in Nordoff-Robbins Music Therapy

Cancellation and Refund Policy:Enrollment is limited; if insufficient, the course will be canceled and all fees refunded. Your place in the course will be guaranteed if we receive payment in full by May 15, 2016. A 50% refund will be given for cancellations requested up until 30 days prior to the start date. No refunds will be given after 30 days prior to July 18 or July 25 start dates. Registered participants who cannot attend may send a substitute with prior notification.
Introduction to Nordoff-Robbins Music Therapy and Clinical Improvisation in Nordoff-Robbins Music Therapy are approved by the Certification Board for Music Therapists (CBMT) for 30 Specialty Continuing Music Therapy Education credits each. The Nordoff-Robbins Center for Music Therapy, #P-043, maintains responsibility for program quality and adherence to CBMT policies and criteria.

For more information on the Programs please contact:

The Nordoff-Robbins Center at (212) 998-5151 or write . You may send mail to Nordoff-Robbins Center for Music Therapy, NYU, 82 Washington Sq. East, 4th floor, New York, NY 10003.

For more information on Registration please contact:

Joshua Bailey

Special Programs Coordinator, NYU Steinhardt, Department of Music and Performing Arts Professions,

35 West 4th Street | 11th floor, room 1111, New York, NY


Housing:We can reserve NYU student housing as available, $85 single, $57 double occupancy per night. Indicate your interest on the enrollment form.

For info on hotels: http://www.nyu.edu/about/visitor-information/hotels.html

Comments from past participants:

"I should share just how grateful I was to spend the week with you all last summer. It was definitely the best professional opportunity I have had in many, many years of practice. As a pianist who for years has had trouble getting away from the music on the page, it improved my improvisation skills immensely. It also has given me so many concrete ways to help my interns improve their functional piano skills.
"It was one of the most useful CBMT courses that I have taken. (Instructors are) very sensitive to participants’ needs and willing to provide any info for professional growth."

“They were the lecturers I wish I’d had my entire scholastic life. Both of you (Turry and Ritholz) were so engaging and enthusiastic about every detail of what you were explaining and I can only describe it as hypnotic. I learnt more in those four days than I did my entire undergraduate degree and it’s down to you. This remains the finest educational experience of my life.”

Nordoff-Robbins Music Therapyis a clinically oriented, music-centered specialization applicable to many approaches in music therapy. Our training is unique in its comprehensive focus on the technical application of music, and the development of clinical/musical resources, especially improvisation. We offer a variety of opportunities for professional development: Nordoff-Robbins Certification training for professional music therapists, summer conference for Board-Certified therapists and educators, workshops for students, clinical supervision, and informational visits. r call 212-998-5151 to learn more about the Center’s programs.

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