Louisiana Department of Education
2012-2013 State Textbook Adoption Cycle
K-2 Mathematics and K-5 ELA/Literacy
Required Official Bid Sheets
1. Bid Authorization Form – includes signature of authorized company official and contact information of relevant persons
2. Bid Submission Form – includes student and teacher basals, ancillary materials, and free materials
3. Professional Learning Attachment – should describe and identify any and all professional learning activities that will be provided with the purchase of an individual basal and/or complete program and those services offered for a charge. (See requirements for 2012.)
Instructions for Official Bid Sheets
· No paper copies are required. All forms should be submitted electronically. Bid Authorization and Submission Forms must be submitted as Excel spreadsheets. As you decide how to list items, keep in mind that we will be using the filter and sort features of Excel.
· Signature of company official is required only on Bid Authorization Form. (Send Excel version and signed PDF version.)
· All titles should be included on the Bid Submission Form. Do not use multiple worksheets or files. Filename should be as follows:
o “Short Company Name.Authorization.MM-DD-YYYY.xls”
o “Short Company Name.Submission.MM-DD-YYYY.xls”
o “Short Company Name.ProfDev.MM-DD-YYYY.doc”
Bid Submission Form
· On the Bid Submission Form, first list student basals and then its related components in this order: teacher edition, ancillary materials, and free materials. For ancillary and free materials, indicate if it is primarily meant to be used by the student or the teacher.
· If multiple student basals are being submitted, list ancillary and free materials immediately after each related student basal. Sort student basals according to the grade level or subject.
· If a kit or package is listed as a student or teacher item, list the components together, with one composite ISBN and bid price. (List every item included in the kit or package with their ISBN’s. These may be listed and priced separately as Ancillary if desired.) This is primarily for inventory and tracking purposes for sales through our depository.
· Identify the grade level and specific subject or course that each title was designed for or recommended for use in. This shall coincide with your correlation and shall determine which committee will evaluate the materials.
· Excel will repeat the header rows at the top of each page. Do not duplicate the header or skip lines to the next page.
· Do not merge rows or cells in Excel; if additional space is required, wrap text.
· Do not change the column designations. (i.e. Column F shall always be for Copyright.)
· MSST: If no specification requirements exist due to the type of format, you may enter “None req.” for this field.
· Ancillary Materials
o Include the title of the associated basal.
o Include all items that schools may want or need to purchase separately.
o An ISBN and price must be provided for every item listed.
o If any kits, packages, boxes, or other multi-item resources are provided, there should be one ISBN and one price for the kit, package, or box, with every item to be included clearly identified and listed.
· Free Materials
o Include the title of the associated basal
o Include all items that will be provided to teachers or schools at no charge. Indicate exact terms. For example, do not say “1 per classroom set”; rather, say “1 per 25 SE’s.” Terms should be specified in appropriate column.
o An ISBN must be provided for every item listed.
o If any kits, packages, boxes, or other multi-item resources are provided, every item to be included must be clearly identified and listed.
o Publishers will have 60 days from the initial due date to make modifications to the free materials.
o Publishers do not have the flexibility to add items to their free offerings after the 60-day modification deadline.
· After the last row, type “End of Bid = Excel Row #____” to ensure that we capture your entire bid.
· Withdrawals, corrections, and revisions shall be made in the Excel document (Submission Form) and noted with strikethrough or red font. The filename should reflect the revision date (MM-DD-YYYY). Also, put the “Date of Edit” in the last column. (This also applies to the revised free materials submission.) All changes should be submitted electronically; do not mail paper copies. For changes requested after materials are approved, please also email Debbie Tullos ().
· ISBN column: Leave no blanks here—even if it means duplicating the previous row’s entry. We need each row to be clearly identified. If the item does not have its own ISBN, but is part of a package, then those items should be included in one row/cell. (This column may be left blank for Professional Learning.)
· Exact Title of Basal column: Leave no blanks here—even if it means duplicating the previous row’s entry. This allows us to tie ancillary and free items to their associated basal—even after the spreadsheet is filtered or sorted.
· Type of Submission column: Leave no blanks here.
o Instructions for Basals:
o Putting “B” in the column indicates that you intend that particular row to be bid as a stand-alone basal, which means it must be correlated to the Grade-Level Expectations and meet enough to be considered a stand-alone. If that’s not what is intended, then it needs to be bid as ancillary.
o For kits or multiple-item basals, the first row should be the “main title” of the basal, and the subsequent rows should list what is included in the “package” or “kit”, etc. In the column for “Type of Submission”, put a “B” for the first line and “Bd” for the subsequent lines (abbreviation for “basal detail”). This will enable me to filter out only the “B’s” to provide the committee members with a list of the basal titles for each publisher.
o Instructions for Ancillary and Free Items: For kits or multiple-item ancillary or free resources (teacher resource packages, etc.), the first row should be the “main title” of the materials, and the subsequent rows should list what is included in the “package” or “kit”, etc. In the column for “Type of Submission”, put “A” or “F” for the first row and “Ad” or “Fd” for the subsequent lines (abbreviation for “ancillary detail” and “free detail”). This will enable me to filter out the free materials to provide publishers with a list of everyone’s free list.
· SE or TE column: for the items listed as “Bd”, “Ad”, or “Fd”, leave the SE/TE column blank.
· Bid Price column: do not use dollar signs ($) or commas (,)
Professional Learning Attachment
If professional learning is included, type “See Attachment” on the last row of the bid submission form. In a separate attachment, include a detailed description of professional learning activities and services that will be provided to teachers and schools with the purchase of your materials. Include how and when they will be available. Include how and when they will be available and at what cost if any. Indicate the subject, grade level(s), and complete title. If no professional learning will be provided, submit the Bid Submission and indicate “None.” (There is no form; this document may be submitted as a Word document, pdf, etc.) (See requirements for 2012.)
Instructions for Official Bids page 1 of 3 rev. 2/2010