Head Teachers
Primary Schools and Academies /
Children and Families
School Access and ImprovementServing Vulnerable Groups Team
LH Box 6
Loxley House
Station Street
Tel: 0115 8764690
Fax: 0115 8763132
My Ref: / PJ/EAL
Your Ref:
Contact: / Parminder Johal
Email: / 0115- 87 64687
23rd September 2016
Dear Colleague
We would like to invite Primary EAL coordinators, designated staff and other interested colleagues working with pupils who use English as an additional language to the EAL Network meeting for this term which is to be held on 14th October 2016 from 1.15-3.15pm at Loxley House (1.18), Station Street, Nottingham.
The main theme for this meeting is:-
· EAL Proficiency Levels and the October Census
Following on from the last meeting and given that you will have just completed the census for the first time, it makes sense to reflect on any issues encountered. As EAL proficiency levels are new it will give us an opportunity to moderate pupil samples according to the criteria. Therefore, colleagues are requested to bring work samples/descriptions of a Yr2 pupil (this age was decided at our last meeting). We will then consider them with reference to Nottingham’s EAL Language Levels as well as the Proficiency levels. Deborah Korn, the SIMS coordinator will also be attending our meeting briefly to answer any questions regarding data input.
There will also be time to raise any other issues which colleagues wish to discuss and plan for the next meeting.
Colleagues are kindly reminded that there are no car parking facilities at Loxley House, however, there are car parks nearby and these premises may be easily reached by bus or tram and are within close proximity of the station.
If you are interested in participating in this network meeting, please return the reply slip below by post or e-mail to:
Azmah Aziz, School Access and Improvement, Serving Vulnerable Groups Team, 2nd Floor,
LH Box 6, Loxley House, Station Street, Nottingham NG2 3NG tel: 0115 87 64690
We look forward to seeing you.
Please return by Friday 30th September 2016.
Please note the date for our next meeting this year is:-
Friday 3rd February 2017
These meetings will be held at Loxley unless we receive offer from colleagues who are willing to suggest their schools as a venue.
Yours sincerely,
Parminder Johal
Achievement Consultant
Reply Slip
I will be able to attend the EAL Network Meeting on Friday 14th October 2016 from 1.15-3.15 pm.