Louisiana Association of Student Nurses
63rd Annual Convention
Renaissance Hotel
Baton Rouge, LA
October 5th-7th, 2017
Dear LASN Members,
On behalf of the LASN Board of Directors, it is my pleasure to announce our 63rd Annual State Convention will be held October 5-7, 2017. Since taking office your Board of Directors worked diligently touring facilities to choose a venue, which would best serve our members. We are pleased to say that The Renaissance Hotel in Baton Rouge, LA has been chosen as the venue for the 2017 Annual State Convention. We believe it will be a great fit for a productive and exciting convention. The theme for this year’s convention is “Nursing Unmasked: Revealing Nursing’s Potential”.
The state convention offers many opportunities for our members to attend informative focus sessions hosted by passionate and interesting speakers. The convention also offers an exciting opening night party, N-CLEX Review, and a two-day exhibitor hall filled with a diverse group of exhibitors from local, statewide, and national hospitals, agencies, and universities. Attendees will be given the opportunity to network with each exhibitor and with fellow students in the state striving to become Registered Nurses. Can you think of a better place to meet new friends and future colleagues? Finally, we want to encourage you to run for a position on the LASN Board of Directors. By serving on the state board, you will use and improve critical leadership skills that future employers look for and all nursing professionals use daily.
We have started planning for this extraordinary weekend; please continue to monitor www.LASN.org for scholarship applications, board applications, and various award information. In addition, you will find updates pertaining to the Community Health Project, Disaster Project, and Opening Night Party on the website.
As always, the LASN Board of Directors is here to serve you and answer any questions you or your school may have. You can contact any of our members via email or direct mail. We also encourage our members to read our monthly Horizons newsletters sent out monthly to stay updated on current topics regarding LASN membership.
Thank you again for the privilege of serving you. We look forward to meeting each of you at the LASN 63rd Annual State Convention. See you in October!
Best Regards,
Caleb J. Faul
Caleb J. Faul
Louisiana Association of Student Nurses
63rd Annual State Convention Renaissance, Baton Rouge, LA
October 5-7, 2017
“Nursing Unmasked: Revealing Nursing’s Potential”
Registration takes place in the Renaissance Hotel, Baton Rouge, LA, beginning at 3pm on Thursday October 5th, 2017. Registration hours are listed on the Tentative Convention Schedule. Only one person may register per form. This form can be photocopied. If you are a member of NSNA, you are automatically a member of LASN. NSNA membership and sustaining members must show proof for membership (current NSNA membership card) as well as proof of student status (student ID card) when picking up name badges.
Registration must be submitted online by September 8th, 2017.
Fee includes Convention T-shirt. Advanced registration guarantees a T-shirt. If paying on site, T-shirts will be given on a first come, first serve basis.
Convention and NCLEX-‐‑RN mini review courses ($75) $75 Non-‐‑member / Students / Visitors
Convention $85
High School Students $30
Faculty Advisor/ Consultants $60
Method of payment:
Credit Card (add 3.5% tax) Please Check:
NSNA Member School Advisor
LSNA Member (RN) Sustaining Member
Membership #: Expiration Date:
T-shirt Size: XS S M L XL XXL Saturday Night Awards Banquet
Please Print:
Last First MI
Address: City:
State: Zip Code: Phone:
School of Nursing: Mon./Year Graduation:
School City:
If you have any special requirements under the ADA, please attach a note of explanation. Special needs must be received at LASN before September 8th, 2017.
Louisiana Association of Student Nurses
63rd Annual State Convention
October 5–7, 2017
Hotel Registration Information
Renaissance Baton Rouge Hotel
7000 Bluebonnet Blvd
Baton Rouge, LA 70810
To make reservations:
Call 1-866-469-5448 or visit www.marroit.com
v Start by letting the hotel know you are with the Louisiana Association of Student Nurses Convention Group. If you do not inform the hotel that you are associated with LASN you will not get our special room block rate.
v Special Room Rates: 2 Queen Beds - $139 + tax per night, up to 4 people
v A credit card is needed to hold your room. Individual payments can be made at checkout. Ask about the cancellation policy and fees.
v Reservations need to be placed by Tuesday, September 8, 2017. After this date, our special price may no longer be available.
v If you have any special needs, please indicate them at the time of booking.
We can’t wait to see you!
Tentative Convention
Schedule 2017
Thursday, October 5, 2017
9:00 am ‐ 3:00 pm Scholarship Interviews
3:00 pm ‐ 5:00 pm Registration/Delegate Credentialing 5:00 pm ‐ 7:00 pm Exhibitor Set Up
5:00 pm ‐ 7:00 pm Council of Student Leaders (SNA BOD Representatives)
Friday, October 6, 2017
7:30 am - 3:00 pm Registration
8:00 am - 9:00 am Introductory/Welcome Session (All Must Attend) 9:00 am - 2:30 pm Delegate Credentialing
11:00 pm ‐ 3:30 pm Exhibit Hall Open 9:00 am ‐ 12:00 pm NCLEX Review
9:00 am ‐ 10:00 am Faculty Focus Session 1:00 pm ‐ 5:00 pm Focus Sessions
3:00 pm ‐ 5:00 pm House of Delegates (Mandatory for Delegates)
5:00 pm ‐ 7:00 pm Opening Keynote Address
7:30 am ‐ 11:00 pm Opening Night PARTY!
Saturday, October 7, 2017
7:30 am ‐ 9:00 am Registration (Delegate Credentialing before 9:00 am) 8:00 am ‐ 10:00 am NCLEX Review
11:00 pm ‐ 3:30 pm Exhibit Hall Open
9:00 am ‐ 11:00 am House of Delegates (Mandatory for Delegates) 10:00 am ‐ 12:00 pm Focus sessions
12:00 pm ‐ 2:00 pm Candidate/Delegate Luncheon (All Invited) 2:00 pm ‐ 5:00 pm Focus sessions
4:00 pm ‐ 5:00 pm Voting for 2017-2018 LASN BOD
6:00 pm ‐ 9:00 pm Silent Auction/Awards Banquet and Dinner/End Note Address
Sunday, October 8, 2017
9:00 am ‐ 12:00 pm Transition Meeting (Outgoing BOD meets Incoming BOD)
*This schedule is subject to change and the final schedule will appear in the convention booklet. Please visit www.LASN.org for convention updates!
Delegate Status for Convention
As a member of LASN,
you are entitled to become a delegate for your school’s SNA.
What is a delegate? A delegate is simply a representative from your school’s SNA that has very important duties. As a delegate, you will attend all House of Delegates meetings during convention. In the House of Delegates meetings, you will help make decisions that affect nursing students throughout the entire state of Louisiana. Also, as a delegate, you will vote for the new 2017-2018 LASN Board of Directors.
How many delegates can your school have? The number of delegates each school is allotted depends on the number of SNA members your school has.
The following is the general breakdown:
Ø 25 members or less: One (1) delegate
Ø 26 to 50 members: Two (2) delegates
Ø 51 to 75 members: Three (3) delegates
Ø 76 to 100 members: Four (4) delegates
Ø Over 100 members: One delegate for each portion of 25
As you can see, the more members your organization has the more power your school has in the House of Delegates. It is very important to reach your membership goal to attain as many delegates as possible. Please have all your membership forms turned into NSNA by September 8, 2017. This will ensure that your school receives the correct number of delegates at convention. The LASN Breakthrough to Nursing (BTN)/Membership Director will request a list of all current members from each school 3 weeks prior to the state convention. In September, your school will receive information concerning the number of delegates it will be allotted at convention and a Credentialing Form for each delegate. Each potential delegate should bring his/her Credentialing Form and an ID to state convention to be credentialed.
If you have questions about your current membership status or about the credentialing process please contact Lauryn Richard, BTN/Membership Director, at
LASN 2017 State Convention
Renaissance Hotel
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
October 5-7, 2017
Delegate/Alternate Credentialing Form
To maintain delegate status, each Constituent Chapter must have representation by either delegate or delegate alternate in the House of Delegates from the time that the chapter’s first eligible student checks in at the registration desk.
Each Constituent Chapter in good standing with both LASN and NSNA shall be entitled to delegates based on their chapter’s total membership as follows:
· 25 members or less: One (1) delegate
· 26 to 50 members: Two (2) delegates
· 51 to 75 members: Three (3) delegates
· 76 to 100 members: Four (4) delegates
· Over 100 members: One delegate for each portion of 25
For each voting delegate allotted, the Constituent Chapter shall be entitled to one alternate delegate to serve in absence of the voting delegate.
Please fill out the information below for those of your chapter who will be serving as delegates/alternates.
I will be serving as (Circle one): DELEGATE ALTERNATE
NSNA Membership Number: _ Expiration Date:
Chapter President Signature:
**Please mail Credentialing Forms to the address below prior to convention (Postmarked by September 8th, 2017) LASN
ATTN: Credentialing Committee
P.O. Box 52655
New Orleans, La. 70152-2655
*OR bring completed forms with you to Registration at State Convention
LASN 2017 Scholarship Information
Four scholarships will be presented at the 63rd Annual
LASN Convention held in Baton Rouge, LA.
v Financial Need
v Academic Excellence
v Breakthrough to Nursing
v Student Nurse of the Year
One applicant will be selected from each category. Please type the application. This form may be generated on your computer using the same format and must be completed in its entirety.
Grading and awarding scholarships are made solely at the discretion of the 2016-2017 LASN Scholarship Committee. The results of the scholarship winners will not be discussed prior to the 2017 convention. All submitted materials will be kept confidential by the scholarship committee unless written permission specifically states otherwise. Please try to attend the 2017 LASN Convention October 5–7, 2017 as a personal interview will be required for final selection. Scholarship award participants will be notified by a LASN Board Member prior to the convention ONLY if an interview is necessary. The board member will contact the participant regarding interview times available on Thursday, October 5, 2017. Interview times will be awarded to participants based on the date of application receipt. Deadline: Completed applications must be postmarked by September 8th, 2017. Submit your application by mail to: LASN Attn: Scholarship Committee/Tyler Verret P.O. Box 52655 New Orleans, LA 70152-2655.
Ø Make two copies of the completed application. Please send the original to LASN Scholarship Committee and keep the other copy for your own records.
Ø An application must be completed fully to qualify and be considered for an interview. Interviews are awarded based on the order in which completed applications arrive, so please remember to attach all requested papers. If you have questions please contact Tyler Verret, LASN Treasurer and Scholarship Chairman, at
LASN 2017 Award Information
There will be SIX categories of awards that
will be presented at the 63rd Annual LASN Convention.
Award / DescriptionCommunity Health Project / - Application required
- Judged by Awards Committee and Community Health Chairman
- Best Overall Community Health Project
- Largest number of Projects
Disaster Project / - No application required
- Awarded to the school that brings the most non- perishable items
Image of Nursing / - Application required
- Judged by Awards Committee and Image of Nursing Chairman
- Best Overall Image of Nursing Project
News Letter Articles / - No application required
- Judged by Horizon’s Editor
- Most newsletter submissions during the 2016-2017 year
Membership / - No application required
- Judged by BTN/ Membership Chairman
- Greatest percentage of increase in membership: Greatest number of members: Best recruitment project
Scrapbook / - No application required
- Judged by Exhibitors/Speakers
- Scrapbooks may be traditional paper-back or multimedia
- Best overall scrapbook/ representation of SNA activities and members/cover (traditional paper- back)/presentation (multimedia only)/creativity
Louisiana Association of Student Nurses Attn: Awards Committee
P.O. Box 52655
New Orleans, LA 70152-2655
Community Health
Award Application
Title: Community Service Award
Please type. This form may be generated on your computer, using the same format and must be completed in its entirety.
Date Submitted:
School Association:
Phone #:
Fax #:
Project Title:
Project Date(s):
Project Site:
Goals of Project:
Number of People Attending (if applicable):
Number of Nursing Students Involved:
If others collaborated, describe:
Cost of Project:
Describe Project:
Describe how this project benefited the community:
Publicity this project generated:
Attach any publicity items or materials used to advertise and please describe the use of these materials.
Contact Awards Chairman, Taylor Blanco at
Louisiana Association of Student Nurses Attn: Awards Committee
P.O. Box 52655
New Orleans, LA 70152-2655
LASN Image of Nursing Award Application
Title: Image of Nursing
Please type. This form may be generated on your computer, using the same format and must be completed in its entirety.
Date Submitted:
School Association: