Lose 20 Lbs. in 30 Days

Write your WHY? Your why is your purpose for wanting to be healthy and fit.

  • E.g. To live longer with more energy, to enjoy more time with my family

What are the most common things that stop you from being your ideal weight: write this list and tape it on the wall. Look at it often and examine those excuses. Externalize these excuses and see that you can overcome them.

There are 4 main keys on how to lose 20 pounds in 30 days:

  1. Eliminate the metabolism death foods.
  2. Follow an easy daily meal plan that enhances the amount of good fats and fiber you intake.
  3. Visualize, goal set and do burst exercise 3-4x each week.
  4. Supplement and cleanse as necessary.

1. Metabolism DEATH Foods

Processed Sugar and Processed Dairy– Contrary to popular belief, fat isn’t the first thing that will make you fat, it’s consuming too much sugar. Sugar ishidden under names like: corn syrup, dextrose, fructose, juice concentrate, maltodextrin, raw sugar and brown sugar. These sugars are often be hidden in things that sound like health foods including: fruit juice, granola bars, dressings, most packaged foods and protein bars.

What to do instead:Use honey or maple syrup in moderate and eliminate all processed or fake sugars. When following a recipe reduce any sugar by at least half.

Processed Dairy is loaded with hormones that make your gain weight. Face it milk is essential for a mammal to gain weight rapidly but is greatly denatured with heat and processing.

What to do instead: Replace cow’s milk with almond milk or coconut milk ASAP.

Grains and Whole Grains– It may seem like “whole grains” like wheat bread are healthy but most are actually hurting your metabolism. The three main allergenic, toxic and harmful compounds in grains aregluten, starch and phytic acid. Gluten causes inflammation throughout your body. Starch turns into sugar quickly. Phytic acid binds to minerals limiting nutrient absorption when you consume whole grains.

What to do instead:A better option for fat loss is replacing your daily intake of grains with fruits, vegetables, quinoa or consuming up to 1 piece daily of a sprouted grain bread or sourdough. When it comes to using flour switching to coconut flour is a great idea for fat loss.

Canola or Vegetable Oils– If you use canola oil or other vegetable oils they are sure to slow down your fat loss and cause you to store unwanted body fat.These hydrogenated oils are often rancid at room temperature. Theycause the linings of your cells (cell membranes) to become toxic,causing widespread inflammation throughout your entire body.

What to do instead:Replace all vegetables oils withcoconut oil, avocado oil and grass-fed butter to promote more rapid fat loss.Utilize applesauce in baking whenever possible.

2. The Metabolism REVIVING Foods

The easiest way to remove the metabolism death foods is to start eating more of the metabolism reviving foods. Here are the top foods to turn up your metabolism and help you burn fat fast!

Wild Protein– If you want to turn your body into a fat burning furnace you’re going to need to eat plenty of quality protein from plants and healthfully raised animals. Proteins are the building blocks of muscles, which support a healthy metabolism. Also, protein is the least likely macronutrient to be stored as fat. Aim to get between .5g to 1g of protein per pound of body weight daily. For example if you weight 150 pounds shoot for around 75-150g of protein a day.

What to eat:grass-fed beef jerky, organic chicken, free-range eggs, wild caught fish like salmon, venison andbone brothare some of the best foods high in protein. Don’t forget plants have protein too. The best plants for protein absorption are quinoa, lentils, beans (kidney, mung, pinto, garbanzo & black), spirulina, spinach, hemp seeds and broccoli.

Coconutand Avocados– Coconuts contain MCFA’s (medium chain fatty acids) a type of healthy fat your body can easily burn for energy. It is best to replace most other sources of fat and oils with things like coconut oil or avocado oil.

What to eat:coconut oil for cooking, coconut milk in your morning smoothie and coconut flour can replace other flours when baking.Avocados are great in soups, amazing cut up with eggs or squished up into guacamole and even can be whipped into a condiment similar to mayonaise.

Sprouted seeds– Seeds that have been sprouted like flaxseeds,chia seedsand hemp seeds are loaded with healthy fiber that can support your fat loss efforts keeping you feeling full. Sprouted seeds are high in protein and contain omega-3 fats help your metabolism ability to detoxify.

What to eat:use chia, flax or hemp seeds inyour morning smoothie or cereal. Make chia pudding or try my lemon spirulina chia morning drink.

Nutrient Dense Vegetables– Your body does not crave calories it craves nutrients. To lose weight we must focus on increasing fiver rich nutrient dense foods.Vegetables are your highest source of vitamins and minerals, which regulate metabolic function and support organs like your thyroid. Try fermented vegetables for an extra weight loss boost.

What to eat:Some of the most nutrient dense include green leafy vegetables and cruciferous vegetables. My favorites are kale, spinach, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, tomatoes, green peppers, cucumbers, carrots and sauerkraut. Raw, steamed, fermented, sautéed and cooked in coconut oil are all great choices.

I always recommend carrying raw veggies and nuts everywhere you go. As a reminder I leave a cutting board and to go container out the night before. “Do it now!” & “Leave cues so you don’t forget!” are great ideas to help in many areas of life!

Sample Daily Eating Plan: Plan your week then work your plan!

Breakfast: Green Coconut Berry Smoothie

1/4 cup canned organic coconut milk
1 cup frozen berries (raspberries, blue berries)

1 handful spinach or greens
1 healthy raw eggor 1 scoop healthy protein(optional)
1 tbsp sprouted flaxmeal or sprouted chia seeds
1/4 tsp cinnamon or small piece of fresh ginger

Slowly add water as you blend to preferred thickness try to keep smoothie under 10oz.

Lunch: Salad With Veggies and Protein

1 sliced chicken breast or 2 eggs or protein
1 cup spinach or mixed greens
1/4 cup sliced cucumber and/or green pepper
1/2 tomato sliced or 5-6 grape tomatoes
1/8 cup Chickpeas, beans, lentils or hummus
1 tbsp olive oil & fresh sea salt fresh pepper

1 tbsp apple cider vinegar and fresh chopped garlic

Dinner: Organic Meat (bison burger, salmon, chicken)
6-8oz organic meat
1 serving sautéed kale or cold veggies
1 serving sautéed broccoli or warm veggies

Ideal plate: The key is havingprotein,fiberhealthy fatevery meal.

Snacks: Raw nuts almonds, pistachios, cashews, walnuts, carrots, celery, cucumbers, tomatoes, guacamole, hummus, apples especially granny smith.

Drinks: Water, water with lemon, or water lemon and cayenne pepper for a fat burning kick.Take a sip at least every 15 min. Try to always have water near your and stay hydrated.

Tea:herbal tea like chamomile or mint are great anytime. Green teas are best after desserts.

Make Your Weekly Eating Plan Simple & Easy.Simplicity is the key to change.The excitement of real foods is not in sugary or fatty foods but in the freshness and ways the foods help you feel long term. The great energy and vitality you get, not the food high and then lows.

Exercise Less, Exercise For Hormones Not Calories To Lose More Weight

If you want to break through a weight loss plateau and jumpstart your metabolism then there is not better type of exercise thanburst training.Cardio for calories doesn’t work. Do the math! Calculate your steps per day and also look at the calories you burn with 30-60 minutes of cardio. It doesn’t add up because exercise is about hormones not calories.

Burst helps you lose 3-9x more body fat than traditional cardio by working with your hormones not against them. Burst exercise increases your growth hormone and testosterone while mitigating the detrimental effects of cortisol from traditional cardio exercise. Bursting causes an after burn effect in your body so you keep burning fat the next 24-36 hours!

The best time to exercise is first thing in the morning!

Go to bed on time and get up 15-20 minutes earlier! Set an alarm for going to bed!

In order to burn fat fast I recommend doing burst training 3-4 days a week for between 15 to 30 minutes.4 minute Burst of 30 seconds of burst exercise and then 30 seconds of rest pushing yourself to give 80-100% all our effort for the 30 seconds of the variousexercises.

  • Sprint (Spring in place, on elliptical, treadmill, stair climber, track... or spin bike// Rest
  • Fast pushups, squat thrusts or jump rope// Rest
  • Squats with shoulder press or lunges with curls// Rest
  • Plank or core (leg raises, sit-ups)// Rest

Repeat 3-4x Have fun incorporating different high intensity exercises that you can do for 30 seconds.

Don’t have time? Try reading your emails or listening to audios while working out. 2 in 1.

VisualizeGoal Set and Take Action

Put up an image of you at your ideal weight. Even if you have to cut and paste your face on another body, do it! Your mind is powerful. Your have to see it to believe it so see it. Buy pants or a shirt at your ideal size. How committed are you? Goal set with friends for accountability. Reward yourself when you achieve.

Top Supplements For Fat Loss

1. Probiotics

I take PB-8. Good bacteria line your digestive tract and compete with bad bacteria for binding sites. Good bacteria help you digest food, absorb nutrients and remove wastes. The better your digestive flora the more stress reducing, energy enhancing B vitamins you make. The better your flora the more likely you will be thin.

2. Spirulina

Spirulina is highly alkalizing speeding weight loss and body healing. It is a great source of Vitamin A, K1 & K2 that detoxify your cells, which boost metabolism, supports your immune system and helps you shed fat cells and the toxins.

3. Vitamin D

Vitamin D is a vitamin and pro-hormone that affects over 2,000 genes in your bodyincluding the ones responsible for fat loss. Vit D helps your body reduce inflammation and supports muscle and bone synthesis. Adults must take at least 5,000IU vitamin D3 daily especially in colder climates.

At your next M.D. visit ask to have your Vit D3 blood level checked. 60ng/ml is normal

4. Oxy-Powder

Oxy-Powder cleans your intestines. It is powerful I use it once per week max and often only once per month. Take 3-4 capsules before bed. Be ready, in the morning your are going to eliminate some stored toxins from your intestines and colon.

5.Vitamin C Gummies from Nordic Naturals are a great late night sweet replacement.

Hyper Speed Weight Loss Drink aka My Super Green Drink

1-teaspoonspirulina powder and 3 teaspoons chia seeds mixed in 32oz of water with a squeeze of fresh lemon juice. Great while doing intermittent fasting where you only eat 8 hours per day.

Get your Nervous System Checked for interferences that are limiting your metabolism.

Don’t quit. If you fall off, get back on. Take breaks if necessary but don’t quit on getting healthy. Take it one day at a time but don’t quit! Even a 1-2% improvement over time is HUGE!