(“I Wanna Dance With Somebody”)

Note: Hold first 15 counts of 8 (Tap Intro begins on the 16th count of 8)

Tap Production: Intro (traveling into position):

1-8  Hop L, flap BC R (arms slice on diagonal w/L arm high) &a1&2; Hop R, flap BC L (arms slice on diagonal w/R arm high (&a3&4); Repeat both sides (&a5&6; &a7&8)

2 cts of 8 Repeat Hop flap BC 6xs (still traveling into position); Last two Hop flap BC steps face front

Tap Production: Step 1

1-8  Leap onto R, shuffle hop cross w/L (1&2); Repeat (&3&); Step R to R (4); Clap UR (7); Leap onto L, shuffle hop cross w/R (5&6); Stomp L to L 2xs (&7); 2 claps UL (&8)

1-8 Bombershay to R (Step R, Spank L back, dig L heel) 4xs (arms push to diagonal w/R arm high) (1&a2&a3&a4); Repeat to L (5&a6&a7&a8)

2 cts of 8 Repeat Leap shuffle hop cross combination R and L; Repeat Bombershay to R and L

Tap Production: Step 2

1-8  Paradiddle R then L (Heel R, brush R back, toe/heel R); Repeat w/L (1e&a;2e&a); Heel R 2xs (3,4); Repeat combination starting w/L (5e&a6e&a7,8)-(Arms sway overhead w/jazz hands: R, L, R, R; L, R, L, L ); Brush toe/heel L w/quarter turn to face SR (e & a)

1-8  Repeat Paradiddle combination facing SR, quarter turn on final Brush toe/heel w/L to face US

1-8  Repeat Paradiddle combination facing US, quarter turn on final Brush toe/heel w/L to face SL

1-8  Repeat Paradiddle combination facing SL-Note: Step w/L foot on count 8 (arms drop to sides)

Tap Production: Step 3

1-8 Train Step R then L (Stomp across w/R, step together L, R, L; Stomp across w/ R, step together L, R-arms push down in front of body w/jazz hands facing in); Repeat Stomping L foot across (1&2&, 3&4; 5&6&, 7&8)

1-8  Shuffle R, hop L, step R, L R (&ea1&2); Repeat shuffling L (&ea3&4); 4 shuffle hop steps (&ea5, &ea6, &ea7, &ea8)-arms swing naturally in opposition

2 cts of 8 Repeat Train Step R then L; Repeat Shuffle hop step combination

Tap Production: Step 4

1-8 Cramproll R (leaping to L); Cramproll to L (leaping to R); Cramproll R (leaping to L)-arms swing naturally at sides w/elbows bent (&ea1, &ea2, &2a3); Reach arms overhead w/jazz hands then pull fists to hips (&4); Repeat Cramproll Combination with Reach starting w/L and leaping to R (&ea5, &ea6, &ea7, &8)

1-8 Step together R, L-arms forward w/flexed hands (&1); Double pullback-arms open to sides w/flexed hands (&2); Step together R, L-fists at shoulders (&3); Double pullback-arms reach overhead w/jazz hands (&4); Flap heel forward R, L, R, L-arms lower front, shake hands (&a5, &a6, &a7, &a8)

2 cts of 8 Repeat Cramproll combination to both sides; Repeat Step, step pullback combination

Tap Production: Step 5

1-8 Chainé R (1, 2); Hop L, flap BC R-arms slice to diagonal w/L arm high (&3&4); BC L, clap low (&5, 6); BC L, clap high 2xs (&7, &8)

3 cts of 8 Repeat Chainé, hop flap BC 3xs to L, R, and L

Tap Production: Step 6

1-8 Toe/heel R, dig L heel front, drop R heel-R arm rolls up and into shoulder (&1&2); Repeat toe/heel dig heel to L-L arm rolls up and into shoulder (&3&4); Step R, clap UR (5&); Step L, clap UL (6&); Step R, clap DR (7&); Step L, clap DL (8&)

1-8 Step R, brush BC forward L 3xs turning 1 rotation over R shoulder-arms push out w/R arm high (1&a2&a3&a4); Step L, brush BC R 3xs turning 1 rotation over L shoulder-arms push out w/L arm high (5&a6&a7&a8)

2 cts of 8 Repeat Toe/heel, dig heel-clap combination; Repeat Step brush BC turning combination (Note: Prep on count 7, single inside turn to L on count 8, Step R to DSR lowering R arm w/R finger point on count 1)