Los AngelesSouthwestCollege; Curriculum Committee, Minutes of January 15, 2008 Page 1 of 4
Minutes of January 15, 2008
President’s Conference Room, 12:30 – 3:00 p.m.
Name / Area / Attendance / Name / Area / Attendance
Pat Lewis / The ARTS
HONORS DIR. / absent / Linda Larson-Singer / ART. OFF. CC Chair / present
Al Reed Jr. / BEHAV & SOC SCI’s ACAD. SEN. PRES. / absent / Rose Calderon / MATRIC. Coord. / absent
Carolyn Magee / BUSINESS / present / Marian Ruane / NON-CREDIT COORD. / present
Roxanne Williams / CH DEV &F
CS / present / Leige Henderson* / VP, Acad. Aff’s / present
Reggie Morris / COUNS. / present / Dan Walden* / Dean, Acad. Aff’s (Research)/Research Analyst / present
Jon Hendershotfor Dr. Sharon Maselli / ENGLISH & FOR. LANG’s / present / Guest Administrators:
Phyllis Norwood / LEARNING ASSISTANCE / absent / Elmer Bugg* / College Dean / present
Linda Brady / LIBRARY / absent / Jose Robledo* / College VP / absent
Dr. Lernik Saakian / MATH & ENGIN / present / Phyllis Norwood* / College Dean / absent
Elmer Bugg / NURSING / present / Dr. Earnestine Thomas-Robertson* / College Dean / present
Glenn Yoshida / SCI’s, HLTH & PE / present
Guests: Joe Perret, CAOT
- Call to Order:
The meeting was called to order at 1:20 by Curriculum Chair, Linda Larson-Singer.
2.Welcome and Introductions:
Leige Henderson introducedand the Curriculum Committee welcomed the new College Dean, Mr. Elmer Bugg. He will be the dean over vocational programs including Workforce Education. He is a past president of the Academic Senate of Santa Monica College, a former member of the State Academic Senate and former director of a One-Stop Workforce Education Program at ContraCostaCollege. Mr. Bugg stated that he would be temporarily representing the Nursing Department as Norma Carter had resigned. He also stated that the college had received a grant to focus on four vocational programs; they would be Business, Child Development, Nursing and another. He stated that he would work on writing some grants for Southwest and that it was important to talk with one another to come up with the best outcomes and proposals. He has already begun to consider Credit and Non-Credit with Carolyn Magee.
3.Approval of Agenda:
The agenda was approved as submitted.
4. Approval of Minutes (11/20/07):
M/S/P to approve the Minutes of November 20, 2007 with corrections. (line 22 from “…17.5 units may…” to “…17.99 units must…”)
5. Reports:
A. Academic Affairs—Vice President, Leige Henderson: Leige stated that Southwest and East are participating in a pilot project, Degree Works, aimed at standardizing the college transcripts. Rose Calderon and Linda Larson Singer are part of the committee working on the computerized project that will require a great deal of resources. Trade and West have increased enrollments due in large part to their online offerings. Instructors would do well to avail themselves of Joe Perret’s class in the Spring, “How to Teach an Online Course.” Dean Bugg will be working on the implementation of the contextualized learning grant in the vocational areas of Child Development, Business and Nursing. The Winter intersession classes have an average class size of 41-44 students. It will be necessary to do our best to retain students to help with our budget issues.
B. Academic Senate President—Al Reed, President: None
C. Academic Senate, SLO Committee—Glenn Yoshida: Glenn stated that the Progressive Lunch for SLOs was successful in that more than 40 participated in the workshop. He acknowledged the three faculty presenters: Leonard Apenahier, LaShawn Brinson and Loan Le. Assessment seminars are being planned for the Spring for which 30 faculty participants will receive $200 stipends. So far the project has received $3,000 from Staff Development funds and he has requested another $3,000 from TTIP. Dean Bugg stated that VATEA will match what is raised but the project must be mandatory for vocational faculty. The SLO Committee is also working on making a template to be used in the MiniProgram Review. In addition the committee will propose an addendum to the course outline for SLO Assessment and plans for subsequent improvement. It should be ready for the February meeting. There is now a District SLO Advisory Council. Glenn represents Southwest; the committee is planning an SLO Assessment Conference/Workshop. (Report distributed.)
D. Articulation—Articulation Officer, Linda Larson-Singer: Linda reported that CHEM 51 and PE 170 had been approved by the Office of President of the UC system; those two courses in addition to FAM &CS 21, MUSIC 101 and THEATER 270 were submitted for IGETC and CSU-GE review in December. A verification of submissions is included; results are pending. (Report distributed)
E. District Curriculum Committee—Curriculum Chair, Linda Larson-Singer: Linda reported that the District Discipline Day was held on December 14 to discuss minimum qualifications and QTOPS for various disciplines including Art, Cinema, Dance, Music, Photography and Theater. The DCC meeting followed. The District Non-Credit Taskforce Recommendations were discussed and are to be taken back to campus for feedback from each campus. ESL course designations will be returned to degree applicable for levels 3 through 6 as originally approved by the Board in 1989; not all campuses are in agreement and some will propose a new series of ESL classes. Liberal Arts degrees necessitate changes in order to remain in line with Title 5 changes; some samples were reviewed. Certificates of fewer than 18 units may not be transcripted. (Report distributed.)
G. Matriculation—Matriculation Coordinator, Rose Calderon: None
6.Old Business:
A. Course Changes, By Consent:
--DEV COM 20, 22X, 26, 27, 28: From Graded to CR/NCR or Pass/NoPass (Norwood):
M/S/P to approve changes to non-graded by consent; approved electronically on December 3, 2007 (mistakenly removed from November agenda due to differences in databases of DEC and Protocol)
B. Best Practices for LA Southwest College Online Courses, Draft 3(Brady, Hector, Larson, Lewis, Maselli, Perret, Reed, Saakian, AFT; Hamilton, Henderson, Robertson, Walden): Draft 3 of a Distance Education policy was prepared by Joe Perret and the committee; the agreement was distributed to the Curriculum Committee and discussed. Some items Dean Robertson had suggested had been omitted by Linda Larson and will be added to the document. Joe stated that the same regulations that apply to face-to-face classes apply to online classes; only the medium of delivery is different and that faculty must have some training in online pedagogy and technical know-how before teaching online courses. Dr. Saakian expressed concerns regarding proctoring online exams; suggestions were given to change some wording: if a student is required to be on campus, the course should be listed as a hybrid course and students advised of physical attendance in the schedule and syllabus. Dean Bugg stated that references to District and State documents should be noted and the policy compared to them for compliance. The Policy of“Best Practices for LA SouthwestCollege Online Courses” was tabled. Joe Perret, Dean Bugg and Dean Robertson will meet to further refine the document.
7.New Business:
A. Course Archivals:
--NURSING 503C, Geriatric Nursing C (JT Williams):
Tabled for lack of departmental support
--NURSING 532, Advanced Cardiac Life Support (JT Williams):
Tabled for lack of departmental support
B. Conversion of Non-Compliant Liberal Arts Degrees (Haynes, Larson, Morris):
The document of conversions as they currently exist according to the LASC requirements for Liberal Arts degrees was distributed. They are numerous and need to be reviewed by the Chairs and respective disciplines and then submitted to the Curriculum Committee and Academic Senate for approval. Reggie Morris stated that the majority of Southwest degrees are given in the two areas of Liberal Arts and Interdisciplinary Studies. Disciplines will make suggestions and need to do so relatively quickly in order to get the changes to the District and then to the State for approval before July 1, 2008. All changes must appear in the catalog.
C. Creation of IGETC and CSU-GE Certificates of Achievement (Haynes, Larson, Morris):
The proposed document was distributed. Linda stated that currently the college does not offer certificates in these areas though it receives annual approval of the IGETC and CSU-GE curricula from the UC and CSU Offices of the Presidents. The State has given the colleges the opportunity to easily create these certificates, in most cases, to replace Transfer Degrees that many CA community colleges had submitted and that are now out of compliance with Title 5. The proposed certificates will be presented again for approval.
D. Non-Credit Taskforce Recommendations (Henderson, Ruane):
The document of non-credit recommendations dated October 25, 2007 was distributed and discussed. Marian stated that the recommendations were meant to allow students to receive certificates in non-credit areas by recording completion or passing of various non-credit courses. There was discussion. Linda Larson stated that it seems counter-productive to transcript completed non-credit courses when the beauty of the non-credit program is it’s repeatability. The Curriculum Committee voted to not support the document as presented.
E. Course Change Request:
--ENGLISH 83 to ESL 83; Top Code from 1501.00 to 4930.80 (Hendershot/Maselli):
Jon stated that the course ENGLISH 83 truly is an ESL course, “College Conversational English as Second Language” and therefore should be in the ESL discipline with an ESL top code. M/S/P to approve the change of ENGLISH 83 to ESL 83 and from top code 1501.00 to 4930.80.
F. Course Outline Update:
--ENGLISH (ESL) 83, College Conversational English as a Second Language(Hendershot/ Maselli):
In line with the course change request, the outline has been updated to incorporate the changes. M/S/P to approve outline update.
8. Announcements:
A. Linda distributed a flyer for District Discipline Day to take place on February 22, 2008at ValleyCollege to discuss the disciplines of Speech, Humanities, English, ESL, Math, Learning Skills, Social Sciences, History, Political Science, Economics, Foreign Language, Architecture, Life Sciences, Chemistry and Psychology. Issues of top codes and minimum qualifications, among others, will be discussed.
B. Dean Robertson distributed the Calendar of Events for the 40th Anniversary Celebration for the college and an article from the Chronicle of Higher Education entitled “A Dozen Tips for Diverse Classrooms.”
C. Carolyn Magee distributed a flyer from the Business Department and encouraged people to attend the panel presentation, “Trends in Business and Future Jobs,” to take place on January 24, 2008 from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in LL 103.
9. Public Speakers: None
10. Adjournment:
The meeting was adjourned at 3:15 by Curriculum Chair, Linda Larson-Singer.
Minutes prepared by Linda Larson Singer
NEXT MEETING DATE: Tuesday, March 18 at 1:00, President’s Conference Room
Documents for Technical Review due Wednesday, March 5
(Lunch will begin at 12:30 to allow meeting to begin at 1:00.)
Distributed, email, 2/18//08
Approved with corrections, Curriculum Committee Meeting, 2/19/08 (lines 42 and 43 to “…$3,000 from Staff Development funds and he has requested another $3,000 from TTIP. Dean Bugg stated that…”)