Council Rock High School

Citizen Jacoby

AP European History



In this project, you (or you and another person) will be responsible for chronicling the events and people for the first half of the year.

For EACH of the topics below,provide at least one type of entry, at least ½ page of writing, and should take up at least a page with pictures and pertinent advertisements.

You can write an article, editorial, fabricated interview, point-counterpoint, imaginative debate, obituary, sports, weather, etc.

DO NOT DOUBLE UP! (Ease topic needs in own entry and will be graded separately)

Include AT LEAST four solid bits of information that are analyzed and discussed in some way.

Topic to include:

Renaissanceand Reformation Topics

  1. Machiavelli just finished THE PRINCE, and Gutenberg would like to print it…
  2. The Invincible Armada is proven beatable
  3. Luther presents the 95 theses
  4. Henry VIII just announced he’s divorcing Catherine of Aragon

Scientific Revolution and Age of Absolutism Topics

  1. Newton publishes his findings on the laws of universal gravitation
  2. The Defenestration of Prague and the start of the 30 Years War
  3. The English Civil War
  4. The first week of the completion of the Palace of Versailles
  5. The Peace of Utrecht and the end of War of Spanish Succession (and of Louis XIV)

Age of Enlightenment Topics

  1. Diderot puts the writings of Montesquieu, Rousseau, Locke and Voltaire into his Encyclopedia
  2. Frederick announces he’s the Servant of the State, but will take his nation to war
  3. The Glorious Revolution

French Revolution Topics

  1. Louis XVI announces plans for tax change and calls for the Estates General
  2. Impact of the Enlightenment on the French Revolution
  3. Violence in France during the French Revolution

You’ll be rated on the following (135 pts. Total)

Academic nature of each topic (5 pts each topic entry)

Creativity and neatness of each topic (BE INSIGHTFUL!!!) (4pts each topic entry) / Authenticity

Each topic should sound like a real newspaper

You MUST include an image (picture, graph, etc.) with each entry

15overall impression points for

  1. Overall impression/neatness and extras (extra pictures, charts, games, ads, etc) (10 pts)
  2. cover (neat and creative) (5 pts)

Assigned: Dec 13, 2016

Due Date: Jan 11, 2017



(5 pts) (4 pts)(9 pts)

1. Machiavelli’s THE PRINCE

2. Invincible Armada loses to Eliz.

3. Luther’s 95 Thesis

4. Henry VIII / start of Engl. Ref.

5. Newton publishes work on

Laws of universal gravitation

6. Defenestration of Prague and

30 Years War

7. English Civil War

8. Palace of Versailles

9. Peace of Utrecht/end of War of

Spanish Succession (and LXIV)

10. Diderot’s ENCYCLOPEDIA

11. Frederick the Great,

First Servant of the State

12. The Glorious Revolution

13. Louis XVI’s call for the

Meeting of the Estates General

14. Impact of Enl. On French Rev.

15. Violence during the French Rev.

Overall impression / neatness and extras (pictures, charts, etc) (10 pts) ______

Cover (neat and creative) (5 pts) ______

Total Grade ______/ 150

Assigned: Fri Jan 9, 2015

Due Date: Tues Feb 3, 2015