Call for applications to present at
The 11th Helen Keller World Conference 2018
Gran Hotel Bali, Benidorm, Spain, 24th to 26th of June 2018.
Since the first Helen Keller World Conference (HKWC) in 1977, it has been held every four years. Since the foundation of the World Federation of the Deafblind (WFDB) in 2001, it has been organized in connection to the WFDB General Assembly.
The aim of the HKWC is to provide a forum where persons with deafblindness can meet, share and exchange information and experiences with their peers.
With the main topic:“Our rights; Our Voice; We lead the Way” the 11th HKWC 2018 will focus on strengthening human rights, democracy and equality through full and equal inclusion of persons with deafblindness in all aspects of the global, regional, national and local society in which we live.
With this in mind the WFDB Scientific committee hereby invites you to apply to hold Plenary and/or workshop presentations at the HKWC 2018.
Plenary sessions.
Length: 50 minutes including interpretation and 10-15 minutes of questions, answers and comments.
Following the main theme of the Helen Keller World Conference, the themes and presentations for the plenary sessions are expected to include strengthening of human rights, democracy and equality from the perspective and status of persons with deafblindness.
Drawing on the promises of the CRPD, 2030Agenda and the sustainable development goals, three plenary topics have been pre-selected:
- Plenary topic 1: Human rights, Democracy and Sustainable development.
- Plenary topic 2: CRPD and the 2030AGENDA
- Plenary topic 3: Advocacy, outreach and influence in a new world.
Individuals interested in presenting one of the pre-selected plenary topics are hereby invited to submit a paper.
There is also an opening for 1 – 2 further plenary session where we invite you to send a proposal for a paper with a topic of your own choice related to the main theme.
Workshop sessions.
Length: 45 minutes including interpretation and 10-15 minutes of questions, answers and comments.
The themes and presentations for the workshop sessions are expected to be in the context of the topics from the plenary sessions and the HKWC main theme.
Presented from the perspective of persons with deafblindness we especially call for presentations including daily life issues and best practices for an active, free and meaningful life, equal to society at large.
Three workshop topics, one for each plenary session, have been pre-selected:
- Plenary 1 - Workshop 1: Opening new paths to human rights and sustainable development for persons with deafblindness.
- Plenary 2 - Workshop 1: Applying the CRPD and the SDGs to improve quality of life for persons with deafblindness.
- Plenary 3 - Workshop 1: Capacity building and networking for DB organizations.
Individuals interested in presenting one or more of the pre-selected workshops are invited to submit a paper specifying the desired workshop topic(s).
There is also an opening for up 13 additional workshops. For these sessions we hereby invite you to send a proposal for a presentation with a topic of your own choice, in the context of the HKWC 2018 main theme and the topics of the plenary sessions.
Application criteria and procedure
- To be eligible to submit a presentation for consideration by the WFDB Scientific committee you must be a person with deafblindness.
- Individuals from the Global South are strongly encouraged to submit papers for both plenary and workshop sessions.
- Submission deadline: January 15th 2018.
- Submitted papers should be in English or Spanish language, no longer than 10 pages (A4, double space).
- Please note that presenters should ensure proper time for interpretation within the timeframe of the sessions as stated above.
- If you would like to hold a specific pre-decided plenary and/or workshop, please specify this in your application.
- Selected presenters attend at own cost. (Expenses for travel, accommodation and attendance will not be covered. Exceptions may apply in individual cases regarding presenters from the Global South)
- Funding for presenters to attend for may in individual cases be available for selected presenters from the Global South,through grants from external donors.
All applications/papers must be submitted to the WFDB Scientific Committee on: no later than January 15th 2018.
Selected presenters will be notified in due time after the committee has processed the submitted papers.
Best regards
The WFDB Scientific Committee,
XI Helen Keller World Conference 2018
Chair: Dr. Sonnia Margarita Villacrés Mejía, Ecuador.