Arts Education Branch
Grade Level Focus: Art is All Around Us
Where do you see art?
Module # 2 Our Neighborhood
Enduring UnderstandingArt can tell stories about people
Standard(s)Essential3.2 Identify and describe works of art that show people doing things together.
Supporting2.4 Paint pictures expressing ideas about family and neighborhood.
Recommended2.6 Use geometric shapes/forms (circle, triangle, square) in a work of art.
Spiral3.3 Look at and discuss works of art from a variety of times and places.
Performance TaskCreate an artwork (mural, painting, collage, drawing, etc.) that shows people doing something together. Describe what the people are doing. What are some clues that show what they are doing?
Scoring Tool:
Applied understanding of narrative subject mater in their artwork
Explained use of visual clues in the artwork
Essential Questions:How does art tell stories?
Knowledge / Skills- Art can be a storytelling medium
- Vocabulary: story, people, objects, place, time, clue, mural, line, paintbrush, paint, family, neighborhood
- Appropriate use of media and tools: pencil, paint, scissors, paintbrush, markers
- Identify people and objects in artworks
- Identify location and time in artworks
- Describe people’s activity in artwork
- Appropriate use of media
Connections:Math – count the houses, people, trees or animals in each collage; make a graph comparing the totals
Use flow map to illustrate beginning, middle and end of family activity
Extensions: L. Arts – read a story about a neighborhood, e.g. Taking a Walk by Rebecca Emberley
Read Family Pictures by Carmen Lomas Garza; discuss various family activities, holiday celebrations, every day rituals
(CRRE):Take a walk around the neighborhood around the school. Bring a camera and take photos of what is encountered on the walk, or ask students to draw what they observed. Make a class book of photos or drawings, with each student contributing a sentence.
Sequence of instruction:
Grade K Module#2 Lesson 1 of 4
Objective(s): Create a collage from paper shapes to depict at least four buildings in their neighborhood
Resources/Materials: black or white construction paper, small (4”x4”) pieces of construction paper, various colors, pencils, scissors, glue or glue sticks, artwork of John Biggers (or other artwork showing a neighborhood)
OpeningPhase / Student Engagement
(5 minutes) / 1) Ask students to describe their neighborhood. What do they see on the way to school?
Phase / Aesthetic Exploration
(10 minutes) / 2)Look at a painting that show a neighborhood (e.g. John Biggers’ Shotguns, Fourth Ward – K, Art Connections) What details do they identify in the artwork?
3)Have students brainstorm details they might want to add in their neighborhood collage (e.g. trees cars, animals, etc.)
(5 minutes) / 4) Review/demonstrate cutting shapes (include geometric and organic shapes)
5)Demonstrate how to make collage with composition and use of glue
Creative Expression
(20 minutes) / 6)Cut or tear a variety of paper shapes (circles, squares, triangles, organic)
7)Use the shapes to make a collage of your neighborhood
Phase / Reflection/Assessment
& Clean up
(10 minutes) / 7)What makes a neighborhood? What shapes did you include in your collage? Ask students to identify the different buildings in the neighborhood.
Sequence of instruction:
Grade K Module#2 Lesson 2 of 4
Objective(s): Draw picture of student’s family doing something together, identify family members and activity
Vocabulary: detail, family, shape, size, clue
Resources/Materials: oil pastels, drawing paper, prints/transparencies that illustrate family activity (e.g. Carmen Lomas Garza’s “Naranjas,” Art Connections – level 1)
OpeningPhase / Student Engagement
( 5-10 minutes) / (Look at aesthetic exploration)
Phase / Aesthetic Exploration
(10 minutes) / 1) Look at “Naranjas” (or other appropriate artwork). What do you see? (pair share with another student)
2) What clues tell us what is going on? What kinds of activities do you enjoy with your family? Who are the different family members? What clues helped you make that guess?
Discuss various sizes of children and adults.
( 5 minutes) / 7)Introduce oil pastels, demonstrate how to use it softly and how to blend colors with tissue or finger.
Creative Expression
( 25 minutes) / 7)Direct students to draw picture of themselves doing something with their family (students can pair share to illicit ideas)
Phase / Reflection/Assessment
(10 minutes) / 5) Observe students as they complete their drawings. How did they portray their family activity? Are family members represented by appropriate size?
6) Students orally share their family drawings as whole group or with partners.
Sequence of instruction:
Grade K Module#2 Lesson 3 of 4
Objective(s): Develop basic skills in the use of paintbrush and tempera paint
Vocabulary: line, thick, thin, straight, curvy, zigzag, shape, circle, square, paintbrush, paint, family, neighborhood,
Resources/Materials: drawing paper (18”x24”) tempera (several colors) in cups, tempera brushes (one per cup), newspaper to cover tables
Transparencies or prints that demonstrate painted lines e.g. Purple Robe and Anemones by Henri Matisse (Art Connections, Level K)
OpeningPhase / Student Engagement
( 5 minutes) / 1) Review family activities and neighborhood collage lessons. In preparation for a group mural painting of the neighborhood, a new medium will be introduced – tempera paint, with a painting tool –paintbrushes.
Phase / Aesthetic Exploration
( 5-10 minutes) / 2) Look a Purple Robe and Anemones (or other appropriate artwork) What do you see (pair share with partner) What kinds of lines, colors, shapes do you see?
( 10 -15 minutes) / 3) Demonstrate use of paintbrush (practice “pretend” paintbrushes with fingers). Practice making long, smooth strokes, “ticking” the paper instead of scrubbing.
4) Model dipping brush in paint, wiping off excess on side of cup, painting a thick, straight line. Students follow with their own painted brushstrokes.
5) Continue with curved line, zigzag line, circle, square, pausing for students to follow. Students may trade paint cups after each step, for multiple color use.
Creative Expression
( 10 minutes) / 6) Model painting of simple human figure with shapes and lines. Students follow.
Phase / Reflection/Assessment
Clean up
( 5-10 minutes) / 7) Checklist –ask students to point to their thin line, thick line, curvy line. How do you use a paintbrush to make a thin line?
Sequence of instruction:
Grade K Module#2 Lesson 4 of 4
Objective(s): Use paint to depict their neighborhood in a cooperative mural
Resources/Materials: four 6’ lengths of butcher paper (taped to desks or outside on ground), masking tape, several colors tempera paint in cups (one per child), tempera brushes, visual reference e.g. Shotguns, Fourth Ward by John Biggers (Art Connections, Level K)
OpeningPhase / Student Engagement
( 5 minutes) / 2) Review ideas about neighborhood and family. Each student will paint his/her house and family. Pair share with a partner details that could be included in the mural.
Phase / Aesthetic Exploration
(5 minutes) / 1) Look at “Shotguns” (or other appropriate artwork). What do you see? What details can you identify in the artwork? What clues do you have to tell what is happening?
(5 minutes) / 3) Review use of brush and how to share paint cups.
4) Divide students into four groups, each group works on one piece of butcher paper
Creative Expression
(25 minutes) / 5) Students collaboratively work on neighborhood painted mural, concentrating on own home and family.
Phase / Reflection/Assessment
Clean Up
(10 minutes) / 6) What details did you include in your mural? What makes a neighborhood? Can one or two houses make a neighborhood?
LAUSD:AEB:LS:VA module/lessons template:12/14/08