Los Angeles Fathomiers

Application for Record or Trophy Catch


___All time Club Record ___Largest Fish In California ___Steve Redding Award ___Medallion ___Largest Lobster ___Largest Abalone ___Largest Reef Fish Out of State ___Largest Open Water Fish Out of State

Name of Applicant (To be printed on Record / Trophy): Date Speared/Taken: ______

______Equipment Used(Gun, Floats, etc.) Describe in detail:

Species Name: ______

Weight: (Decimal) lbs ______kg ______

Location Speared: ______

(City, State, Country…)

Location Weighed: ______

(Marina, Home, Grocery store…)

Scale Type: Spring____Digital____Cert. Exp. Date: ______

Personal Scale___ Club Scale___ Other Certified Scale___

Length: Inches: xx to xx: ______, x to x: ______

Cm: xx to xx ______x to x ______

Girth, Largest Circumference of body: y, Inches______cm: ______

I do solemnly affirm and declare upon my honor and in the presence of a witness that the statements herein contained are true and correct in every detail and photos, described below, of the catch are attached.

Signature of applicant: ______Date:______

Name of Witness (Verifying Catch & Weight): ______

Club Certified Scale Weight Adjustment + / - ______Official Adjusted Weight: ______

Application Conditions

All applications must be submitted within 30 days of catch. Fish must be weighed on a certified scale and list date certification expires. Fish should be weighed on land not at sea if possible. If a personal scale is used and not certified, the Club Recorder will ask to examine the scale and cross calibrate it with the club’s scale to adjust weight. All Applications must include photos clearly showing features like colors, fin shapes, length, girth, etc to verify species and size. All Fish submitted for records must comply with the Fathomiers Constitution and DFG laws.

Submit Applications to Club Recorder:

Shai Ben-Shushan –4376 Pampas Rd., Woodland Hills, CA 91364

(818) 200 - 3200 (c);

Only for the largest fish of each species listed below taken from 1/1 to 12/31 each year. Numbers indicate minimum weight for each species to qualify. Paper Certificate awarded for fish under 5 lbs. Medallion awarded for fish 5 lbs or over. Please check if Paper Certificate is preferred in lieu of Medallion ___.

Albacore / open / Dorado / 10 / Rockfish / 3 / Whitefish / 5
Barracuda / 4 / Halibut / 10 / Sandbass / 4 / Yellowtail / 15
Bluefin tuna / open / Kelp bass / 7 / Sheephead / 15 / Yellowfin croaker / 3
Bonito / 4 / Lingcod / 5 / Spotfin croaker / 3 / Yellowfin tuna / open
Cabezon / 5 / Opaleye / 4 / Triggerfish / open
Corbina / 2 / Perch / 1.5 / White Seabass / 20

Revised 7/10/12