Note: Data plus Analysis needs to be used for this exercises as discussed previously

Project 1

Multiple Regression": Exercises 17.39, and 17.42

EX.#17.39-Perform the Durbin-Watson test at 5% significance level to determine whether positive first order auto correlate exist when d=1.10, n=25, and k=3.

EX.#17.39—Test the following hypothesis with a=.05.

Ho: There is no first-order auto correlation

H1: There is positive first-order auto correlation

n=50 k=2 d=1.38

Time-Series Analysis and Forecasting": Exercises 20.19 and 20.35

EX20.19-Plot the following time series to determine which of the trend models appear to fit better.

Period / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Time Series / 55 / 57 / 53 / 49 / 47
Period / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10
Time Series / 39 / 41 / 33 / 28 / 20

(I will send you the raw data for this question in an excel sheet)

EX20.35-The following trend line and seasonal indexes were computed from 4 weeks of daily observations. Forecast the 7 values for next week.

y=120+2.3t, t=1,2,…..,28

Day / Seasonal Index
Sunday / 1.5
Monday / 0.4
Tuesday / 0.5
Wednesday / 0.6
Thursday / 0.7
Friday / 1.4
Saturday / 1.9

Submit your answers in a Microsoft Excel workbook, with each problem on a separate worksheet. Label each tab in the workbook with the exercise number. Highlight the answers in yellow and provide an interpretation in a text box.

Project 2

In the Week 4 assignment, you were asked to build a multiple regression model to explain the variability in the median school year, using a minimum of seven independent variables. Using the same model, thoroughly assess your model's diagnostics. Identify all relevant assessment dimensions, briefly outline their purpose and importance, and provide an assessment of your model in terms of the identified diagnostic measures.

Submit your response in a 2- to 3-page Microsoft Word document

Assignment 4 Grading Criteria / Maximum Points
Used the multiple regression model created in Week 4 and provided a thorough assessment of your model's diagnostics. / 10
Identified all relevant assessment dimensions. / 10
Briefly outlined the purpose and importance of the assessment dimensions. / 10
Provided an assessment of your model in terms of the identified diagnostic measures. / 10
Presented a structured document free of spelling and grammatical errors. / 5
Demonstrated an understanding of the purpose of each diagnostic. / 15
Total: / 60