Lordstones/Wainstones Challenge Round
What is a Challenge Round? It is a set route with no short cuts which can be completed at any time of year. Times should be witnessed by a colleague and sent to D.Parry, Ravensgill Bungalow, Commondale, Whitby. YO21 2HG. Tel 01287660309.
You will need to supply the:-
Date of the completion,
Time of Start;
Time of Finish;
Net Time.
Club (if any)
Name of Witness.
There will be no entry or administration fee. A list of all completions submitted will be kept. This is strictly a ‘Challenge Round’ not a ‘Race.’This year as the inaugural year we have decided that you will have an opportunity to complete the round at‘any time’on Monday 4th or Tuesday 5th May 2009.There will also be a group start at 7.00p.m. on the Tuesday if you so wish.Your result can be left in a red topped tool box in the car park of The Black Swan or given to D Parry at 6.30 or 9.00 p.m. at this point.
The route starts at The Black Swan, Kirkby, Near Stokesley. It proceeds in a southerly direction past Manor Farm on your left and ToftHillCaravanPark on your Right. You go through the gate just after the CaravanPark and proceed past the Scout Site on your right. At about 2.1Km Ref 542 039 you reach a gate as the path swings eastwards and meets the moor. At this point you leave the main path and proceed on the outside of the fence in a South Westerly direction on Busby Moor to 536035 where you join a Westerly path where at about 3.3Km you go through a gate heading towards the Carlton Café Site. Proceed to 528031 which is a gate situated at the edge of the Carlton Bank site at the bottom of the ascent to Surprise View (535033 – 4.5Km.) At Surprise View head in a S.Easterly direction to Drake Howe 537029 then return to the summit path in a N.Easterly direction. Now descend to a point just above the edge of Broughton Plantation. This is about 6Km at 544033. Continue to climb with The Cleveland Way to the top of Cold Moor 551034 (6.7Km.) Continue along the escarpment and drop down before ascending to Wainstones(8.2Km ) 560035. Proceed along the top path to approximately 567035 (9.1Km) You may now descend at any safe point to the style just above Clay Bank Top 572034 (9.7Km). You now return to the edge of The Broughton Plantation along the edge of the forestry passing 567039,556036, and 545034 (12.7Km) Here you descend in a North Westerly direction back to 542039 and reverse what you did in the early stages to return to The Black Swan ( 15Km.) You have now completed the round. Points will be awarded in the Summer Series to those completing on the day.
This description should be read whilst consulting the map published by myself which will also be available on (race routes).
Dave Tel 01287660309 or or for e-mails.