School Improvement Plan 2014/15
Eastwood High School 2014 - 17
Outline Targets for 2014-2017
Targets 2014-17
/Quality Indicators
1 / Improving the quality and consistency of Learning and Teaching / 2.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.42 / Developing the curriculum in line with Curriculum for Excellence (CfE) / 2.1, 5.1. 5.3, 5.4, 5.7
3 / Raising Attainment, Recognising Achievement / 1.1, 5.5
4 / Developing Leadership opportunitiesacross the school / 9.3, 9.4
5 / Ensuring inclusion is reflected in the school’s policies and practices / 2.1, 2.2, 5.3, 5.6
The aims of the school
Our aim at EastwoodHigh School is to provide a high quality education based on inclusion and equality.
We will do this by:
- providing a range of courses appropriate to the needs of all pupils.
- striving to raise standards of educational achievement and attainment for every child.
- developing learning and teaching strategies to support the needs of all pupils.
- supporting all pupils in their learning and development thereby encouraging them to reach their full potential.
- developing a sense of citizenship and responsibility in our pupils and in our partnership with parents and the wider community.
- ensuring effective use and targeting of resources, including accommodation, finance and staff.
- providing effective management and leadership that supports self evaluation and planning.
- providing a friendly and positive working environment
School Improvement Planupdated Tuesday, 20 May 2014
Eastwood High School 2014-17
Target 1
HGIOS: 2.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4Action Required (including responsible personnel) / Impact on Learning and Teaching / Time-scale / How will success be evaluated and recognised? / Resources
a.Introduction and Development of a school Strategic Leadership Group (SLG) for Learning and Teaching to develop opportunities for staff to share, discuss and observe best practice and engage with new ideas.
(DHT, SLG, PTs) / Pupils’ learning experiences are further improved with greater consistency in the quality of learning and teaching throughout the school and across the Cluster.
Teaching methodologies are adapted to meet different pupil learning styles.
Pupils are more engaged, active and independent in their learning.
Staff and pupils access new technology with confidence.
Pupils are given increasing challenge
Staff and pupils are aware of expected standards and expectations in National Qualifications across the cluster at all levels;
Staff are able to integrate assessment with on-going learning and teaching (see Cluster Plan). / June 2015 / Teachers will evaluate their own practices through a variety of methods including analysis of professional discussion, learning visits, surveys, pupil focus groups, Departmental Reviews
SMT and PTs will assess impact through formal whole school and departmental evaluations including analysis oflearning visits and sampling staff and pupil voice at whole school, departmental and class levels
At NQs passing SQA verification
At BGE through professional dialogue with Primary and Secondary colleagues; EMIS analysis of teacher judgments in English and Maths to benchmark across the council’s schools. / Time – built into school calendar
b.Develop and implement “new” GLOW by staff and pupils to enhance Learning and Teaching (Link SLT and PTs) / June 2015 / CPD on “new” glow
c.Develop and implement across the school improved and consistent AifL teaching methodologies including personalisation and choice to ensure increasing challenge for pupils(Link SLT, PTs) / ongoing / CPD as necessary
d.At BGE (S1-S3) and National Levels (S4-S6) continue to develop and implement national and local, routine moderation practices that ensure rigour and consistency and a shared understanding of standards and expectationsin assessment across all curricular areas of the school and at all clusterlevels (Link SLT, PTs) / June2015 / ERC Training for PTs as Moderation Champions
School Improvement Planupdated Tuesday, 20 May 2014
Eastwood High School 2014-17
Target 2
HGIOS: 2.1, 5.1, 5.3, 5.4, 5.7Action Required (including responsible personnel) / Impact on Learning and Teaching / Time-scale / How will success be evaluated and recognised? / Resource
a.Implement CfE Curricular structure for EHS, beyond S1-S3 and into the senior phase, S4-S6commensurate with the Principles of CfE Curriculum Design, ERC CfE Action Plan 2010-17 and ERC’s vision statement for 2020
(SM, Link SLT, PTs) / Curricular structure commensurate with national and East Renguidelines implemented in S1– S3 providing pupils with greater coherence, personalisation and choice, depth, breadth, progression, relevance, challenge and enjoyment and more active learning experience; learning, teaching and assessment for all curricular areas is further integrated
Implementation of National 4/5 curricula for S4 presentation in 2015
There is greater clarity around the use of the language of assessment, moderation, reporting and profiling.
Feedback to pupils is consistent in quality and linked to success criteria and learning intentions
All pupils will be more motivated through improved experiences in the classroom.
New curriculum structure provides improved transition and progression experiences for pupils across subject areas and cluster
Moderation of assessments is routine and rigorous across all curricular areas at school and cluster levels.
Literacy, Numeracy and Health & Wellbeing Experiences and Outcomes are embedded in Learning and Teaching experiences across the curriculum.
Increase in the school vocational options in the Senior Phase with pupils having opportunities to access a variety and range of pathways both academic and/or vocational that are flexible and meet their needs; learning and teaching is active and engaging / June 2016 / SMT and PTs and Cluster will monitor and evaluate the implementation of CfE and the new National Qualificationsand their impact on pupils through formal whole school and departmental evaluations, including pupil views on new developments.
Pupil focus groups.
Departmental Reviews
Analysis of statistical data
Cluster Working Groups undertaking evaluation of progress
Cluster moderation events
Evidence from learning visits shows greater pupil involvement and greater engagement in their learning
Direct verbal feedback from pupil focus groups / Time and CPD as required
b.Work with associated cluster primary schools and departments to review and embed S1-S3 subject curricula commensurate with CfEExperiences and Outcomes and ERC Skills Planner ensuring smooth progression and transition, developing consistency in the quality of feedback to pupils using both Success Criteria and Learning Intentions and continue to develop familiarity, awareness of, use of and contributions to the National and Local Assessment Resource (NAR/LAR) (see Cluster Plan)
(Link SLT, PTs) / June 2015 / Time and CPD as required
c.Work with associated cluster primary schools to continuetaking forward BtC5, including profiling, and embed the principles for understanding, applying and sharing standards in assessment through local moderation. (SLT, PTs) / June 2015 / Time
d.Further develop cross-curricular and inter-disciplinary activities and topics across the school(Link SLT, PTs) / June 2015 / Time
e.Continue to develop subject courses that incorporate skills of Literacy, Numeracy and Health & Wellbeing (Link SMT, PTs) / June 2015 / Time
f.As (d) incorporating Skills for Learning, Skills for Life and Skills for Work and further develop and implement National 4/5 courses for S4 presentation in 2015 developing appropriate structures, materials and courses to fulfil the requirements of the published arrangements (Link SLT and PTs) / June 2015 / Time
g.Develop structures and systems for comprehensively recognising wider achievement and raising attainment, with particular concentration on boys’ attainment, across the Cluster e.g. through GLOW e-portfolios, S3 Profiling, S3 Graduation Certificate, tracking and monitoring procedures (see Cluster Plan) (DHTs/PTs) / Pupil success is recognised, celebrated and rewarded
Pupils have greater involvement, motivation and commitment to their learning and achievement. / June 2015 / S1 – S3 pupils have active, accurate and relevant e-portfolios / profiles reflecting their achievements and at the end of S3participate in their Graduation Ceremony.
Evidence from learning visits shows greater pupil involvement, motivation and greater engagement in their learning.
Tracking and Monitoring data analysed including Standardised Test scores.
Direct verbal feedback from pupil focus groups. / Time
h.Develop and implement subject courses and materials for Higher (National 6) and Advanced Higher (National 7)
(PTs/Staff) / Pupils have opportunities to access a variety and range of pathways both academic and/or vocational that are flexible and meet their needs; learning and teaching is active and engaging / June 2016 / National 6 and National 7 courses are successfully implemented. / Time
CPD as required
School Improvement Planupdated Tuesday, 20 May 2014
Eastwood High School 2014-17
Target 3
HGIOS: 1.1, 5.5Action Required (including responsible personnel) / Impact on Learning and Teaching / Time-scale / How will success be evaluated and recognised? / Resource
a.Introduction and development of a school Strategic Leadership Group (SLG) for Raising Attainmentto improve attainment for all learners through increased expectations, personalisation and choice.
(DHT, SLG, PTs) / Pupil performance continues to improve / June 2015 / SLT / PT Monitoring, analysing and tracking school data and results in relation to targets / Time – built into school calendar
b.Continue to develop school and departmental strategies to target pupils underachieving at National 5 level including Tracking and Monitoring procedures and formal Target Settingand maximise the number of N5 A-C awards achieved by pupils.
(PTs) / Pupil performance continues to improve towards a target of
(to be notified of new ERC 3 year targets) / June 2015 / Interim evaluation and monitoring in August/September.
SLT / PT Monitoring, analysing and tracking school data and results in relation to targets
Monitoring and analysis of agreed targets at the annual departmental review between PTs and HT/Link DHT and at meetings throughout the year between PT, link DHT and Department.
More opportunities for professional dialogue among staff at all levels / Time
c.Continue to develop school and departmental strategies to target pupils underachieving at Higher (National 6), including Tracking and Monitoring procedures and formal Target Setting and maximise the number of Highers achieved by pupils including the number of ‘A’ awards.
(PTs) / Pupil performance continues to improve towards a target of
(to be notified of new ERC 3 year targets) / June 2016 / Time
d.Continue to develop school and departmental strategies to target improvements in pupils’ performance at Advanced Higher (National 7) and maximise the number of AHs achieved by pupils including the number of ‘A’ awards
(PTs) / Pupil performance continues to improve towards a target of
(to be notified of new ERC 3 year targets) / June 2017 / Time
e.Introduce school and departmental strategies to target improved pupils’ performance S1-S3 in particular raising boys’ attainment
(SLT/PTs) / 85%+ of pupils by end of S3 achieving Level 4 in Reading, Writing and Maths / June 2015 / SMT / PT Monitoring, analysing and tracking pupil performance
Boys’ Standardised test scores improve / Time
f.Target lowest performing 20% to improve attainment and achievement with the involvement of relevant external agencies and stakeholders in activities such as group work with pupils
(DHT, External Agencies) / Targeted pupils, especially boys, show improved attainment and achievement
Reduction in the percentage of No Awards
Number of pupils not in education, employment or training reduces towards target of zero / June 2015 / Monitoring and analysis of targeted pupil performance during the year
No awards at whole school level reduced to 5%
Percentage of pupils not in education, employment or training continues to tend towards zero / Time
g.Introduction and development of a school Strategic Leadership Group (SLG) for Improving Achievement and Aspirationto increase the promotion of, and recognition of, wider achievement within the school widening opportunities for pupils and staff to demonstrate success.
(DHT, SLG, PTs) / Wider range of opportunities for pupils to achieve success and to achieve recognition via nationally recognised awards and certification / June 2015 / Increased range of awards and recognition via National Certification. / Time – built into school calendar
School Improvement Planupdated Tuesday, 20 May 2014
Eastwood High School 2014-17
Target 4
HGIOs: 9.3, 9.4Action Required (including responsible personnel) / Impact on learning and teaching / Time-scale / How will success be evaluated and recognised? / Resource
a.Introduction and development of school Strategic Leadership Groups
- Learning & Teaching
- Raising Attainment
- Improving Achievement & Aspiration
(SLT; PTs) / See 1a, 3a, 3g / June 2015 / Evaluation by staff involved in the SLGs shows evidence of developing leadership skills and growing awareness of whole school issues / Time – built into school calendar
b.Collaboration with the chairpersons of all the SLGs (4,a) to identify, coordinate and manage the leadership opportunities for volunteer unpromoted staff wishing to participate in the SLGs
(SLT; PTs) / See 1a, 3a, 3g / June 2015 / Evaluation by staff involved in the SLGs shows evidence of developing leadership skills and growing awareness of whole school issues / Time – built into school calendar
c.Provide further opportunities for pupils in S1, S2, S3 and S4 to develop leadership skills building upon their previous experience.
(SLT) / Pupils further develop their confidence as they are given more responsibilities and become more effective contributors to the life of the school / June 2015 / Year Group Prefects embedded and pupils seen to participate in various activities
Pupils give feedback on their experiences
School Improvement Planupdated Tuesday, 20 May 2014
Eastwood High School 2014-17
Target 5
HGIOS: 2.1, 5.3, 5.6Action Required (including responsible personnel) / Impact on learning and teaching / Time-scale / How will success be evaluated and recognised? / Resource
a.Continue full implementation of ERC’s GIRFEC procedures including STINT procedures and secure their place at the heart of the work of the school and the allocation of resources. (DHT, PSMT) / Staff respond more effectively to support needs of pupils and support is targeted more effectively and is more flexible. / ongoing / Monitoring and analysing school data, policies and practices through whole-school and departmental self-evaluation procedures, including pupil surveys
STINT paperwork and STINT plans in place / Time
CPD as required
b.Introduce and develop Parental Focus Groups / Greater parental involvement and inclusion in school policies and practices leading to a positive impact on learning & teaching in the classroom / June 2015 / Analysis of parental surveys and questionnaires on their involvement and contribution to school developments / Time
School Improvement Planupdated Tuesday, 20 May 2014