`A G E N D A



JUNE 23, 2010

9:30 A. M.

“Early Is On Time, On Time Is Late”

Betty Blair, President Ted Kalo, Vice-President Lori Kokoski, Member

NOTICE: The Board of Commissioners complies with ADA. If anyone needs interpretative services while attending a Commissioners meeting, please notify this office 24 hours in advance!


#1. Job and Family Services Bills

#2. Investments

#3. Appropriations

#4. Transfers

#5. Advances/Repayments

#6. Requisitions

#7. Travel Expenses

#8. Bills


#9. Authorize various personnel actions as indicated on the summary sheet for employees within the jurisdiction of the Lorain County Board of Commissioners (at the conclusion of today’s Board meeting, the Commissioners may recess into an Executive Session to discuss: personnel/new hires)

#10. Approve & waive the reading of the same for the Lorain County Board of Commissioners meeting minutes of June 9, 2010

#11. Approve issuance of revenue bonds by Industrial Development Authority of the County of Pima, Arizona for purpose of financing and refinancing the cost of acquisition, construction, improvement and/or equipping of certain community school education facilities and certain other matters relating thereto. (New Plan Learning, Inc., not to exceed $6 million for Horizon Science Academy of Lorain serving K-12 at 760 Tower Blvd, Lorain)

#12. Establish methods for controlling the introduction of pollutants into the MS4 in order to comply with requirements of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit process as required by OHEPA. This regulation is to provide for the health, safety and general welfare of the citizens of the county through regulation if illicit discharges to the municipal separate storm sewer system.

#13. Approve & enter into MOU’s with the Townships of Grafton, Eaton, Columbia, Carlisle, Elyria, Sheffield and Amherst pursuant to Clean Water Act, Ohio EPA Phase II Program designating entities to develop and implement a program to detect and eliminate illicit discharges.

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Community Development Department:

#14. Approve CDBG Formula Program FY10 application submission to State of Ohio Department of Development in the amount of $424,000

#15. Apply for Microenterprise Loan Program with Ohio Department of Development in the amount of $40,000 for technical assistance, training as well as business loans.

Job & Family Services:

#16. Approve agreement with CCAO Service Corporation to provide employment verification services for TALX Corp., MI for SFY11 in amount of $3.40/transaction, effective July 1, 2010 – June 30, 2011; Authorize Director to execute on behalf of the Board with Prosecutors approval as to form

#17 Approve agreement with Murray Ridge Production Center, Elyria for cleaning services for SFY11 in amount of $7,198.20, effective July 1, 2010 – June 30, 2011; Authorize Director to execute on behalf of the Board with Prosecutors approval as to form

#18. Approve the 2nd year option agreement with various transportation companies to provide non-emergency medical transportation services for SYF11, effective July 1, 2010 – June 30, 2011; Authorize Director to execute on behalf of the Board with Prosecutors approval as to form

1)  Ace Taxi Service, Cleveland in amount of $400,0000

2)  LifeCare Wheelchair Services, Elyria in amount of $650,000

#19. Approve the 2nd year option of various Purchase of Service agreement with various vendors for Title XX Social Service Block Grant for SFY11, effective July 1, 2010 – June 30, 2011; Authorize Director to execute on behalf of the Board with Prosecutors approval as to form

1)  Cambridge Home Health Services, Elyria for homemaker home health services in amount of $20,000

2)  Neighborhood House Association of Lorain County, Lorain for emergency shelter service I amount o$125,0000

3)  Lorain County Safe Harbor, Lorain for domestic violence services in amount of $37,000

4)  Volunteer Guardianship Program of Lorain County, Elyria for adult guardianship services in amount of $11,000

Workforce Development Agency:

#20. Approve & and enter into a contract with Ross Environmental, Elyria for vendor training with Incumbent Worker funds. The amount requested is $8,797 with employer contribution and incumbent worker training funds in amount of $4,398.50 each; Authorize County Administrator to execute on behalf of the Board with Prosecutor’s approval as to form

#21. Approve & enter into an MOU with The Employment netWork to identify and coordinate a variety of workforce development resources to create a seamless, integrated system that addresses the needs of employers, job seekers and workers by offering a variety of education, job training, human service, and other workforce development services to residents of the region; WDA will serve as One-Stop Operator and Fiscal Agent for WIA funds, effective July 1, 2010 and contains a 30 day cancellation clause

Children Services:

#22. Approve agreement with LCCS & CCAO Services Corp. to provide employment verification services from TALX, MO effective July 1, 2010 – June 30, 2011 at a cost of $3.40/transacation

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Common Pleas:

#23. Approve & enter into an agreement with Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics Inc., in amount of $93,141.96 for V-Twin Analyzer for forensic lab, effective 5 years, contains a 60 day cancellation clause and will be paid from Acct#county probation services and intensive probation supervision

Domestic Relations:

#24. Approve request of $32,669 from Victim of Crime Act/State Victims Assistance Act Grant to provide salary of Volunteer Coordinator position of the Voices for Children Program. The cash match of $10,890 will be paid from Acct#Special Revenue IV-E fund


#25. Award contract to Kokosking Construction Co., Inc., Frederickson in amount of $241,550.50 for Durkee Road Resurfacing Project. 7 bids were received on June 4, this being the most responsive complying with specifications and estimate was $289,000 and will be paid by OPWC grant, no local funds required local match is in-kind services

#26. Approve & enter into an engineering services agreement with Richland Engineering, Ltd in amount of $142,402 to provide design engineering services for the load rating of bridges as specified in scope of services. This is a state requirement that all county engineers have their bridges load rated over the next 5 years and federal grant monies available and engineer has obtained a grant to cover 80% of the cost to lad rate 18 truss bridges through CEAO identified as VAR-countywide load ratings and remaining 20% will be paid from Acct#mvgt


#27. Authorize filing of various grant renewals to the Attorney General Office for the Victim Witness Program, administered through the Prosecutor’s Office. Said grant is effective October 1, 2010- September 30, 2011; Authorize County Administrator to execute on behalf of the Board, retro to June 15, 2010.

1)  $100,505 for one (1) full-time Victim Advocates and two (2) part time Victim Advocate. The request from the Attorney Generals Office is in the amount of $75,379 with a local cash match of $25,126 from the Commissioners General Fund Allocation Acct. Upon acceptance of the grant application by the Ohio Attorney General’s office the cash match will be paid to the Lorain County Prosecutor’s Office.

2)  $7,194 from State Victim Assistant Grant does not require matched funds from the County


#28. Authorize Sheriff to apply for the 2010 COPS Technology grant in amount of $245,000 that will purchase digital mobile radios for Law Enforcement Division vehicles and no cost to county.

#29. Authorize the Lorain County Sheriff to apply for grant monies through FY10 Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) to purchase mobile thermal imager, 70 outside vest covers, 70 rail mounted lights & batteries and ammunition. This request is based upon a mutual agreement with the Cities of Elyria and Lorain. The Cities received $79,583 with no local match required. Ohio Attorney General certified a disparate allocation claim and neither City nor County would receive and a money until an agreement was approved. Therefore, the allocation of funds will be split as follows: Elyria $26,527; Lorain $26,529 and Lorain County $26,527

#30. Approve & enter into an agreement with Eaton Township Police Protection, retroactive to June 7, 2010 – December 31, 2010. The Township will pay Sheriff’s Department $26.66/hour plus $.50 cents/mile for road patrol duty and contains a 30 day cancellation clause.

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B Mr. James R. Cordes, County Administrator:

C. Mr. Jerry Innes, Assistant County Prosecutor:

D. Commissioner’s Report:

E Clerk’s Report:

F Board Correspondence:

#1. Grand Jury Report – Judge Rothgery

#2. Publications; “Chamber News May/June”; “Governing”; “County News”; “CIDS #22”; “CCAO statehouse reports”; “Murray Ridge Courier-June”; “hivelocity”; “CIDS #23”; “CCAO statehouse”;

#3. Sheriff in compliance with ORC 301.27 estimates the usage for the gas credit cards to be $600 for June

#4. 2009 annual report of Ohio Attorney General

#5. Ohio Attorney General supports a proposed new federal rule to help protect veterans, senior’s ad other from having their benefits unfairly taken from their bank accounts by debt collectors. More info at www.OhioAttorneyGeneral.gov/ProposedGarnishmentRule

#6. June 27 – Cruise in to summer, 5th annual car show at Findley State Park. Looking for donations. More info at Bill Martin 440-891-9529 or Findley State Park at 440-647-5479.

#7. OSU Extension will maintain rates charged to counties for the cost of county educators in CY11 t same amount as 2010. OSU Ext will experience a reduction of $1 million in state funds for FY11 from 10 appropriations, but through careful management of resources they are able to avoid passing any additional costs on to the county partners. County cost share of extension educators for 2011 is $25,000 for first education; $38,200 for 2nd educator and $40,000 for 3 or more educators (cc: Budget)

#8. Merit Brief of Appellants for local government funds from City of Elyria

#9. June 30 from 10 am – 3 pm, The Westin Columbus – 2010 Ohio Courts Summit, $35/person RSVP to Stephanie Moreton at 614-280-4011 or

#10. June 24 at 2 pm in Admin Building, 4th Floor, meeting room b – Lorain County Economic Development Committee will meet. ?’s call Brad at 440-328-2335

#11. Erie County Engineer Farschman has agreement to share cots of maintaining Dean Rd Bridge but he is vehemently against wasting taxpayer money of any sort to rehab. Initial estimates in 2007 for construction was $965,000 and $1,121,500 to upgrade to accommodate emergency vehicles, school buses and other heavy vehicles. Cost estimate has grown 58.27% and feels the funds would be better spend on other transportation projects being more beneficial to the traveling public. This bridge accommodates only 66 vehicles/day over 9 hour period (cc: Eng/Pros)

#12. Prosecutor Opinion to Auditor on transfer of surplus certificate of title – administration funds is in accordance with 325.33 upon agreement of Clerk of Courts and Board of Commissioners (Budget)

#13. EfficientGovnow.org announced winners and Community GIS cooperative for small communities and utilities project was award, congrats to Village of Wellington but the storm water project did not receive funding.

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#14. Brandi Schnell, Solid Waste did a presentation to 4th graders at Oakwood & Franklin Elementary and the students made a thank you banner. The students enjoyed it and the teachers are thinking about doing a demonstration themselves at a science/math fair next year.

#15. NACO Prescription Discount Drug Card Program has been an overwhelming success and they are looking at radio and newspaper ads to encourage families in counties to obtain cards and use them and encourage counties that are not participating to do so. They are looking for any senior citizen or family that takes advantage of this savings and is willing to share their story

#16. Squires Sanders- multidisciplinary task force provides practical solutions to help clients navigate the “decade of healthcare reform” and –SEC adopts widespread changes to rule 15c2-12 requiring material event notices

#17. Commissioner Blair executed quarterly subgrant report for AIM program II for Domestic Relations

#18. June 11, 2010 – Washington Post – Funding rules fuel clash within mass transit world; Commissioner Blair was quoted; “two lines-that’s really said for a county of almost 300,000 people”. “This is the worst she ever seen Lorain County Transit reduced to”. “To hold someone else back because of your own fears is not quite kosher”.

#19. Lorain County Community Alliance website has received 2,715 page views for the month of May

#20. CenturyLink is acquiring Qwest, combining two premier communications companies with customer-focus, industry-leading capabilities and creating a compelling choice for our customers and communities.

#21. June 25 at 9 am, Workforce Investment Board will meet in meeting room a, 4th floor, Admin Bldg

#22. June 24 at 8:30 am., LCCC Spitzer Center, Anthem Blue Cross & Blue Shield will host a free seminar “How will Health Care Reform Impact Your Company”. Register w/NOACC 216-447-9900 or 1-866-466-6222

#23. Ohio Division of Liquor Control transfer application from El Hakin Inc., dba Dairy Mart 4509, 2111 N. Ridge Rd. ,Sheffield Twp to Rayan Enterprise Inc., dba Dairy Mart 5479

#24. August 20 – Neighborhood House Association Golf Outing at Sweetbriar. Info at 440-233-8768 x 6203 or

#25. Lorain County Fair Service Agency Committee seeks nominations from June 15 – August 2. Nominees must have interest as owner, operator or tenant in a farm located in Lorain County position in LAA 3 that includes townships of Columbia, Eaton, Grafton, Penfield and LaGrange. Nominations forms FSA-669A are available in county office or on FSA website at http://www.fsa.usda.gov/FSA/webapp?area=newsroom&subject=landing&topic=cce. ?’s call Theresa Johnson, County Exe Dir at 440-326-5830

#26. Until July 15, “Lorain County Cares” sponsored by Lorain County Bar Association and County Commissioners will accept donations to show our military that we still support them and their efforts overseas. All travel items can be dropped off at LorMet credit Union, Lorain National Banks, First Federal Savings of Lorain, Quaker Steak & Lube Lake Eire Harley Davidson, County Administration Building, County Justice Center, Municipal Courts of Elyria, Avon Lake, Vermilion, Jims Coffee House and City Hall of Lorain and Oberlin. ?’s call 440-323-8416

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#27. June 24 at 3 pm, County Planning Commission tentative meeting packet