Lorado Taft Departure and Arrival Instructions
Dear Parent(s) and Guardian(s),
The big day has arrived, and your students will be off to Lorado Taft on Monday, April 18! In order to ensure a safe drop-off and pick-up for our students, please refer to the procedures below:
Wednesday, April 19th
· Buses will be at the school by 8:00 am. They will be located at the West side of the Middle School South building (parking lot just South of the West circle- see map on back)
· Students should arrive between 8:00-8:15 am. When you enter the parking lot, turn right in front of Middle School South, drive around the circle and into the MSS parking lot in the rear.
· There are limited parking spaces in the MSS parking lot. Parents may park in the rear MSS parking lot in any available space, or in the empty parking spaces at the front of MSS while you are dropping off your student. Parking along the curb, in the circle, along any fire lane, or in front of a fire hydrant is not permitted. Please keep in mind that our K-4 carpool students will be arriving during this time as well at the front of MSS. It is important that their arrival is not disrupted and remains safe. Our local law enforcement, members of the transportation department, and other school staff members will be on hand to assist with the flow of traffic.
· Students should check in with their teachers and place their luggage and sleeping bag into the bottom of their assigned bus.
· Students will line up with their classes on the grassy knoll along the West side of the building. Parents are encouraged to say good-bye to their students (hugs, kisses, and the last photo and selfie) at this time and then leave. This is to reduce traffic congestion and allow ample room for other students to place their bags on the bus, etc.
· In the case of inclement weather, students will gather in their class lines in the MSS cafeteria. Buses will leave at 8:40 am.
Friday, April 21th
· The buses will arrive back at Isaac Fox between 1:45-2:00 pm.
· Students will unload in the school bus parking lot behind Isaac Fox School.
· Parents can park in empty spaces at the front of the building, and in spaces in the soccer field parking lot. Again, parking along Deer Path is not permitted as the CUSD95 buses must be able to deliver MSS students home. CUSD transportation personnel will be on hand to control traffic in the bus lane in front of Isaac Fox and will restrict access to Isaac Fox’s parking lot.
· Parents must sign their student out with their child’s teacher prior to leaving to ensure their safety.
Thanks in advance for your help and cooperation to ensure a safe departure and arrival of your child!
The Fifth Grade Team