Longfords Mill Residents Association (LMRA)

Committee Meeting

24 June 2013 7pm at 15 The Yarn Store

Present: Barry Leach, Treasurer; Lynne Newton, Secretary; Graham Eastwood, Helen Fry, Ray McCrindle, Dez Rolfe; Jane Forsyth (Flat Managers)

Apologies for absence: Don Clark, Philip Callaghan-Wright, Sheila Dwyer-Richmond, Adrian Danks, Helen Joyner.

Dez Rolfe chaired the meeting in the absence of Don Clark.

As JF was only present until 8pm a catch up on matters involving Flat Managers took place rather than sticking to the agenda.

1. Minutes of the last meeting.

These were approved.

2. Matters Arising.

·  A canoe had been recently spotted on the lake, launched by a resident. JF had received a complaint from the Fishing Club. Residents have no right to use the lake, plus liability issues, health & safety etc. LN aware of the tenant responsible and to speak to him.

·  Cracks have been reported in one of the Yarn Store apartments. JF asked if anyone else had reported similar issues. LN had not heard of anything anywhere else. JF to look into it.

·  The problem with the bridge over the stream at Stroud Court is ongoing. JF understands someone from Stroud Court has looked at it. She is awaiting their reply. DR mentioned that when Stroud Court had been over to look elsewhere their contractors had damaged The Weavers’ garages.

·  The tenant with 6 cars has been written to, as has his landlord. At least 3 of the cars are untaxed and have been seen to be driven on the public highway. JF suggested we reported this to the police.

·  JF to do a grounds inspection with the garden committee on 9 July at 2pm.

·  PCW had mentioned to LN that some of the lighting around the courtyard in front of Mill House/Dye Houses is obscured by bushes and that the street light outside 4 Mill House has not got a bulb. HF also reported that the light between 5 & 6 Spinners is wobbly.

·  PCW had also asked that the state of the gravel road be mentioned. He believes it to be dangerous having fallen over when he twisted round on the gravel and lost his footing. He was carrying his small child at the time.

·  Stroud Textile Trust (STT) are organising an open day for residents on 13 July 2013 between 2-4pm for residents to see what is in the old mill. They are notifying Builders Ede (BE). Visits will be at individual’s own risk. DR liaising with STT. Email to be sent to LN so she can organise notification to non resident, non members of LMRA. Otherwise residents will be notified by a flyer to be distributed with Nailsworth News. STT have arranged with DR to look in the powerhouse on 2 July. STT have now got the money for their feasibility study, so more activity will be noticed around the old mill.

·  A quote has been accepted for repairs to the steps outside 7 The Yarn Store.

·  Health and safety while the bridge railings were being painted was discussed. It was decided that traffic cones would be placed at either end of the bridge while the work is carried out. DR to check his diary for suitable dates to carry out the work, then he will email the committee.

·  The colour of the paint used on Spinners was discussed. DR stated that on The Weavers, Dulux magnolia on the window frames had been used and suggested this to HF. DR to confirm the green colour used on the doors. The suggested paint colours to be given in the next newsletter to assist residents if required.

·  The proposed unofficial steps running up to the road from beside the salt bin on the slip road were discussed. JF needs to run this by BE and asked for a small plan to show the exact location. DR to provide this. Only 4 or 5 steps proposed with the materials already available.

·  The potholes on Longfords Lane leading up to Balls Green were discussed. It was noted that the deep one outside the farm had been filled in but that there were still others. SDR to track her request to fill them with GCC. PCW had informed LN that they have changed the rules on what constitutes a pot hole and those left were not deep enough to be filled other than at the council’s discretion. PCW (parish counsellor) is taking this to the full council meeting to try to get them filled. Also to try to get the bushes cut back down the lane. This is a potential issue as large vehicles such as a fire engine cannot negotiate the lane.

·  JF confirmed the contractor who painted The Old Warehouse has not been paid in full until he has returned to complete the snags.

·  HF pointed out that the grass near Spinners bins store needs replacing following vehicles parking off road and the damage caused by the electricity company. A suggestion by a resident that wild flowers be planted on the dam bank was put forward. Both of these to be looked at during the grounds inspection.

·  RM brought up the preferred supplier list. JF is looking into this and confirmed that the contractor who had painted The Old Warehouse, would not be on it. DR suggested we draw up our own list using people we could recommend. This could be put into the newsletter, asking for recommendations. BL had a plumber he could recommend and he would give DR the details. It was also noted that Rakes and Ladders had completed the painting of The Wool Loft and The Yarn Store satisfactorily.

3. Subscriptions

BL reported that 19 residents had paid this year’s subscription by the end of May. No further bank statement had been received. He proposed changing to online banking to which there were no objections. This will enable him to monitor the bank account more easily. A reminder about the subscriptions is to go into the next newsletter.

4. Social Events

HF to organise a Safari Supper with the proposed date of Saturday 28 September. She suggested a charity event, with participants being charged £10 per head discounted for those providing food. It would be BYO. All participants to meet at one house at 7pm to get details of where to go from there. 6 or 8 people at each house for starter, then move on for main course, then move on again for dessert. Finally all to meet at one big house at the end or disperse after dessert. Those present decided to open it to all residents, not just members of LMRA in the hope of attracting more members. We need to know numbers so email to go out asap for replies by the end of July. It was finally decided that the money raised be used for the good of the community rather than charity. E.g. paying for wild flowers on the bank and/or the painting of the bridge. This will also be in the newsletter, which will hopefully go out before the end of July.

The summer party was also discussed. As we are asked not to BBQ on estate land it was decided that a picnic was best. It was thought that this could not be linked to anything such as painting the bridge, so should be ‘stand alone’. The suggested date is Sunday 21 July at 1pm on the grass beside the spillway. Residents to bring their own chairs and picnic mats. LMRA to supply Pimms. It was suggested that everyone bring a plate of food to share. This to go into an email and the newsletter.

DR also suggested that the committee had a night out. No further details discussed.

5. Owners Information Sheet

This has been held over for the next meeting when at least an hour will be dedicated to it. JF confirmed she was happy for us to change the wording. LN to email to committee members for their comments, a mock up booklet based on the existing draft document that JF had produced.

The next meeting to be held at 7pm on Monday 15 July 2013 at 15 The Yarn Store.