Longfield and New Barn Parish Council
Planning Committee
of the Meeting to held on
Wednesday 9th May 2007 at 7.00pm
At Jubilee Hall, Main Road, Longfield
1. Planning Applications to which there are no objections:
301 107 Main Road, Longfield
Demolition of existing outbuilding and erection of a part two/part single storey rear extension and provision of a window in side elevation.
However the Council is concerned about neighbouring single storey outbuilding which seems to be attached to which is to be demolised.
336 Kymin, 12 Weird Wood, Longfield
Erection of a single storey rear extension together with conversion of part of garage into habitable room.
REVISED: Demolition of part of garage and erection of a single storey side/rear extension and rear conservatory.
382 53 Longfield Avenue, New Barn
Erection of a single storey extension to detached garage
361 Waitrose Supermarket, 63 Station Road, Longfield
Installation of new entrance shopfront to replace existing shopfront
384 Land East of Sandy Lane, Bean
Erection of a single storey abstraction borehole kiosk and ancillary works
416 57 Longfield Ave, Longfield, Erection of a single storey side extension and detached
412 9 Starling Close, Longfield. Erection of a single storey front extension and front canopy
2. Planning Applications to which there are objections:
335 33 Orchard Close, Longfield
Erection of a single storey side extension and provision of a dormer window in front, rear and both side elevations in connection with providing additional rooms in the roof space.
The Council are concerned regarding direct sighting into windows of adjacent properties of both sides..
3. Planning Applications granted by DBC
98 6 Merileys Close, New Barn, Longfield
Erection of extension to existing rear conservatory.
1078 Pinden End Farm, Canada Farm Road, Longfield
Change of use of part of agricultural barn (Building C) to Class B1 (light industrial/office) use on a permanent basis.
1405 23 Fawkham Avenue, Longfield,
Demolition of rear wing of house, conservatory and garage and erection of a part two/part single storey rear extension.
149 Waitrose Supermarket, 63 Station Road, Longfield
Installation of 1 new mechanical plant unit to service yard and 2 new mechanical plant units to replace 3 existing units on roof well.
235 9 Garrow, Longfield.
Application to thin crown by 25% and lift crown to height of 5.5 metres 1 No Silver Birch tree subject to TPO No.1 1988.
4. Planning Applications refused by DBC:
329 56 Longfield Avenue, Longfield:
Details of obscure glazing pursuant to Condition 2 of Planning Permission DA/06/00791/FUL. Refusal reasons: Details of the type of glass to be used and the level of obscurity are required. For example, Pilkington level 4.
140 5 Festival Avenue, Longfield
Erection of a pergola in front garden (retrospective Application)
DA/07/01 Pinden Quarry , consultation on application for the consolidation of planning permissions, northern extension of Pinden Quarry and exchange of the proposed northern extension for the existing and permitted westerly extension. DBC decided to refuse planning permission for the development.
5. Appeals.
06/00411/TDA: Nurstead Lane Reservoir, Nurstead Avenue, New Barn
Inspectors decision - dismissed
Signed …………………………………..
Date ……………………..