Additional file 1: Cost and technology data for article: "Smart energy systems for smart city districts: case study Reininghaus District"


Table S1: End-consumer prices and cost for energy from different sources for the base-line scenario

Buying / Cost / Source
Electricity / 113 €/MWhel / E-control: lowest total net electricity price Full Pull Stadtwerke Klagenfurt, Min.-purchase quantity of 100 MWh/year, excl. discount, last assessed on 23rd October 2014,
Natural gas / 49 €/MWh / E-control: lowest total net electricity price Vitalis Handels GmbH, Min.-purchase quantity of 400 MWh/year, last assessed on 23rd October 2014,
District heat 78°C / 63 €/MWhth / Calculation according to actual price list 2014: annual power price by max. installed load 15,146 kW + energy price at purchase of 50,774 MWh + Energieabgabe, last assessed on 23rd October 2014,
Heat storage 78°C / div. €/MWhth / JENNI Heat storages, last assessed on 23rd October 2014,
Waste heat Marie 78°C
/ 50 to 51 €/MWhth / Uppermost price limit for feasibility of waste heat to cover heating and warm water demand of buildings, according to own calculation on PNS technology system with concurrency situations on energy and technology market to natural gas and conventional district heat (excluding all waste heat and cold water flows)
Waste heat Marie 30°C
/ 34 to 36 €/MWhth
Waste heat Linde 22°C
/ 30 to 31 €/MWhth
Waste heat Stamag 20°C / 24 to 27 €/MWhth
Stamag 10°C / 41 €/MWhth
Solar energy_PV
/ 0 €/MWhel / To date there is no tax on solar energy in Austria
Solar energy Solarthermal
/ 0 €/MWhth / To date there is no tax on solar energy in Austria
Selling / Selling Price / Source
Heating / 63 €/MWhth / Calculation according to current pricelist 2014, last assessed on 23rd October 2014,
Warm water / 63 €/MWhth / Calculation according to current pricelist 2014, last assessed on 23rd October 2014,
Cooling / 58 €/MWhel / Calculation according to cost for cooling load retrieval using air (max. investment cost plus electricity demand inner and outer AC Toshiba 22kWpeak)
Feed-in-tariff for PV / 125 €/MWhel / Feed-in-tariff according to Bundesgesetzblatt BGBLA 2013 (Ökostromförderbeitragsverordnung 2014, 504. Verordnung) and updated Einspeiseverordnung for the years 2014 and 2015, at bottleneck capacity of over 5kWpeak to 350 kWpeak
Feed-in-tariff electricity for CHP / 47 €/MWhel / E-control: lowest total net price Full Pull Stadtwerke Klagenfurt at min. purchase of 100 MWh/year, excl. discount, last assessed on 23rd October 2014,

Resources and technologies

Table S2: Technology list with flow rates, efficiency rates and distances between locations

Technology / Dimension / Location
Gasburner / 45|150|300|1000|3000 kWth / Marienhütte, directly in quarters
CHP / 45|150|300|1000|3000 kWth / Marienhütte, directly in quarters
Heat exchanger / 300|1000|3000 kWth /
  1. District heat
  2. Waste heat Marie78C
  3. Waste heat Marie30C
  4. Waste heat Linde22C
  5. Waste heat Stamag22C
  6. Waste heat Stamag10C

Heatpump Marie30C / 50|200|400|kWth / Marienhütte, directly in quarters
Heatpump Linde22C / 50|200|400|750 kWth / Linde, directly in quarters
Heatpump Stamag 22C / 50|200|400|750 kWth
Heatpump Stamag10C / 50|200|400|750 kWth / Stamag, directly in quarters
Heat storage / div. / storage
Cooling Stamag / 45|150|300|kWel / directly in quarters
NZE-Photovoltaics / 8|100|300|kWel / directly in quarters
Solar thermal / 8|100|300|kWth / directly in quarters
Air Conditioning / 22|45|135|kW / directly in quarters
District heat pipes incl. civil engineering underground (digging) / various dimensions and temperature levels between 10°C and 78°C / various lengths between Energie Graz, Marienhütte, Lindegas, Linde Cooling, Speicher Lechthaler Silo, Stamag and Stamag Cooling to supply locations Knot North, Knot South and Knot East
Gaspipes incl. civil engineering underground (digging) / various dimensions / various lengths between Gas Nord and South to Knot North, Knot South and Knot East

Table S3: Technology list with flow rates, efficiency rates, investment cost and operating cost for all scenarios

Technology / Location / Efficiency / Losses / Input / Output
Civil engineering underground
(digging) / see above / • Investment cost: 108 €/m / • digging
Heat pipe
(piping) / see above / 10% losses / • Investment cost: 108 €/m / • piping
Gas burners 45 kWth / Quarters / ηth=0.92
10 Jahre / • Investment cost: 17.770 €
• Operating cost: 888 €/y
• Electricity: 4,7 MWhel/y
• Natural Gas: 391 MWh/y / • Heat: 360 MWhth/y
Gas burners 150 kWth / Quarters / ηth=0.92
10 Jahre / • Investment cost: 41.250 €
• Operating cost: 1.444 €/y
• Electricity: 16 MWh/y
• Natural Gas: 1304 MWh/y / • Heat: 1.200 MWhth/y
Gas burners 300 kWth / Marienhütte, Quarters / ηtot=0.92
10 Jahre / • Investment cost: 17.770 €
• Operating cost: 888 €/y
• Electricity: 4,7 MWhel/y
• Natural Gas: 2.609 MWh/y / • Heat: 2.400 MWhth/y
Gas burners 1 MWth / Marienhütte / ηth=0.92
10 Jahre / • Investment cost: 41.248 €
• Operating cost: 1.444 €/y
• Electricity: 15,6 MWhel/y
• Natural Gas: 8.696 MWh/y / • Heat: 8.000 MWhth/y
Gas burners 3 MWth / Marienhütte / ηth=0.92
10 Jahre / • Investment cost: 89.061 €
• Operating cost: 3.117 €/y
• Electricity: 14,1 MWhel/y
• Natural Gas: 26.087 MWh/y / • Heat: 24.000 MWhth/y
Technology / Location / Efficiency / Losses / Input / Output
CHP 45 kWth / Quarters / ηtot=0.78
10 Jahre / • Investment cost: 91.527 €
• Operating cost: 9.951 €/y
• Natural Gas: 1.000 MWh/y / • Heat: 420 MWhth/y
• Electricity: 360 MWhel/y
CHP 150 kWth / Quarters / ηtot=0.78
10 Jahre / • Investment cost: 160.017 €
• Operating cost: 18.656 €/y
• Natural Gas: 3.333 MWh/y / • Heat: 1.400 MWhth/y
• Electricity: 1.200 MWhel/y
CHP 300 kWth / Marienhütte, Quarters / ηtot=0.80
10 Jahre / • Investment cost: 220.721 €
• Operating cost: 26.788 €/y
• Natural Gas: 6.316 MWh/y / • Heat: 2.653 MWhth/y
• Electricity: 2.400 MWhel/y
CHP 1 MWth / Marienhütte / ηtot=0.85
10 Jahre / • Investment cost: 385.886 €
• Operating cost: 50.222 €/y
• Natural Gas: 19.048 MWh/y / • Heat: 8.190 MWhth/y
• Electricity: 8.000 MWhel/y
CHP 3 MWth / Marienhütte / ηtot=0.85
10 Jahre / • Investment cost: 642.456 €
• Operating cost: 89.114 €/y
• Natural Gas: 57.143 MWh/y / • Heat: 24.571 MWhth/y
• Electricity: 24.000 MWhel/y
Heat exchanger 300 kW / Marienhütte District heat
Marienhütte Waste heat
Linde Waste heat
Stamag Waste heat / ηth= -
10 Jahre / • Investment cost: 1.455 €
• Heat: 2.628 MWh/y / • Heat: 2.628 MWhth/y
Heat exchanger 1 MW / Marie District heat
Marie Waste heat
Linde Waste heat
Stamag Waste heat / ηth= -
10 Jahre / • Investment cost: 3.356 €
• Heat: 8760 MWh/y / •Heat: 8760 MWhth/y
Heat exchanger 3 MW / Marie District heat
Marie Waste heat
Linde Waste heat
Stamag Waste heat / ηth= -
10 Jahre / • Investment cost: 7.292 €
• Heat: 26.280 MWh/y / • Heat: 26.280 MWhth/y
HeatpumpMarie 50 kW / Quarters / COP = 5,0
25 Jahre / • Investment cost: 30.015 €
• Operating cost: 750 €/y
• Electricity: 166 MWhel/y
• Water: 659 MWh/y / •Heat: 824 MWhth/y
•Cooling energy: 577 MWhth/y
Technology / Location / Efficiency / Losses / Input / Output
HeatpumpMarie 400 kW / Quarters / COP = 4,8
25 Jahre / • Investment cost: 74.470 €
• Operating cost: 1.502 €/y
• Electricity: 1.373 MWhel/y
• Water: 5.162 MWh/y / •Heat: 6.535 MWhth/y
•Cooling energy: 4.574 MWhth/y
HeatpumpMarie 400 kW (HT) / Marie / COP = -
25 Jahre / • Investment cost: 128.200 €
• Operating cost: 1.502 €/y
• Electricity: - MWhel/y
• Water: - MWh/y / •Heat: - MWhth/y
•Cooling energy: - MWhth/y
HeatpumpLinde 50 kW / Quarters / COP = 4,1
25 Jahre / • Investment cost: 30.015 €
• Operating cost: 750 €/y
• Electricity: 162 MWhel/y
• Water: 501 MWh/y / •Heat: 663 MWhth/y
•Cooling energy: 484 MWhth/y
HeatpumpLinde 200 kW / Quarters / COP = 3,5
25 Jahre / • Investment cost: 42.470 €
• Operating cost: 1.502 €/y
• Electricity: 622 MWhel/y
• Water: 1.568 MWh/y / •Heat: 2190 MWhth/y
•Cooling energy: 1.568 MWhth/y
HeatpumpLinde 400 kW / Quarters / COP = 4,0
25 Jahre / • Investment cost: 74.470 €
• Operating cost: 1.502 €/y
• Electricity: 1.305 MWhel/y
• Water: 3.881 MWh/y / •Heat: 5.186 MWhth/y
•Cooling energy: 3.880 MWhth/y
HeatpumpLinde 400 kW (HT) / LindeLech / COP = 2,9
25 Jahre / • Investment cost: 128.200 €
• Operating cost: 1.502 €/y
• Electricity: 1.472 MWhel/y
• Water: 2.733 MWh/y / •Heat: 4.205 MWhth/y
•Cooling energy: 2.838 MWhth/y
HeatpumpLinde 750 kW (HT) / LindeLech / COP = 2,9
25 Jahre / • Investment cost: 203.520 €
• Operating cost: 1.502 €/y
• Electricity: 2.602 MWhel/y
• Water: 4.993 MWh/y / •Heat: 7.595 MWhth/y
•Cooling energy: 5.186 MWhth/y
50 kW / Quarters / COP = 3,5
25 Jahre / • Investment cost: 30.015 €
• Operating cost: 750 €/y
• Electricity: 159 MWhel/y
• Water: 393 MWh/y / •Heat: 552 MWhth/y
•Cooling energy: 458 MWhth/y
Technology / Location / Efficiency / Losses / Input / Output
200 kW / Quarters / COP = 2,9
25 Jahre / • Investment cost: 42.470 €
• Operating cost: 1.502 €/y
• Electricity: 590 MWhel/y
• Water: 1.120 MWh/y / •Heat: 1.710 MWhth/y
•Cooling energy: 1120 MWhth/y
400 kW / Quarters / COP = 3,1
25 Jahre / • Investment cost: 74.470 €
• Operating cost: 1.502 €/y
• Electricity: 1.238 MWhel/y
• Water: 2.599 MWh/y / •Heat: 3.837 MWhth/y
•Cooling energy: 2.599 MWhth/y
400 kW (HT) / Stamag / COP = 2,1
25 Jahre / • Investment cost: 128.200 €
• Operating cost: 1.502 €/y
• Electricity: 1.382 MWhel/y
• Water: 1.456 MWh/y / •Heat: 2.838 MWhth/y
•Cooling energy: 2.128 MWhth/y
750 kW (HT) / Stamag / COP = 2,6
25 Jahre / • Investment cost: 203.520 €
• Operating cost: 1.502 €/y
• Electricity: 2.442 MWhel/y
• Water: 3.890 MWh/y / •Heat: 6.331 MWhth/y
•Cooling energy: 3.890 MWhth/y
Cooling Stamag 45 kW / Quarters / COP = -
10 Jahre / • Investment cost: 227 €
• Water: 394 MWh/y / •Cooling energy: 964 MWhth/y
Cooling Stamag 150 kW / Quarters / COP = -
10 Jahre / • Investment cost: 490 €
• Water: 1.182 MWh/y / •Cooling energy: 1.182 MWhth/y
Cooling Stamag 300 kW / Quarters / COP = -
10 Jahre / • Investment cost: 1.455 €
• Water: 2.628 MWh/y / •Cooling energy: 2.628 MWhth/y
PV 8 kW / Quarters / ηtot= -
25 Jahre / • Investment cost: 16.000 €
• Operating cost: 480 €/y / • Electricity: 7,6 MWhel/y
PV 100 kW / Quarters / ηtot= -
25 Jahre / • Investment cost: 190.000 €
• Operating cost: 4.750 €/y / • Electricity: 95 MWhel/y
PV 300 kW / Quarters / ηtot= -
25 Jahre / • Investment cost: 555.000 €
• Operating cost: 11.100 €/y / • Electricity: 285 MWhel/y
Solarthermal 8 kW / Quarters / ηtot= -
25 Jahre / • Investment cost: 14.286 €
• Operating cost: 286 €/y / • Heat: 5,9 MWhel/y
Technology / Location / Efficiency / Losses / Input / Output
Solarthermal 100 kW / Quarters / ηtot= -
25 Jahre / • Investment cost: 107.143 €
• Operating cost: 1.607 €/y / • Heat: 73 MWhel/y
Solarthermal 300 kW / Quarters / ηtot= -
25 Jahre / • Investment cost: 160.714 €
• Operating cost: 1.607 €/y / • Heat: 220 MWhel/y
Air Conditioning 22 kW / Quarters / ηtot= -
12 Jahre / • Investment cost: 36.124 €
• Electricity: 121 MWhel/y / • Cooling energy: 196 MWhel/y
Air Conditioning 45 kW / Quarters / ηtot= -
12 Jahre / • Investment cost: 51.540 €
• Electricity: 123 MWhel/y / • Cooling energy: 394 MWhel/y
Air Conditioning 135 kW / Quarters / ηtot= -
12 Jahre / • Investment cost: 103.820 €
• Electricity: 365 MWhel/y / • Cooling energy: 1.183 MWhel/y