
Several of you indicated during your area meetings with Alf Tuggle that you would like some help from the Southern Region regarding your camp operations. Many of you have short long-term summer camping seasons or fall, winter or spring camping programs and you want to continue to operate your council long-term camping program in the most efficient manner. Please take a few minutes to complete this survey and fax to Marge Morris at 770-499-8146by January 25, 2008. The results will be used to plan area meetings where we can begin that process.

  1. What type long-term Boy Scout camps do you operate? __Summer __Fall __Winter __ Spring
  1. What were the dates of your long-term Boy Scout Summer Camp in 2007?

Week 1: ______Week 2: ______

Week 3: ______Week 4: ______

  1. What are the dates for your long-term Boy Scout Summer Camp in 2008?

Week 1: ______Week 2: ______

Week 3: ______Week 4: ______

  1. What are the dates for your long-term Boy Scout camp other than summer camp in 2008?

Fall CampDates: ______Winter Camp Dates: ______

Spring CampDates: ______

  1. Do you operate Boy Scout Summer Camp continuously between first & last week or do you close for a week or more? (example: closed 4th of July week)

__ Operate continuously__ Closed some (how many weeks closed? ___

  1. Do you operate your camp as a Cub Resident Camp in addition to Boy Scout Camp? __ Yes __ No Dates: ______
  1. If you did not operate a long-term Boy Scout Summer Camp in 2007, what were the top two reasons?

Reason 1: ______

Reason 2: ______

  1. If you did not operate a long-term Boy Scout Summer Camp in 2007 would you like to in 2008 or 2009? __ Yes __ No
  1. What are your top two problem areas in preparing for long-term camp? (Recruiting top staff, recruiting youth staff, food preparation, attendance, etc.)

Problem 1: ______

Problem 2: ______

10.Which are the two most difficult top staff positions for you to fill?

Position 1: ______

Position 2: ______

11.What are the two most difficult National Standards for your camp to meet and why are they a problem?

Standard 1:______


Standard 2:______


  1. Will the following NCS trained positions for 2008 be filled by professional staff or volunteer staff?

CampDirector: __ Professional (Title: ______)__ Volunteer

Program Director: __ Professional (Title: ______)__ Volunteer

Business Manager: __ Professional (Title: ______)__ Volunteer

Aquatics Director:

Shooting Sports Director: __ Professional (Title: ______)__ Volunteer

COPE Director: __ Professional (Title: ______)__ Volunteer

Climbing Director: __ Professional (Title: ______)__ Volunteer

Ecology/Conservation Director:__ Professional (Title: ______)__ Volunteer

Outdoor Skills Director: __ Professional (Title: ______)__ Volunteer

Full time Health Officer:Current License/Training: ______

13.Was your camp financially sound in 2007 when you include in addition to direct program expenses the following: year-round cost of ownership including Ranger’s salary, year-round utilities, pro-rated salaries of professional staff who are assigned a camp responsibility, pro-rated salaries of office staff related to camp, camp share of property insurance and camp related depreciation? __ Yes __ No

14.Do you have a scheduled maintenance/replacement program for you camp that includes replacing major expense items such as roads, roofs, painting, remodeling, kitchen equipment and so on, in addition to normal program items such as boats, canoes, rifles and shotguns?

__ Yes__ No

15.Are you currently involved in or planning a capital campaign for improvements to your camp?

__ Yes__ No

  1. Would you, your program professional and your council Camping/Program/Property chairman be interested in attending an area camp support meeting to brain-storm ways the Southern Region can help facilitate more efficient use of your camp facilities, your camp staff and your program resources through coordination with other councils in your area?

__ Yes__ No

Person Completing Questionnaire: ______

Council: ______Position: ______

Fax to Marge Morris at 770-499-8146 by January 4, 2008

S:\SHARED\Program Function\Camping Report\2008\Long-term camp questions.doc