Long Crendon PTA Minutes – 26 September2017
Ed ChipperfieldLouisa StockleyHayley Batson Sara Goddard
Anna BowdenKaren HollisKaren FordTania Davison
Michele DuncanAlison StottJo ParkJames Haseldine
Sue StampSophie DavisMarikaHaseldineRonelBritz
Claire RhodesKate BourlakisGudrun HamiltonSandra Brookes
Tessa Grist
Approval of minutes
-Agreed by those attending and signed off
Outstanding matters arising
-Plaque for Helen’s tree.
Action: Louisa to chase Debbie for wording, pass to Alison
Summary of year and financial overview
-Treasurers report accompanies these minutes
-Total uncommitted funds: ~£28k
-Total raised ~£34k, total raised from events: ~£31k.
-Still waiting for BVP deposit, but Goody is aware and is continuing to follow up.
-Marika is awaiting full account, and will audit.
-Charities Commission requires full accounts (as we raised over £25,000).
Action: Karen H to upload accounts.
Updates and results from previous events
-Cake sales & refreshments raised £162.45
-Circus raised £2900
-Sponsored Bike/Scooter Ride raised £1053
Planning for future events
-Fireworks: underway as planned.
Action: Ed to update next meeting
-Christmas Bazaar: Planning committee to kick off.
Action: Louisa to tie up, and one of committee to update next meeting.
-Christmas Card Project: Louisa is working with Sarah-Jane on this. Underway.
-Calendar dates needed – Leonie Blatchford is doing the calendar again.
- Coffee and croissant mornings (first Friday of each full week back, half termly)
- Cake Sales (last Friday of each half term, except if July falls on a Friday)
- Autumn Disco (proposed 29th Nov)
- Fireworks (Sat 4th Nov)
- Christmas Bazaar (Sat 2nd Dec)
- Quiz Night (March, not needed for calendar)
- Fashion Show (having a year off in 2018)
- Film Night (tbc, not needed for calendar)
- Steeple to Steeple (tbc, not needed for calendar)
- Sponsored Bike Ride(last Friday of Bike to School week)
- Others? Leavers Assembly, Community Open Day, Sports Day, move up day etc
- Circus – need availability.
Action: Louisa/Leonie to check these with Lesley.
Action: Louisa to pass above dates to Leonie
Action: Louisa to get availability of Happy’s Circus
Succession and documentation
-Sara is transferring main contact on PTA UK to Louisa Stockley (I will be able to add new people)
-Louisa has login to Charities Commission website
-Change of Trustees
Action: Louisa to ask them if still happy to be Trustees
-Change of bank signatories
Action: Karen H to add Ed Chipperfield as signatory
-Benefits of Google Drive over Dropbox.
Action: Louisa to move documents over to Google Drive and send out info
-Comms team
Action: Ed to add George Simons to Comms team, Louisa to add to PTA list.
-Governors’ priorities for the year are the Library and ICT Suite. The Committee was happy to support these projects.
Action: Sue/Anna/SJJ to update on these projects at the next meeting.
-If we can cover 2018’s £6000 annual commitment, and if so, we will agree at the next meeting to allocate a budget to each project.
Action: Karen Hreport on expected raise for theyear (based on last year’s events)
Action: Ed to organise a pub discussion for planning new events.
-Creation of wish list of smaller items and ideas for spending PTA and 100 club money
Action: Anna to speak to teachers about creating a school wish list
-Outstanding money (sponsored cycle, BVP, disco)
Action: Gudrun to continue to follow up BVP
-Refreshments and stock check
Action: Louisa/Ronel to do a stock check, online stock list, and plan next quarter event refreshments
-Second hand uniform – Debbie Johnson has left, so need someone to take over.
Action: Louisa to speak to Tessa about incorporating this into the Year group cake sale responsibilities.
-Library project update – SJJ (via Anna) gave us a project update. We are seeking volunteers for a working party to oversee the planning and implementation.
Action: SJJ/Anna to come back with estimate of funds needed for books, materials, etc. Then PTA to assign project budget.
Action: Louisa to send names of volunteers to SJJ, and request help class reps.
Date of next meetings
-Next meeting – Weds 8th November, 7.30pm
-Following meeting – Thursday 18th January, 7.30pm
2017-18 Class Reps
FS – Karen Hollis + tbd
Y1 - Hayley Batson + MarikaHaseldine
Y2 - Karen Lunan and Tania Davison
Y3 - RonelBritz + Sandra Brooks
Y4 – Karen Hollis + Karen Thompson
Y5 – Claire Maclean + Karen Ford
Y6 – Kate Bourlakis + Claire Rhodes
2017-18 Officers
Chair Ed Chipperfield
Vice-Chairs Alison Stott + Jo Park
Honorary Treasurer Karen Hollis (co-opted)
Honorary Secretary Louisa Stockley