Long Crendon PTA Minutes – 26 September2017


Ed ChipperfieldLouisa StockleyHayley Batson Sara Goddard

Anna BowdenKaren HollisKaren FordTania Davison

Michele DuncanAlison StottJo ParkJames Haseldine


Sue StampSophie DavisMarikaHaseldineRonelBritz

Claire RhodesKate BourlakisGudrun HamiltonSandra Brookes

Tessa Grist

Approval of minutes

-Agreed by those attending and signed off

Outstanding matters arising

-Plaque for Helen’s tree.

Action: Louisa to chase Debbie for wording, pass to Alison

Summary of year and financial overview

-Treasurers report accompanies these minutes

-Total uncommitted funds: ~£28k

-Total raised ~£34k, total raised from events: ~£31k.

-Still waiting for BVP deposit, but Goody is aware and is continuing to follow up.

-Marika is awaiting full account, and will audit.

-Charities Commission requires full accounts (as we raised over £25,000).

Action: Karen H to upload accounts.

Updates and results from previous events

-Cake sales & refreshments raised £162.45

-Circus raised £2900

-Sponsored Bike/Scooter Ride raised £1053

Planning for future events

-Fireworks: underway as planned.

Action: Ed to update next meeting

-Christmas Bazaar: Planning committee to kick off.

Action: Louisa to tie up, and one of committee to update next meeting.

-Christmas Card Project: Louisa is working with Sarah-Jane on this. Underway.

-Calendar dates needed – Leonie Blatchford is doing the calendar again.

  1. Coffee and croissant mornings (first Friday of each full week back, half termly)
  2. Cake Sales (last Friday of each half term, except if July falls on a Friday)
  3. Autumn Disco (proposed 29th Nov)
  4. Fireworks (Sat 4th Nov)
  5. Christmas Bazaar (Sat 2nd Dec)
  6. Quiz Night (March, not needed for calendar)
  7. Fashion Show (having a year off in 2018)
  8. Film Night (tbc, not needed for calendar)
  9. Steeple to Steeple (tbc, not needed for calendar)
  10. Sponsored Bike Ride(last Friday of Bike to School week)
  11. Others? Leavers Assembly, Community Open Day, Sports Day, move up day etc
  12. Circus – need availability.

Action: Louisa/Leonie to check these with Lesley.

Action: Louisa to pass above dates to Leonie

Action: Louisa to get availability of Happy’s Circus

Succession and documentation

-Sara is transferring main contact on PTA UK to Louisa Stockley (I will be able to add new people)

-Louisa has login to Charities Commission website

-Change of Trustees

Action: Louisa to ask them if still happy to be Trustees

-Change of bank signatories

Action: Karen H to add Ed Chipperfield as signatory

-Benefits of Google Drive over Dropbox.

Action: Louisa to move documents over to Google Drive and send out info

-Comms team

Action: Ed to add George Simons to Comms team, Louisa to add to PTA list.


-Governors’ priorities for the year are the Library and ICT Suite. The Committee was happy to support these projects.

Action: Sue/Anna/SJJ to update on these projects at the next meeting.

-If we can cover 2018’s £6000 annual commitment, and if so, we will agree at the next meeting to allocate a budget to each project.

Action: Karen Hreport on expected raise for theyear (based on last year’s events)

Action: Ed to organise a pub discussion for planning new events.

-Creation of wish list of smaller items and ideas for spending PTA and 100 club money

Action: Anna to speak to teachers about creating a school wish list

-Outstanding money (sponsored cycle, BVP, disco)

Action: Gudrun to continue to follow up BVP


-Refreshments and stock check

Action: Louisa/Ronel to do a stock check, online stock list, and plan next quarter event refreshments

-Second hand uniform – Debbie Johnson has left, so need someone to take over.

Action: Louisa to speak to Tessa about incorporating this into the Year group cake sale responsibilities.

-Library project update – SJJ (via Anna) gave us a project update. We are seeking volunteers for a working party to oversee the planning and implementation.

Action: SJJ/Anna to come back with estimate of funds needed for books, materials, etc. Then PTA to assign project budget.

Action: Louisa to send names of volunteers to SJJ, and request help class reps.

Date of next meetings

-Next meeting – Weds 8th November, 7.30pm

-Following meeting – Thursday 18th January, 7.30pm

2017-18 Class Reps

FS – Karen Hollis + tbd

Y1 - Hayley Batson + MarikaHaseldine

Y2 - Karen Lunan and Tania Davison

Y3 - RonelBritz + Sandra Brooks

Y4 – Karen Hollis + Karen Thompson

Y5 – Claire Maclean + Karen Ford

Y6 – Kate Bourlakis + Claire Rhodes

2017-18 Officers

Chair Ed Chipperfield

Vice-Chairs Alison Stott + Jo Park

Honorary Treasurer Karen Hollis (co-opted)

Honorary Secretary Louisa Stockley
