London Regional Evaluation Network
Making the best use of limited resources in development evaluations
Richard Longhurst
Research Fellow at the Institute of Development Studies
Wednesday, 22nd April 2015
4.00pm to 5.30pm
Location: University College London (UCL), Malet Place (off Torrington Place), Darwin Building
Seminar Room B15
Book now: places are limited
Join us to hear more about how to undertake quality evaluations under budget constraints! In this UKES London Network event, Richard Longhurst will present a framework that relates the type of evaluation to the resources available to enable better implementation and use of evaluations.
There has been a huge increase in the interest, advice and research on evaluation methods over the last 10 years in the area of international development evaluations, and similarly in the domestic scene. This is very welcome, of course. But many practitioners have found this frustrating as there is scant reference to the quantity and quality of resources required to implement evaluations (budget line, personnel, management expertise). These resources are often very limited, have to be deployed to best methodological effect and also recognise the governance structure of the commissioning agency.
Richard Longhurst is a development economist and a Research Associate at the Institute of Development Studies at Sussex University. He has worked as an evaluation manager and evaluator for several multilateral development organisations.
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Registration is from 4pm with the main session starting promptly at 4.30pm. Booking and confirmation of booking are essential as places are limited. In order to attend, please complete the registration form attached.
The event is free to UKES members. There is a charge of £50 for non-members payable by check to the UK Evaluation Society (or cash) at the door. To become a UKES member please click:
UKES London Network Event
Wednesday, April 22nd, 2015
Making the best use of limited resources in development evaluations, with Richard Longhurst
Registration form
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