London 2 New Delhi 2011 bike ride - June 25, 2011

We all assembled at Trafalgar Square(7AM), got into our new branded T-shirts and visibility jackets and then moved onto the venue for inaugarating this event at the Dragon Hall closeby. After a brief introduction, breakfast and formal inaugaration, we were on our way, headed towards Dover cycling through the crazy London roads.

London 2 New Delhi 2011 bike ride - June 25, 2011

and here are a few pictures from that day. Thanks to Roopa

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London to Dover(update): 25/06/2011

we kept moving - split/lost in the process and finally assembled near Greenheithe. srini stopped to have the bike checked at evans and we missed him. he managed to get past everyone with no map :) based on convenience and timings, we had smaller groups now going in the direction of canterbury (place for the night halt). the next halt(as per plan anyway) was feversham for dinner but we decided to do it early as we were already getting late. stopped at sittingbourne near aldi where everyone assembled but decided to carry on a bit more before dinner. roopa, manish and kumaravel got us hot indian dinner between sittingbourne and feversham. it was already dark and we had another 20 miles to go before camping for the night at canterbury.

finally reached canterbury around 11:30pm and retired for the night. next day was the big day :)

London to Dover(update from Srini): 26/06/2011

@ 10:49am - We are in dover. 3 reached. Rest coming in 30 mins

update: 26/06/2011 around 4PM

boarded the ferry along wit Raj and Rao after missing the scheduled one narrowly

27/06/2011 @ 08:01am

we reached Steenovoorde at 12:30am, slept outside camp site as it was closed but we are fine with our tent. now heading towards Lille

27/06/2011 @ 12:13pm

Today it is 33c & wind from the opposite direction. We stopped at Bailleul. Another 85km to go ttoday. A new challenge every day ... but it is going good. We will make 300km total by the end of today.

London 2 Delhi 2011

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28/06/2011 @12:10

Today we crossed France & entered into Belgium, heading towards Mons. Morning went well so far 40KM. Slowly getting used to cycle routes here. Today less hoter than yesterday, opp wind is same level - srini

28/06/2011 @15:00hrs

We are aiming for Beaumont. Could you let us know any camp sites there? - Raj

28/06/2011 @ 22:15

We cooked & having dinner here in Beaumont. Call u tomorrow. Did 125KM today, it was very good
- srini

28/06/2011 @ 23:12

We still need to reach campsite, 4 miles to go, stuck in rain, good that we found a shed to stand & cook. Finished dinner & waiting for rain to stop, it is different experience
- srini

29/06/2011 @ 10:09

Rao garu decided to drop from the journey

29/06/2011 @ 11:30 (over phone)

Couldn't make it to campsite last night and tented near shed, very tuff terrain. Hilly area, lots of uphills & downhills. However Rao garu wants to continue the journey but opted to drop now. Cycle from Beaumont to Givet on the way Rao garu take a train @Philleppeville to Brussels via Charleroi, then EURO star to London St Pancras.
- srini

29/06/2011 @ 15:40

Rao garu is now in train to Brussels. Raj & myself heading to Welllin. Today lot of hilly terrain, ups & downs. We will stay in some campsite on the way.
- srini

29/06/2011 @ 20:19

Rao garu already in London, coming to my home in 30 mins.
- babji

29/06/2011 @ 20:42

We have reached Wellin, Belgium. Got into sports centre ground for camping with the help of local police. Dinner cooked, did around 80KM today. Lot of hills today. thanks for all ur support.
- srini

London 2 Delhi 2011

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Jun 30

29/06/2011 @ 23:29

Rao garu arrived today in London, couldn't continue due to hilly terrain.
- srini

30/06/2011 @ 16.58pm

Completed 550km so far, heading towards luxemberg now, another 40km to complete today, it is very nice one, though lot of steep hills. Slowly bringing schedule to normal.

our longest distance in 1 day is 125km

- srini & raj

30/06/2011 @ 20:57

Reached campsite in luxemburg & cooking dinner. will send u update in an hour. Today's strech is too good.

01/07/2011 19:00 CET

Too many hills, taking lot of time, we could do only 64km so far, visited Schengan village on the way. Now we r in germany, we need to do at least 35km today. Heading towards Saarlouis, Germany.

~Srini Alluri

PS: Schengan village is in the junction of France, Germany & Luxembourg. EU Visa is name after this village.

01/07/2011 21:04 CET

Reached Siersburg, 85km today, as too many hills it took long time, we found a campsite on the way & stopped here now. Missed route 2 times, that made 20KM extra today. Putting up tent, will need to cook. We will now spend some time for studying terrain & route for tomorrow. We r planning to start early tomorrow.

~ Srini Alluri

02/07/2011 19:36 CET

We are now very close to Vennigen. Completed 90+km so far today. there are mix of up & downs today. 400m altitude hills we had to walk more than 2hrs today in 10hrs journey. All went well, your good wishes are helping us. We will do another 1hr today.

- Srini Alluri

02/07/2011 23:29CET

We have reached vinnegan at 9pm had dinner here, no camp sites nearby, but a resotorebt manager helped us find a field to put our tent near to radio tower outside vennigan. Can you send us some key locations from vinnegan to next days plan. Just text us some location names.

- Srini Alluri

03/07/2011 19:25CET

We have completed 90KM so far today, heading to Pforzheim. Germans are very nice, they treated us nicely every where, cycled with us, showed us directions. Will send more updates soon.

- Srini Alluri

03/07/2011 21:31CET

We have completed 120KM today reached Pforzheim. Germans are very nice, they treated us every where, cycled with us, showed us directions, given us food. Will send more updates soon. Mahesh directions & route map r great, helped us a lot.

- Srini Alluri

more pictures enroute ...

pulled out a few from here.

you can follow the link for more up-to-date pictures


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London 2 Delhi 2011

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Jul 4

04/07/2011 11:30CET

Had breakdast, cooked & packed lunch. Heading towards Esslingen am Necker.

- Srini Alluri

Spoken to both Srini & Raj, they are now used tocycle long distances. Both are healthy & energitic going with true Manavata spirit. - Mahesh Patharlapalli

04/07/2011 13:30 CET

Last night we were trying to find a campsite till 10pm, when we reached youth hostel that was closed, one family invited us to their home by looking at our 9days cycling. We stayed in their office. Washed our clothes, used internet after long time.This morning they have given us breakfast, donated 40EURO to Manavata. So far we have completed 25KM, heading towards Leonberg.

- Srini Alluri

04/07/2011 17:30CET

Still in Leonburg,confusion with routes today, we are heading to Essilington am necker.

- Srini Alluri

04/07/2011 21:30CET

Today we cycled 80km, hills again, lot of confusion with finding cycle routes. We could only reach bausnau. We need to find some fields to camp in this forest. Tomorrow we need to start early & cover more distance. Local police have accepted to camp some where in this location.

- Srini Alluri


Raj Marni & Srini Alluri in London on 25/06/2011

Hats off Srini & Raj, great going with high spirits of Humanity. We & our prayers are always with you. Lets make this world Healthy, Happy & Harmonious.


Raj Marni & Srini Alluri in London on 25/06/2011

Hats off Srini & Raj, great going with high spirits of Humanity. We are always with you. Let us make this world Healthy, Happy & Harmonious.

- Manavata team.

05/07/2011 06:44 CET

We are now starting to Esslingen. Will send more updates soon.

- Srini Alluri

05/07/2011 12:03 CET

We have reached wendlingen this morning, so far 35km. Heading towards Augsburg. It was maze/ puzzle to find cycle path till here but it is very good path so far, no a hilly terrain.


05/07/2011 21:45CET

Completed 1100KM in 11 days, but still 1.5 day behind the schedule due to extra cycling in finding cycle paths. Today it is a great day for Raj & Me. We have started at 7am & found right routes with help of local cycle map, cycled 800mts altitude mountain, completed 120KM, reached Ulm in Germany. This is a completely new route and not planned one. We need to have dinner now.

- Srini Alluri

05/07/2011 22:45 BST

Did video chat with Srini & Raj. Both looked very energetic and refreshed, today they are staying at hotel near Ulm, near Germany. 11 days of journey with lots of experiences. It was nice talking to them after a long time.

- Mahesh Patharlapalli

06/07/2011 09:42CET

Mamfret fink, 69, thaifingen helped us to find donau river path to vienna, he cycled with us for some distance this morning. We re planning to reach Ingolstred. Ismail will be arranging Munich meeting this evening at 7pm. He will send invite to Mahesh. pls inform all your friebds in Munich.

- Srini Alluri

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London 2 Delhi 2011

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06/07/2011 10:34CET

We are very close to Gunzburg, Danau river path is very good. We need to make 130+KM today.

- Srini Alluri

06/07/2011 12:36CET

We are close to Dillingen, 55KM completed so far. This cycle route is very good, clear direction boards, saving lot of time. We will be able to reach Ingolstadt which is another 90KM.

- Srini Alluri

06/07/2011 20:10 CET

Completed 130 km today, reached to neauburg. Ismail & ragu chennupati r taking us to munich. As per plan we will be doing a meeting at 8pm. Today donau rever path is amazing. Thanks mahesh for finding this. German agreechlture is too good.

- Srini Alluri

07/07/2011 08:30

Munich event went well last night, ismail & team made very good efforts to take our campaign to many people here. Now heading towards passau. We need to complete 550km in 4days to reach vienna.

- Srini Alluri

07/07/2011 12:43CET

Ismail has arranged accommodation & food at his home last night & had breakfast there, Raghuram has dropped us back at cycles. He is also trying to arrange things in pasau as well. Thanks to them for all the arrangements. This morning we completed 25km so far, long way to go regenceburg.. Trying to reach there by 3pm. Ismail will share photos, raghu will send press note & small write up on munich meeting.

- Srini Alluri

07/07/2011 15:05 CET

Completed 55km & Regenceburg is anither 50km, route is very good though it is a bit long.

- Srini Alluri

07/07/2011 19:15

We have crossed kelheim, big hill with a rough stony path, 500mts altitude, nice forest thru out hill. Completed 85km Now heading to regenburg.

- Srini Alluri

07/07/2011 23:05CET

Reached Regensgerg at 9:30pm, got into camp site, we could complete 115km, as soon put on tent in campsite, heavy wind & rain started, lucky that prepared food & packed in this morning at ismail's house. Had dinner, Tent is holding well even in this rain. today we have seen number of villages on the side of rever Donau. - Srini Alluri

08/07/2011 13:57CET

We have done 60km so far today, due to rain we had to cycle on wet sandy path for 20km, which is tougher than hill. Reached strauburg Still we need cover 95 km to reach passau. last night, rain helped to us sleep well for 6 hours.

-Srini Alluri

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Jul 8

08/07/2011 16:19CET

We in bogan now, route is now ok. Butnif u see any other short & better route let me know.

-Srini Alluri

08/07/2011 17:53CET

Compketed 100km so far, now deggendorf. Heading to passau.

-Srini Alluri

08/07/2011 19:40CET

Reached winzer 120km so far, raghu, u can ask if tomorrow morning yoga session is suitable for them, any time beteen 5 and 8am is ok for me. Pls check & let me know.

Srini Alluri

08/07/2011 21:08CET

Completed 150km so far today. we r just 20km to passau. will reach in 1hour. will update u after reaching there. we r at vilshofen.

-Srini Alluri

08/07/2011 23:33CET

We have reached passau at 10:30pM. 170km It is a longest & best ride we had so far. raghu has managed to find accommodation for us here in a temple, jandelserunn. They came & picked us from here. Tomorrow early morning they have arranged a yoga session also. 14 days 1500km, lot of great experiences. Pls continue ur good work & sub events which gives me energy for rest of the journey.

- Srini Alluri

09/07/2011 07:04CET

Thanks a lot Raghu, last night we have reached here with the help of temple volunteer around 11:30pm and had dinner, slept at 1am and 4:30am got ready to attend temple puja, completed meditation.

Voluteers here at Jandelsbrunn, Gerrmanyarranged a yoga session at 8am. We will start here again at around 9:30am. Very nice to visit temple today and taking yoga session.

- Srini Alluri

09/07/2011 10:42CET

We had 4hrs rest here & took a yoga session this morning, starting in another 20min from passau.

- Srini Alluri

09/07/2011 13:12CET