Lomax Junior High Student Handbook

2013 - 2014


Visit our campus website at:



281-604-6730 Fax

9801 N. Avenue L

La Porte, Texas77571

Danette Tilley, Principal

Dr. Larry Gerhart, Associate Principal

Chris Viator, Assistant Principal

Jill Howells, Counselor

SCHOOL DAY: 8:15 A.M. until 4:00 P.M.

This Handbook Belongs to:


ADDRESS: ______

CITY:______ZIP CODE:______



Acknowledgment Form

My child and I have received a copy of the Lomax Junior High School Student Handbook and the Student Code of Conduct for 2013–2014. I understand that the handbook contains information that my child and I may need during the school year and that all students will be held accountable for their behavior and will be subject to the disciplinary consequences outlined in the Student Code of Conduct. If I have any questions regarding this handbook or the Code of Conduct, I should direct those questions to the principal at 281-604-6700.

Note: If you prefer to receive and maintain these documents electronically, they are available on the district website. Please use the appropriate acknowledgement below.


My child and I have been offered the option to receive above documents via paper copy or to electronically access them at lpisd.org.

I have chosen to:

Receive a paper copy of the Student Handbook and the Student Code of Conduct.

Accept responsibility for accessing the Student Handbook and the Student Code of Conduct by visiting the Web address listed above.

Printed name of student:

Signature of student:

Signature of parent:


Notice Regarding Directory Information and
Parent’s Response Regarding Release of Student Information

Directory Information for School Sponsored Purposes

Certain information about district students is considered directory information. Directory information may be used for certain school sponsored public news releases, activities/athletics programs, and student recognition programs. The District is providing you this form so you can communicate your wishes about release of student information for these purposes.

For school-sponsored purposes, such as District publications, announcements, and press releases, LPISD has designated the following information as directory information: [See policy FL(LOCAL)]

  • Student’s name
  • Degrees, honors, and awards

  • Address
  • Dates of attendance

  • Telephone listing
  • Grade level

  • School email address (if applicable)
  • School most recently attended

  • Photograph
  • Participation in official activities and sports

  • Date and place of birth
  • Height and weight if a member of an athletic team

  • Major field of study

Note: All other, non-Directory information remains confidential and will not be released to the public without the consent of the parent or eligible student.

Parent: Please check one of the choices below:

I, parent of ______(student’s name),

_____do give

_____ do not give

the District permission to use the information in the above list for the specified school-sponsored purposes.

Parent signature Date

Directory Information for Non-School Sponsored Purposes

Directory information for non-school sponsored purposes will be released to anyone who follows the appropriate procedures for requesting the information unless the parent or guardian objects to its release. Examples of such non-school sponsored purposes might include the following:

  • Boy/Girl Scout recruiting
  • Summer recreational activities
  • Driving schools
  • College programs

Parents have the right to tell the District that it may or may not use or release directory information. If you do not want La Porte ISD to disclose directory information from your child’s education records for non-school sponsored purposes without your prior written consent, you must notify the District in writing by returning the following endorsement within ten school days of your child’s first day of instruction for this school year.

For non-school sponsored purposes, La Porte ISD has designated the following information as directory information:[See policy FL(LOCAL)]

  • Student’s name
  • Address
  • Grade level

Note: All other, non-Directory information remains confidential and will not be released to the public without the consent of the parent or eligible student.

Parent: Please check one of the choices below:

I, parent of ______(student’s name),

_____do give

_____ do not give

the District permission to use the information in the above list for the non-school sponsored purposes.

Parent signature Date


Acceptable Use Guidelines

La PorteIndependentSchool District makes a variety of communications and information technologiesavailable to students and District employees through computer,network, and Internet access. Thesetechnologies, when properly used, promote educational excellence by facilitating resourcesharing, innovation, and communication within the District. Illegal, unethical, or inappropriate use ofthese technologies can have dramatic consequences, harming the District, its students and itsemployees. These Acceptable Use Guidelines are intended to minimize the likelihood of such harm byeducating District students and employees and setting standards which will serve to protect the District. District Acceptable Use Guidelines are provided at the end of this campus handbook.

In addition, students who attend school in the La PorteIndependentSchool District are occasionally askedto be a part of school and/or District publicity, publications, educational development, andpublic relations activities. In order to ensure student safety and agreement for your student toparticipate, the District asks that you sign a consent form. This form indicates your consent for the student’s name, picture, work, voice or verbalstatement to appear in school publicity or District publications, videos, or on the District’s Website.

The following two pages provide the forms for students and parents to agree to comply with the Acceptable Use Guidelines and consent to the Publications, Video, Internet Consent and Release Agreement.


La PorteIndependentSchool District

Student Application/Agreement for Network/Internet Access

Please print:

Student’s Full Name: ______

School: ______

Homeroom Teacher: ______

Grade Level: ______

I understand and will abide by La Porte ISD’s Network/Internet Acceptable Use Guidelines. I further understandthat any violation of the guideline is unethical and may constitute a criminal offense. Should I commit anyviolation, my access privileges may be revoked. In addition, school disciplinary action and/or appropriatelegal action may be taken. My signature indicates that I understand the significance of the La Porte ISDNetwork/Internet Acceptable Use Guidelines and agree to comply fully with all terms and conditions therein.

Date: ______

Student’s Signature: ______


Parent/Guardian Approval:

As the parent or guardian of this student, I have read and understand the La Porte ISD Network/InternetAcceptable Use Guidelines. I further understand that the District’s Network/Internet use is designed for educationalpurposes. The District shall achieve its best effort to monitor Network/Internet usage by the students. However, Irecognize it is impossible for La Porte ISD to restrict access to all controversial material, and I will not hold LaPorte ISD responsible for materials acquired on the Network/Internet. I also understand that La Porte ISD is notresponsible for supervising my child’s use of the Internet when he/she is not at school.

Date: ______

Parent/Guardian’s Name (print): ______

Parent/Guardian’s Signature: ______

Publications, Video, Internet Consent and Release Agreement

Student Name: ______Teacher: ______

Grade Level: ______Date: ______

Students who attend school in the La Porte Independent School District are occasionally asked to be a part of school and/or District publicity, publications, educational development and public relations activities. In order to ensure student safety and agreement for your student to participate, the District asks that you sign this form. This form indicates your consent for the student’s name, picture, work, voice or verbal statement to appear in school publicity or District publications, videos or on the District’s Web site. For example, pictures and articles about school activities may appear in local newspapers or district publications. These pictures and articles may or may not personally identify the student. The pictures and or videos may be used by the district in subsequent years.


Student and Parent/Guardian release to La Porte ISD the student’s name, voice, verbal statements, portraits (video or still) and consent to their use by LPISD.

La Porte ISD agrees that the student’s name, voice, verbal statements, portrait or picture shall be used only for public relations, public information, school or district promotion, publicity, and instruction.

Student and Parent/Guardian understand and agree that:

No monetary consideration shall be paid;

Consent and release have been given without coercion or duress;

This agreement is binding upon heirs and/or future legal representatives;

The photo, video or student statements may be used in subsequent years.

______I agree to the above.

______I do not wish to have my child recognized with the use of the student’s name,

picture, work, voice or verbal statement to appear in school publicity or District publications, videos or on the District’s Web site.


Signature of Parent Signature of Student

***** The Student and Parent/Guardian may rescind this agreement with written notice.


La Porte Independent School District Parent-Teacher Student Compact


Name of student (please print)


Name of school School Year

We are committed to providing the best education possible for each of our students. It is our goal to give every child the opportunity to reach his/her potential in intellectual, emotional and physical growth. We know that learning can take place if there is a combination of effort, interest and motivation on the part of the school, the home and the community, working together toward that end.

This compact is a commitment to help each student’s progress in school, promoting his/her achievement. We believe that this agreement can be fulfilled through our team effort.

As a student I agree to: / As a parent I agree to: / As a teacher I agree to:
Attend school regularly unless I am sick
Try to always do my best in all that I do – work and behavior
Respect and cooperate with other students and adults
Not be afraid to ask for help when I need it
Complete all my assignments on time – class work as well as homework
Believe that I can learn and I will learn / Encourage good study habits at home
Maintain on-going communication with my child, my child’s teacher and the school
Help my child resolve conflicts in a positive manner
Keep informed about school activities and classroom learning
Show support for my child and the school staff and respect cultural differences / Provide an environment conducive to learning
Use methods and techniques that work best for my class
Respect the students, their parents and the diverse cultures of the school
Provide information to the parent and the student on the student’s progress
Help each student grow to his/her fullest potential
Maintain open lines of effective communication with my students and their parents, in order to support student learning

As a team we can work together.


Student signatureParent signature Teacher signature


Dear Parents,

Welcome to Lomax Junior High School. Whether your child is new to LXJH or a returning student, we are proud to have them here. We have an extremely talented and committed staff. Our teachers are dedicated to their students and work hard to help them reach their greatest potential. We also have a strong coaching staff and a gifted fine arts department that go over and above for their students.

We offer many clubs and organizations and hope that your child will get involved on campus. Research shows that when students get involved in extracurricular activities, they feel more a part of the school climate. This in turn, provides reason to value their educational experience more and keep them engaged in the learning process.

We appreciate and cherish our partnership with you and want you to know that our doors are always open to any questions or concerns that you may want to discuss. Feel free to contact us at any time.

Please take this opportunity to read the handbook carefully in order to better understand our expectations, routines and procedures. We pride ourselves in running a very efficient campus of over 600 students, but need your support in making LXJH the very best it can possibly be. Thank you for your continued support!


Danette Tilley


Dr. Larry Gerhart

Associate Principal

Chris Viator

Assistant Principal


The purpose of this section of the student handbook is to provide parents with a clear understanding of policies and procedures at Lomax Junior High. The faculty and staff want every student, parent or visitor to feel welcome and appreciated at our campus.

Attendance & Tardies


  • Attendance is vital to our students’ overall academic success. Lomax will follow the district and state attendance guidelines. All students are encouraged to attend school every day.
  • Perfect attendance will be recognized each six weeks and at the end of the school year.


  • When a student returns from being absent, a written note of explanation or a doctor’s note must be submitted within 3 school days. After a significant amount of absences, a student may be required to submit a doctor’s note for all future absences.

*Morning Tardies

  • The school day is from 8:15 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. When a student arrives in the building after 8:15 a.m., he/she will report to the office for a tardy slip, and then proceed to class.
  • If the student arrives at school after 10:00, he/she will be reported as absent. The student will not be recorded as absent if he/she has been to the doctor prior to arriving at school. However, the student must show a note from the doctor.
  • Because the school day begins promptly at 8:15 a.m., it is important that all students arrive prior to that time, ready for the school day. Beginning with the student’s second morning tardy, detention and/or other consequences will be administered. After subsequent morningtardies, the principal or assistant principal will conference with the student’s parent. Subsequent morning tardies will result in additional consequences.
  • The school day ends at 4:00 p.m. Checking the student out prior to that time should be reserved for doctor’s appointments and family emergencies.

Checks Written for Lunches, Fundraisers or Fees

For any check written for lunches, fundraisers, field trips, school pictures etc., please include the check writer’s driver’s license number and student name on the check.

Clubs & Organizations

Lomax offers a variety of extracurricular opportunities for the students. These clubs and organizations meet before and/or after school. Parents are responsible for providing transportation for the student. For all organizations, the student is expected to comply with the Student Code of Conduct, maintain passing grades and have no discipline referrals. Information and permission slips will be sent home with the students.

  • Student Council - Students are encouraged to participate in the leadership initiatives of our school. Representatives and officers will be elected at the beginning of the school year.
  • National Junior Honor Society – NJHS is an invitation-only organization which honors students who display exceptional leadership qualities, including scholarship, citizenship, and community service.
  • Spanish Club – Any student who is interested in learning more about the Spanish language and culture is welcome to join the Lomax Spanish Club. Please speak to Mrs. Hall for more information.
  • Meet in the Middle – This organization is open to any Lomax student who would like to promote friendship and collegiality on our campus. The club hosts various events for both special education and mainstream students to enjoy together.
  • Newspaper/Student Website – Students will work to promote positive communication for and about Lomax.
  • U.I.L Academics – Selected students are invited to be a member of the Lomax UIL Academic Team. This team competes in various academic events at the Spring UIL District Meet against neighboring schools.
  • Please listen carefully to morning announcements for other clubs and organizations to be named later.


Lomax offers several different means of communication in order for parents and the community to be informed of activities and events at Lomax Junior High.

  1. Lomax Website: Log onto and click the link for campuses and go to Lomax Junior High.
  2. Weekly Newsletter – This newsletter will provide current weekly information for parents, including upcoming campus events. It will also be posted weekly on the campus website.
  3. The Bay Area Observer – Community News for Seabrook, La Porte and the Galveston

Bay Area.

Counseling Services

Lomax Junior High provides a certified School Counselor to assist with meeting the social and emotional needs of our students. The counselor provides, in addition to the Classroom Guidance, group opportunities for counseling students of divorced parents and students who have experienced the loss of a parent or grandparent. Circle of Friends provides students with guidance in order to build positive relationships with classmates and teachers. The Counselor may be contacted at 281-604-6711.

In addition, Lomax Junior High is part of Communities in Schools, Inc. with a CIS Coordinator available for assistance.

LXJH Student Dress Code

The district’s dress code is established to teach grooming and hygiene, and minimizedisruption and safety hazards. Students and parents may determine a student’s personal dress and grooming standards, provided that they comply with the following: