Logic Model Sample
Needs/Gaps / Goals / Objectives / Activities, Curricula, Programs and Services / Responsible Party / Outcomes / How Outcomes will be Measured / Budget ItemsSample: Safe and orderly bus transportation services-
30% of discipline referrals last year were for transportation-related incidents. / Sample: Achieve disciplined behavior of students on school buses. / Sample: Reduce the number of disciplinary referrals made on school buses by 4% annually for a net of 16% over 4 yrs. / Sample: Utilize adult school bus monitors on identified bus routes. / Sample: Assistant Principal will recruit and coordinate bus monitors. / Sample: Supervised bus routes will be safe and orderly. / Sample: Analysis of discipline referral data (reports are entered into a database). / Sample: Stipends to pay bus monitors.
Below is an excerpt from a real logic model for a funded grant proposal. Entries do not have to be complete sentences; bullet points are fine. A short description of each column follows the table.
Needs/Gaps: What problem will the project or program address? All problems should be substantiated with data.
Goals:Goals are very general statements that indicate what the project hopes to achieve.
Objectives:Objectives should be directly related to the identified goals and are the “heart” of the grant proposal. The objectives state what the project intends to accomplish and should be clearly measurable. Whenever possible, be specific and assign a value to objectives.
Activities, Curricula, Programs and Services:Program activities identify what actions the project will perform to accomplish the goals and objectives.Logic Model developers should be prepared to provide documentation that the activities identified have been proven to be effective.
Responsible Party: Who will be conducting the activities identified?
Outcomes:Outcomes should be directly related to the identified objectives and answer the question, “where will we be once we’ve completed our project and accomplished our goals and objectives?”
How Outcomes will be measured: What data sources or collection tools will be used to measure program progress?
Budget Items: What resources are needed to implement the project? A listing of resources is fine; dollar amounts are not required.