SAPL Board Meeting August 9, 2011
Attendance: Doug Bogen, Sarah Curwood, Randy Kezar, Herb Moyer, Jim Powers, Peter Schmidt, Pat Warren, Bill Woodward
Review of last meeting/annual meeting/recent media
65 people, 1 story in Portsmouth Herald, others too, on June 20, 2011
Excellent speaker, Paul Gunter, Dr. Habib Dager, UMaine
HamptonUnion, Shir Haberman
Treasurer’s Report
Balance $473.21
Rent 2200.00
Internet 268.99
Phone 75.80 + 154.86 230.66
Postal 210.95
Bank + State Fees 225.00
Misc. expenses 36.13
Qtr Taxes 249.22
Unemployment Taxes 122.07
Consultant 2948.50
Donations 4270.00
Interest 47
EPA Grant 3568.50
Negef Grant 1000.00
Fundraiser at Flatbread Pizza, donate to non-profit
Will apply again, we invite customers, deadline September for October
Paint banner, fill out forms, paragraph on what the organization does, where wwe will advertise it, they suggest a raffle
Private Donations
Several from Riverwoods, result of Doug’s talk (Charles Pratt, Susan Press Hamilton)
Donor receipt form, by tax time
Please return forms
CA-CP Community Catalyst fund
Received letter back, unable to fund, focused on global warming, wind power tied to shutting nuclear plant. They invited resubmission. $2500 maximum
NEGEF New England Grass Roots Environmental Fund, $2500 maximum
$1000 received a year ago, need to send report
New proposal due 9/15/11
They often give continuing funding
Herald Editorial cited Doug, may lead to funding
Block Foundation
Old Clamshell people in VT
Other possibilities?
Large donor fund: spoke with Paul Gunther, WorldFellowshipCenter, urged funding. Gunter has been doing legal work pro se, some pro bono support from Michigan lawyer. Kurt Ehrenberg no longer available. Approach Burt Cohen?
Ask local law offices about contributing pro bono work for licensing.
Brian Stern has done some work. Worked with Bob Backus, who would work for $220/hr. Bob attended pre-hearing. He was involved in Toland Land Fill.
Try McClane, Graf, Raulerson (Bill, Herb)
Try Paul Holloway, Anna Grace
Shipyard TAG – Technical Assistance Grant, extension submitted (3 years).
OU2. Recyclin/integrator site proposed plan.
Doug is co-chair of Recreation Advisory Board. Public Hearing, plan for recycling center at shipyard, Wed. 8/10/11, Public hearing, Kittery Town Hall, at traffic circle, 6-8 info, 8-9 p.m. (Meeting with TAG Consultant beforehand)
Toxic contamination, 120,000 parts/million lead. From old batteries. Proposed plan to remove first four feet of soil. Aiming for 400 parts/million.
Cove is filled from explosion at turn of century. Retaining wall. This could end up in river. Dioxins from incinerator waste. TP incinerator. 10-20 ft thick at same site. In general, doing good job. Questions: how will they restrict access in future? Covenant?
Shoreline effort after Doug complained. Riprap or blocks of concrete used for cradle for submarines. On side of slope. Navy does no more than they have to.
Susan Mayer at the event, C. Shea Porter’s senior advisor. Shesaid navy is interested in global warming and renewables. Would UNH Marine people be interested (Randy?) Propose presentation to Marine Docent Program (Randy). Kittery Yacht Club in Newcastle?
Susan Hamilton, graphic artist, reinstated member. Would Randy shepherd this. Yes.
Is there a SAPL position on clean up that is contrary? There are toxic waste landfills.
Do they act on suggestions? They planted a salt marsh on northeast shore and restored a habitat. Made one big landfill with a cap.
NRC public meeting on Seabrook draft relicensing EIS – 9/15, 1-4 p.m., 6-8 p.m., 1 Liberty Lane, Hampton.
Infiltration of salt water was causing cracking. Boston Globe on 5/31/11. Measured strength of concrete. 28% degraded. Shir Haberman reported it.
NRC admitted that it would delay relicensing by a year, have to redo their review. Seabrook did not use the correct aggregate. If noone intervenes, could happen in 22 months (from 6/10), which would be this April. One year delay so far.We helped.
NRC spokesperson admitted tunnels full of water. Contain electric cables. Structural and safety operations issue.
Union of Concerned Scientists, David Laufbohm, took middle position, Doug was first call in. Asked if we can guess what our sources will be in 40 years. MIT nuclear proponent from MIT. Laura Knoy show took Doug’s call but cut him off.Herb suggests writing this up for the NHPR Board. Randy recommends tell the network ahead of time: tell them you have 3 bullet points.
Impact Statement Hearing, 9/15. 1-4 p.m., 6-8 p.m. 358 pp. Talks about alternatives. Renewables won’t work. NRC and plant owner, Next Era, Florida Power and Light, say the same thing. Seem to cut and paste.Documents library in D.C. New reg. 1437.
Analyzed nuclear vs carbon. Nuclear total life cycle 7 times more carbon than wind power on new construction, old construction 5 times. They refer to studies more than 5 years old which make it more even in International Atomic Energy Association. Ours is peer reviewed. Nuclear Energy Association. Nuclear Industry Association. They claim renewables are dispersed, we want unified. But grid feeds all the power out of state.
Seabrook is not a utility. They are an independent merchant plant.
Boston Public Library Mtg. on 7/16/11 on U-Tube, under Herb Moyer’s name. C-10 presentation.
I/S is not where we win arguments. Cannot bring up escape routes, etc. Concrete refurbishment person claims he can do it.
Send minutes to
Plant owners appealed to licensing board. We were qualified intervenor. Plant applied to deny us. That has to be ruled on. Relicensing hearings in October.
National debate about why the relicensing that we are party to, 46 intervenor groups writing to NRC (Paul Gunter).
Also Doug presented to NAACP. Also to Dover Friends Meeting. Riverwoods and The Boulders. Planning for Student Environmental Action Committee at UNH.
Film night at Portsmouth Library. “Seabrook 1977. The Seminal Protest of 1970s. Environmental Activism” We could invite the producer.
“Voices from Chernobyl.” “Children of Chernobyl”
“Into Eternity. Finnish repository for nuclear waste. Lots of atmosphere. Equivalent of YuccaMountain. How do you identify it on the surface? Beyond Nuclear can provide film and discussion material.
Plan for monthly film. Publicize series. We could do it at multiple places. Dover (Randy, Bill), Portsmouth (Doug, Herb). Put on community radio. Exeter Library requires insurance coverage. Try Unitarian Fellowship. Got 300 people at ExeterTown Hall for “OutFoxed.”Explore PhilipsExeterAcademy. Mark Drafton. “China Syndrome” also good.
Suggestion: need bibliography handout.
Nuclear plants that died prematurely.
Next meeting: Tuesday, Sept. 13, 2011