Title: SharpSchool Website Editing and Maintenance / Issue 1
Departments: All / Issue Date: 08/11/2014 / Effective Date 08/11/2014
Logging Into the Website:
1. Go to the PTA Website: http://www.gardencitypta.org/
1.1. Click the LogIn hyperlink on the upper right hand side of the website
1.2. Enter your Username and Password.
1.2.1. Username is in most cases:
Ø First Initial Last Name:
Ø Liz Santos would be lsantos
1.3. Once you log in, you will see the Administrator Toolbar.
Change Your Account Password:
Garden City PTA Email:
1. Checking Garden City PTA Email through the website.
1.1. Click on the Downward Arrow next to the More link in the Black Banner.
1.2. Click on Mail
1.3. This should open your Inbox and other Mailboxes. This webmail interface works the same as other e-mail client.
2. Outlook Garden City PTA Email POP Settings:
2.1. Incoming Mail Server: mail1.sharpschool.com
2.2. Outgoing Mail Server: mail1.sharpschool.com
2.3. POP3 Port: 110
2.4. IMAP Port: 143
2.5. SMTP Port: 25 *SMTP Server Requires Authentication
2.6. SMTP Type: No Encryption Required *SafeMail does not use Encryption for POP3 or IMAP
Adding a New Page to your Section:
1. Navigate to the School or Committee Webpage that you are responsible for
1.1. For this example we will use the Hemlock School PTA Pages.
1.1.1. Hemlock School has one main page seen here, and 4 Sub Pages
(Board List, Kinder Class Parents, 1st Grade Class Parents, and Meeting Notes)
2. When on the main page of the group, click Page Properties from the Administration Bar.
3. Click on Add New Page.
4. Click on Content Space Page
4.1. The Content Space Page Menu will load.
4.1.1. Title: What users will see in the menu bar.
4.1.2. Name: The extension of the URL for the website
4.1.3. Page Owner: The username of the person making the page. This should be filled in automatically.
4.1.4. Click the Create Page Button to continue to the Text Editor
4.2. Title and Name will automatically fill in from the previous page entries.
4.3. Summary: is a Brief Summary for the page. This is optional.
4.4. Page Content: This is the meat of your webpage. SharpSchool uses a “What you see is what you get” text editor. Whatever you see in this box is how your website page will be when published to the web. It is similar to Microsoft Word.
4.4.1. SharpSchool also allows for HTML editing if you would rather write your own code. Switch to the HTML Editor to continue coding in HTML.
4.5. Click the Publish Button when you are finished to Publish your page to the Web.
4.6. Click Yes to set the Page Status from Hidden to Publish.
4.7. The following is what you get.
Editing a Page:
1. Navigate to the page that needs editing.
1.1. For this example we will use the “Test Liz 1” Page.
2. In the Administration Toolbar Click on the Advanced Button.
3. Click on the Switch to Design Mode Button
4. Hover the mouse over the section that is to be edited.
4.1. In this case over the text of the “Test Liz 1” Page
5. Click the Edit Button to bring up the Text Editor.
6. Edit the Page and hit the Publish button when complete.
7. Once you Publish the changes, you will be returned to the View Mode. Alternatively you can hit the Advanced and Switch to View Mode buttons to return to the normal Browser view.
8. The History Button will bring up a menu listing past versions of the page. From this menu, you can view, select and go back to older versions of the page
Changing the Order of Pages in the Menu:
1. Navigate to the Main Page of your section.
2. In the Administrator Toolbar, select the Page Property Button.
3. Select Manage Subpages and then Page Order
3.1. The Page Order Menu will open as a Pop Up screen.
3.2. Drag and Drop the page you want to move, to the position you want it in.
3.3. Select the Update Page Order Button at the bottom of the screen.
Archiving/Deleting a Page:
1. As a fail safe SharpSchool requires users to Archive pages before they can be permanently deleted.
2. Navigate to the Main Page of your section.
3. In the Administrator Toolbar, select the Page Property Button.
4. Select Manage Sub-pages and then Page Status
4.1. The Page Status Menu will open as a Pop Up screen.
4.1.1. Check off any pages that are to be archived, and select the Archive Button at the bottom of the screen.
4.1.2. Select the Show Radio button to have the page be visible to all website visitors.
4.1.3. Select the Hide Selection Radio button to Hide the page from website visitors..
5. To Delete the page permanently, or Restore a page archived mistakenly, Select Page Property from the Administrator Toolbar.
5.1. Select the Archived Sub-Pages button.
5.2. In the Menu, Click on the Red X to Permanently delete the page.
5.2.1. Click on the Unarchive Page button to restore the page to the Page Status Menu.
Reminders, Warnings, and Helpful Hints:
1. Editing Pages is sometimes challenging. Fonts, sizing and Formatting may change erratically. Be patient with it, sometimes you will need to adjust your page several times to get it right.
1.1. Along those lines, sometimes it’s better when in lower page, to start fresh and make the page from scratch.
1.2. Keep things simple. The simpler the better for most of these pages.
2. Be mindful of the content that is already on the website. Content shouldn’t be repeated in multiple places.
3. Keep your work area neat and tidy. Archive old pages that are no longer needed.
4. Get help when you need it. I am always available to help when needed. Contact me at
Revision No. / Effective Date / Description of Changes / Changes made by0 / 08/05/2014 / Original / E. Santos
Prepared by: / Date / Page 2 of 6