Log onto the internet.
Log onto the Kean website at
On the blue bar on the Kean main web page, click on the words “KeanWISE”. This will open up the main Kean WISE screen.
Click on the “Log In” button on the upper right-hand corner. This will bring up the log-in screen.
Enter your user name and PIN. Your user name will be the first letter of your first name and your last name, i.e. Martha Mobley = mmobley. Your user name is limited to eight letters. If your last name is longer than seven letters, only the first seven letters of your last name should be used, i.e. Cathy Sullivan = csulliva. All letters should be entered in lowercase.
Your originalPIN is your date of birth. This information should be entered without any slashes or dashes, as in the following format: mmddyy. For example: date of birth – January 2, 2003 would be entered as 010203. If you changed your PIN last semester, please enter the new PIN. Click the “Submit” button after entering your user name and PIN.
If you have never used Kean WISE before, the system will require that you change your PIN after your initial login. Please create a new PIN. It must be between six and eight characters. (It is suggested that use your initials and birthdate as your new PIN, ie. mmm010203.) Please write this PIN down and keep it somewhere safe for future referral. Please follow the directions on this web page and click the “Submit” button when finished. This will bring you to the KeanWise main menu.
If you have forgotten your password: In KeanWise:
Click on “Faculty” under main menu option
Click on the “What’s my password” option under the User Account section
Click on the second option, “I don’t remember, reset my password.”
Enter information requested: your last name and social security number, then click submit. On the next screen you will be asked for an email to which to send your temporary password. Passwords will only be sent to Kean email addresses. Click submit. Check your Kean email for your temporary password. Follow the directions above to create your new password.
Once you have successfully logged onto to KeanWise:
Click on “Faculty”
Under Faculty Information, Click on “FinalGrading/Midterm Grading & Remarks”.
Using the drop down box, choose Term –i.e. 10/FA– FallSemester 2010 - and click the “Submit” button
A listing of your courses and sections will appear.
Choose only one course at a time by clicking on the box to the left of the course name, then click the “Submit” button.
The listing of students assigned to this course and section will appear.
Page 2
Enter the grade for each student
For each undergraduateor Post-Baccalaureate (CT) field experience student: Enter the grade – “S” or “U” . If the program will not allow you to enter an S or a U, an entry of “P” or “F” is also acceptable for UG or Post-Bac (CT) students. However, grades of “A-D” may not be used as the field work does not get figured into a student’s GPA.
Forgraduate students (EMSE5564 or EC5565): Enter the grade “CG” – Credit Given.
For students who have been given an Incomplete Contract: Enter “IP” as the grade.
It is not necessary to enter any other information on this screen.
Once all grades are entered, click on the submit button on the bottom of the page. You must click on the “submit” button for your grades to be accepted. Please click the submit button only once.
If there are any data entry errors, you will see an error message. Correct the information for each student identified, then click the “submit” button.
Once all the grades are properly entered, you will be returned to the menu to begin the process to enter grades for any other sections of field.
If you need to submit grades for other courses, click the “Menu” button on the top right and repeat the above steps.
To Print your grading roster:
Print ONLY after submitting your grades
In order to print your grades, go back to the menu and retrieve the desired roster.
Click on File on the Menu Bar at the top of left of the screen.
Click on Print
Confirm the printer you wish to print to and click on the Print button.
Once you have completed all grade submissions, be sure to log out of Kean WISE by clicking on the “log out” button on the top right.
Web documentation that shows step-by-step instructions on how to submit grades and how to print rosters can be found on the “Faculty Information” menu.
Please contact Computer Services Monday thru Friday from 8:30 a.m – 4:30 p.m. at 908-737-6000 if you are having problems signing in or having any type of technical difficulty with Kean Wise. If you need to reset your password, please see the directions to do so on page one.
If you need assistance entering your grades or have a question about the submission process, we will be happy to help you. Please call us at 908-737-4185.
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