Teacher Compass Demonstration Instructions

Principal Compass Demonstration Instructions

The following script can be used to perform live demonstrations of Principal Compass. In the left column, you will find a series of actions to take. In the right column, you will find the recommended “script,” or talking points.

Actions / Description
Log into

with the following credentials:
Password: testing1 (last digit is the number one)
You will be taken to the Home screen. Click the Rubrics tab. / Principal Compass is designed as a tool for self-analysis and growth. The foundation for this analysis are the Marzano Leadership Growth Framework, the Workplace Performance Inventory and, of course, your local leadership evaluation rubrics. Principal Compass is a flexible and customizable tool. We know that your local forms, protocols and processes are important, so we’ve designed the system to accommodate them. As an example, we’re going to start out on the Rubric Builder page.
Hover over the Indian Principal Effectiveness rubric / The Rubric builder is designed for you to create, manage, copy and change as many rubrics as you’d like. To illustrate, I’m going to make a copy of the Indiana Principal Effectiveness rubric, which we were able to find on the Internet.
Select the Indiana Principal Effectiveness rubric and click the Copy button. You will be presented with a prompt asking you if you are sure. Click yes. The copy will appear in the list of rubrics. / You’ll note that I now have a copy of the rubric. I’m going to go choose to edit this rubric to make some modifications.
Click Edit Rubric. Hover over the domains on the left. Click Effective Instruction. Scroll down to show the indicators. / Each of the domains are listed to the left. Clicking any of these domains will result in the indicators for those domains appearing.
Hover over the Edit, Delete and reorder buttons on the right. Click Edit on one of the indicators. Type ‘Changing to match local wording’ in the Update Indicator box and click Update Indicator. / Note that each indicator has Edit, Delete or reorder buttons. So if I want to change some of the wording of an indicator to match my district’s nomenclature, I can do so.
Select the Delete button next to another indicator and choose to delete the indicator. / I can also easily delete or reorder any of the indicators
Click the Evaluations tab. / Now let’s take a look at how Evaluations are managed.
Hover over the Status column / Note that evaluationsare sorted by status and date – observation that have not yet startedand are closest to the current time will display at the top, those in development will display next, and finally completed evaluations display at the bottom.


Actions / Description
Click any of the columns in the Evaluationstable. / The evaluationsin this table can be sorted by any of the columns – user, observer, date scheduled, status, etc.
Enter the term ‘Ikler’ in the search field. The Evaluations will automatically filter out all evaluations but those related to Van Morrison. / Administrators can also search any of the fields in the table to find a specific set of evaluationsquickly.
Click Schedule New Observation. You will be taken to the Schedule New Evaluation screen. / Let’s schedule a new evaluation.
Actions / Description
Hover over the EvaluationType field. Click the Observationwhich requires the Subject to upload Videos or Artifacts field. / One of the things that Principal Compass enables is the ability to do remote, or artifact-based, evaluations. If you want to upload a video of a lesson, examples of student work, or parent communicationsas part of an evaluation, you can choose the Observation which requires the Subject to Upload Videos or Artifacts type.
Click the Evaluationoption. / For this demonstration, we’ll be doing a traditional evaluation.
Enter the name Jeff in the Who is being observed? field. / The first question administrators are asked is who is being evaluated. Principal Compass is designed for self-evaluation, so in most cases, administrators would enter their own name here.
Hover over the Date and Time field / Principal Compass will automatically assume that administrators want to perform the observation immediately, but they can schedule evaluations well in advance and use Principal Compass to organize their upcoming evaluations.
In the Rubric Type field, select Leadership Growth Framework, depending on the focus of your meeting. / Rubric Types are a customizable field – they provide administrators a way to organize multiple rubrics.
In the What rubric will you use in this observation field, select Marzano Leadership Growth Framework.. / Finally, select the rubric that you wish to use for this evaluation. We’re going to choose the Marzano Leadership Growth Framework, butPrincipal Compass is designed to enable non-technical users to create, edit and manage as many custom rubrics as necessary.
Hover over the Send meeting-request to field. / Meeting requests – calendar invitations compatible with Microsoft Outlook, Apple iCal, Google Calendar, Lotus Notes and other major calendar software programs – an be automatically sent to both the subject and the observer.
Click Save. / Note that we’ve been taken back to the
Evaluationsscreen and the evaluation we’ve just scheduled is the top item. From here, you can start the observation.
Select the Jeff Iklerevaluation and hover over the Perform Online and Perform Offline buttons. / In Principal Compass, you can perform evaluations online (with an Internet Connection) or offline (without). We also have apps for both iPad and Android devices for offline evaluations.
Click Perform Online You should be redirected to the Perform Evaluation screen. / This is the self-evaluation process using the Leadership Growth Framework.
Actions / Description
Hover over the graph at the top of the screen. / Notice that there is a legend at the top of the screen for the Leadership Growth ratings.
Scroll down to the score-able items (indicators) and click a few of the scores. / This legend also serves as a graph which displays the distribution of scores for each domain in the Growth Framework. This graph updates every time a score is provided.
Hover over the Category menu to the left. Click one of the categories and scroll down. / Each of Marzano’s five domains are listed on the left. Each domain has its own page on which there is a graph, objectives, indicators and a place for overall comments.
Scroll back up to the second category – Continuous Improvement of Instruction. Click the domain title to display the objectives and indicators. Click the Show Comments link in the upper right. Type in a the note ‘need to work on providing better goals’ / School Leaders can evaluate themselves by score, or provide narrative.
Scroll down to the section titled the following Evidence was observed. / In addition to rating themselves on the Leadership Growth scale, school leaders can also document specific practices that are or are not in place. These two measures – a subjective rating and actual evidence of practice – compliment each other and provide strong data for improvement and action.
Scroll up to the first indicator and click the Suggest Professional Development links below the indicator. A window should open with a series of professional development options should appear. Click the title of the entry titled ‘Watch It in Action: Improving Instruction with Observation’. The launch screen for that video should load the window. / Principal Compass has a large series of modules which are aligned to the Leadership Growth Framework.
Click the Launch Course button to launch the course in a separate window. Play a couple of minutes of the video. / I’ll cover the nature of those courses in more detail in a moment, but school leaders can watch relevant content as they perform self-evaluations.
Return to the window in which Principal Compass is loaded. Select the checkmark next to the content and click Suggest Professional Development. The PD should appear under the indicator for which it was selected. Hover over this. / This PD can also be saved as part of the self-reflection next to the indicator.
Actions / Description
Click the Artifacts tab to the left. / School Leaders can upload artifacts or evidence – videos, documents or images – at any time.
Click on the Schools & Users tab. / From the Schools & Users tab, administrators can view all evaluations related to a given Principal. They can browse principals by school, name, or search for principals. On this tab, administrators can also add new schools and users if necessary.
Actions / Description
SelectPeeblesHigh School / Note that from this view administrators can see the total number of administrators associated with a given school and the total evaluations that have been performed at that school.
Select the View Users button. Show the table of Principals. Show the filter by school drop down, and enter Iklerin the search field. The table should automatically find Van Morrison’s record. / On the Users listing tab, administrators can browse principals alphabetically, sort them by School or search for them by name.
Select Jeff Ikler’s record in the table and click View. / Once a principal is selected, administrators are taken to a dashboard for that principal, containing a longitudinal report and a historical listing of all evaluations performed on that principal.
Scroll down to show the longitudinal report. Mouse over any of the dots on the graph. / If a principal has performed self-evaluations using the same rubric more than once, the longitudinal report will display the progress, by domain, on those evaluations. .
Click the dot. The individual evaluation report will display. / If you want to see the context behind any of the evaluations, you can click on the desired part of the graph to see the detail.
Hover over the Search Professional Development link / Note that principals can also search relevant PD aligned to the Growth Framework from this view.
Click the browser back button to return to Jeff Ikler’suser screen. Scroll down to the evaluations section. Sort the table by the Status column so that Completed evaluations appear at the top. Select a completed evaluation and click the View button. / This section displays a list of all evaluations that have occurred over time for the user. From this view, administrators can view detailed reports of every evaluation that has taken place on this principal, including scores, comments and suggested professional development.
Actions / Description
Click the Professional Development tab. Hover over the Leadership Modules/Collections / As I mentioned before, Principal Compass contains a number of rich modules on leadership topics. These modules have been co-developed by ASCD and Pearson and aligned to the Leadership Growth Framework.
Click on the Full Course Using Observations to Support Continuous Improvementcollection. The sections of the course should appear. Scroll down slowly to allow users to see the topics. / Each module contains a consistent structure:
  • Peer Reflections from other principals
  • Foundational Understanding which covers the basics of the concept
  • Deeper Readings which allow school leaders to delve into topics.
  • Watch it in action – videos of practitioners applying concepts
  • Show your understanding – a self quiz
  • And Apply it – practical projects which help school leaders apply the concepts.

Click the Full Course link. A list of content should appear. Hover over the Title, Description and Statistics of a content item. Hover over the Previous and Next buttons below the content item. / Principal Compass is designed to help school leaders find relevant content quickly. You can click on the Suggested items or use the Previous and Next buttons to move through each course item in a linear fashion.
Click the Add to Favorites link below the content item. Type in the letters ‘observations’ in the tags field. / As school leaders find relevant content, they can easily build a list of “favorites” for quick access later. These favorites can be organized by custom “tags”. In this case, I’m building a list of my favorite content related to Observations.
Click Save. Then click the Favorites link in the menu at the top of the screen. When the favorites load, click the Observations tag on the left. / This allows me to get to all of my favorite content and filter that content to return to it quickly.
Click the link within the Favorites screen to return to the View content page for that content item. Scroll down to show the comments area. Enter in a comment that seems relevant to the content item and click Comment. The comment should immediately appear beneath the content item. / We also know that the best professional development occurs when leaders and teachers collaborate with one another. Principal Compass encourages school leaders to share ideas about content and subjects. As principals navigate to content, they can also see the ideas and comments of their peers within the district.
Click the Home tab / We know that outside of in-services, it can often be difficult for principals to be exposed to new PD content or ideas. The home page uses modern social networking techniques to constantly “push” new content and ideas from other principals in the district. Principals will only see interactions on their home page that relate to their PD goals. In this way, principals are constantly presented with new ways of thinking about their goals and participating with other principals in the district.
Click on the Reports tab. Hover over the Evaluation Reports and Professional Development Reports in the navigation. / Principal Compass enables administrators to analyze data based on observations or activity related to professional development.
Click the Add Evaluations Report button / Reports are completely customizable.
Hover over the From and To and Rubric sections / Administrators can filter data by time range or rubric.
Under Schools, click select all and click the right-arrow button. / Administrators can choose to run this report for a single school, a group of schools, or all schools in the district. For instance, they might choose to run the report for a group of schools that have been struggling.
Under Users, click select all and click the right-arrow button. / Similarly, once administrators have selected schools, they can select which users they want to be included in the report – a single user, a group of users or the entire district.
Click the Evaluations Reports link at the top of the screen to go back to the Reports home page. / Report criteria can be saved so that each time you view a report using that criteria, you will see the latest data.
Select the Ikler Summary report from the list of saved reports and click Run Report. / I’m going to select a report that I previously saved.
Click on one of numbers under No. of Users Selected. / Note that you can view which principals in each school are reflected in the report by clicking the statistics
Scroll down to see Summary of selections for all Categories / A graph at the top of the report displays how scores were distributed across all evaluations which meet the criteria.
Actions / Description
Scroll down to view the table. / This report then shows how principals in the selected schools were scored on this rubric – both the count of leaders and the percentage. This view allows administrators to hone into the specific objectives and indicators where principals are struggling in aggregate. This is a great tool for identifying timely professional development strategies. For instance, if a good percentage of principals Need improvement in a specific area, administrators can build an in-service around that specific topic.
Click on one of the blue statistics in the report. / Note that, by clicking on the statistics in the report, you can see which principals received a specific score for each item.
Click View Individual Evaluation Report. When the individual reports load, click any of the reports and click View to see the full individual evaluation report. / You can then drill down to see the individual evaluations where those scores were given to better understand the context.
While we talk about differentiated instruction for students, we rarely apply the same practices to teacher and leader training. The goal of this report is to enable you to provide targeted PD to principals when they need it.


Click on the Reports tab. Hover over the Evaluation Reports and Professional Development Reports in the navigation bar. / The reporting tab is designed to give administrators insight on their self-evaluations and professional development activity.
Scroll over the different bar charts / Here we’re looking at a district-level view. Activity across the district is filtered by type of interaction, professional development goals, content areas and pedagogical topics.
Scroll down to show the list of schools. / You can also view interaction by school.
Click Schofield Elementary. Toggle between the District and School goals in the Interactions by Goal section. / Here you can view interactions for this school by district goals or school goals.
In the upper left, click the drop down menu and select Fourth Street Elementary. / You can change the date range or toggle to view the interactions of different schools easily.
Scroll down to the Users table at the bottom. / In the School view, you can view the amount of interactions by user.
Click the Total Interactions column to filter the most interactive to the top. Click Jacob Bruno. / Finally, you can drill down to view the individual interactions by user.
Scroll to the bottom of the screen. You should see a series of tabs with user interactions for each. / The user view not only shows statistics by interaction-type, goal, area of interest and collection, but you can also view more specific interactions at the bottom of the report. This part of the page shows all of the content with which a user has interacted and in what ways.
The All Activity tab displays all professional development activity in chronological order.
The Suggested Activity tab displays activity that relates to professional development suggested by an evaluator to the user during an observation or evaluation.
The District Goal Activity tabdisplays activity that relates to that user’s district professional development goals.
The School Goal Activity tabdisplays activity that relates to that user’s school professional development goals.
Finally the Personal Goal Activity tabdisplays activity that relates to that user’s personal professional development goals.

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