Quiz name: Bellwork 10/13/14

When writing your essay, what part did you struggle with the most? What can we do in class to

help with this struggle? What are some other strategies you would like to learn about essays?

Quiz name: 10/10/14 Bellwork Constructive Response

"Out of the heart, the mouth speaks." Reflect and respond to this quote. What do you think it

means? Give examples which convey its meaning..

Quiz name: Bellwork 10/8/14 Essay questions

1. What map do you first use to brainstorm ideas that answer the prompt?.

2.In your Fact/Opinion Planning Map, whose opinions should be included along with facts for an

informational essay?.

3. What is the sentence in a paragraph that explains the main idea?.

4. In addition to your topic sentence, what are some other necessary parts of a body paragraph?.

Quiz name: 10/7/14 Bellwork Paraphrasing: Choose the sentence that best paraphrases the paragraph.

There are those who claim the American dollar bill's symbol of a pyramid topped with an eye

bears a secret meaning. However, the pyramid was never meant to be mysterious. On the

contrary, the pyramid on the dollar bill was a carefully chosen symbol designed to characterize

the United States as a place of progress and faith. The Roman numerals on the pyramid base

refer to 1776, the year the country was founded. The pyramid is also unfinished, representing

our country's future growth. The eye in a triangle radiating light represents the overseeing eye

of a deity. The motto above the pyramid, "Annuit Coeptis," means "He has favored our

undertakings." Below the pyramid, the motto "Novus Ordo Seculorum" means "a new order of

the ages." (Sources of information: U.S. Department of the Treasury Bureau of Engraving and


A All of the images printed on the $1 bill symbolize America's

principles and goals.

B The pyramid and eye on the back of the $1 bill was carefully

created to represent American values

C The dollar's symbolism is typical of American currency

Several grueling races around the globe test the limits of human endurance. For instance, the

Marathon des Sables is an ultramarathon held every April in Morocco. It covers 150 miles in 6

days through blazing heat and some of the most difficult conditions imaginable. One participant

said, "The most difficult part was waking up at 5 a.m. with your legs so sore you can hardly stand

up, feet blistered, bloodied, and bandaged, and then having to run a marathon in 120-plus

degree heat with a 20-pound pack." In the Sahara Marathon, participants run 26 miles on sand

roads through the harsh and unforgiving Sahara Desert. The Jungle Marathon is a 7-day,

124-mile race through the Amazon jungle of Brazil. For runners who prefer cooler climates, the

Pike's Peak Marathon is known as one of the toughest in the world, for participants must run

26.3 miles up a mountain in Colorado, ascending 7,815 feet. The Everest Marathon is a 26.2-mile

race over the rough mountain terrain of Mount Everest, the highest mountain in the world.

Runners can also participate in the North Pole Marathon, a 26.2-mile run over Arctic ice floes in

sub-zero temperatures.(Source of information: "ITT Adventurers Race Through Sahara," ITT


A Marathon runners are the most physically fit people in the world

B Some marathon runners prefer races in hot climates, while others prefer racing in cold climates

C The Marathon des Sables is the world's most difficult race

D Many marathon races held all over the world force participants to push themselves practically to

the end of human endurance

Quiz name: 10/6/14 Bellwork

Edit the following paragraph. Re-write it using proper conventions.

dear daniel,you are invited to celebrate my 11th birthday with my family and me We will be

camping overnight at bat cave camp in Smoky ridge state park. well hike swim and fish at the

park. We will leave at 10 from my house at 9231 cypress road on saurday the 16th. your parents

can pick you up at 610 pmat my house on sunday the 17th, or you can call for a ride home after

we get back.

Quiz name: Bellwork 10/3/14 Author's Perspective

And the fish, whether six inches or ten, were praised like precious stones. The author uses this

comparison to .

A to relate an outdoor walking experience

B describe the various sizes of fish.

C show the client’s appreciation for each catch.

D focus on the client’s preference for material goods.

2. What are some things that form an author's perspective?.

3. What is the difference between author's purpose and author's perspective?.

Quiz name: Bellwork 10/2/14 Vocabulary Practice

1. What could you convey to someone? (means to make known or understandable to someone).

2. Is there anything you have found out implicitly? ( means not directly stated, hidden).

3.Paraphrase the following statement: "Sometimes kids are worried more about being a character

than having character.".

Quiz name: Bellwork 10/1/14

Courage... “Have the courage to say no. Have the courage to face the truth. Do the right thing

because it is right. These are the magic keys to living your life with integrity.” ― W. Clement

Stone What tone is Mr. Stone using in the quote? What clue words support your choice in tone?

Use context clues to figure out the meaning of integrity. Tell about a time you had to use

courage in your own life..

Quiz name: Bellwork 9/30/14 Fact/Opinion

1. The following statement is a fact. It's hot outside..

A True

B False

2. The following is a fact. The heater was set at 83 degrees fareinheit..

A True

B False

3. Middle school "cool" kids will never be successful in life..

A True

B False


The following statement is an opinion. 200 13 year olds, defined as "cool" were part of a

research population. The study found that after 10 years, 45% of this population had a greater

rate of problems due to substance use, and 22% had a greater rate of criminal behavior than the

"average" teen..

A True

B False

5. The following statements are facts. J Lo is cool. Simon Cowell is meek. .

A True

B False

Quiz name: Bellwork 9/29/14

Socrates was a Greek philosopher whose practices included an open system of inquiry using

common sense and discussion. Socratic dialogue welcomes the fact that people have many

different outlooks regarding any given concept. The viewpoint one may have is often related to

one’s own experiences. Socrates deemed that in talking and listening to one another, we will all

learn. Today we will use a Socratic Seminar to discuss an article. Make an inference as to

whether this method of learning will be effective or not. Give examples to support your


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