Dear Parents and Students,
Welcome to Lockland Schools, proud home of the Panthers. On behalf of the faculty and staff we hope you will find the 2013-2014 school year both challenging and rewarding. Lockland Schools is a family-like school community with strong academic and extracurricular programs.
This booklet is prepared to help all students and parents understand the various policies and procedures used in our school district. The information will be helpful on a day-to-day basis to assist students in planning their studies and activities. In addition, the booklet provides rules, regulations and procedures that are needed to maintain a safe and genuine learning environment.
At Lockland, who we are, what we will become, and the heights we will climb – will be a direct product of your efforts, ideas, and enthusiasm. We pride ourselves on the core values as outlined in the Lockland Cares campaign initiated 2012-2013. Those values are caring, citizenship, trust, responsibility, respect and achievement.
The staff at Lockland is committed to providing students with the best education possible. We believe the quality of school life for your student is enhanced by a committed partnership between school and community. Please contact appropriate members of our staff as questions and concerns arise.
We are very proud to be part of the Lockland School community and look forward to working with parents and staff to help prepare our students for the challenges they will face in the 21st Century.
Go Panthers!
Greg Rulon Chuck SouleDavid Bartoe
Lockland High School Arlington Heights Academy Lockland Elementary
Parent’s Signature / DateStudent’s Signature / Date
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From time to time you may need to work through a situation. Use these steps to successfully solve the problem.
- Stop, step back.
- Get control of yourself.
- Ask for help or calmly identify problem.
- Consider all of your choices.
- Decide what to do.
- Take responsibility for your actions.
Got Goals! First Quarter Worksheet
“The first and most important thing about goals is having one.”
My Name:______Today’s Date:______
Targeted Achievement Date:______Goal Partner:______
My Goals:1.
I want these goals because…
Goal 1
Goal 2
Goal 3
Got Goals! Second Quarter Worksheet
“If you can dream it, you can do it.”
-Walt Disney
My Name:______Today’s Date:______
Targeted Achievement Date:_____ Goal Partner:______
My Goals:1.
I want these goals because…
Goal 1
Goal 2
Goal 3
Got Goals! Third Quarter Worksheet
“Someday is not a day of the week.”
-Michael Nolan
My Name:______Today’s Date:______
Targeted Achievement Date:_____ Goal Partner:______
My Goals:1.
I want these goals because…
Goal 1
Goal 2
Goal 3
Got Goals! Fourth Quarter Worksheet
“Reach beyond your grasp. Your goals should be grand enough to get the best of you.”
-Teilhard de Chardin
My Name:______Today’s Date:______
Targeted Achievement Date:_____ Goal Partner:______
My Goals:1.
I want these goals because…
Goal 1
Goal 2
Goal 3
What If?
You’re late for school? Studentswho arrive late to school, after 8:00 AM, must sign in at the attendance desk located in the main office for LHS, LES and AHA respectively. Students who arrive late at the Lockland campus must enter door #1 located by the circle drive on N. Cooper Avenue.
You need to leave the building during the day? The Attendance Office must obtain written or verbal parent permission from the legal guardian and an authorized adult on the emergency form must sign you out.
You become ill during the day? Obtain a pass from your teacher and report to the nurse. If you are ill, do not go to the restroom during class change on your own.
You are injured at school? Seek a staff member immediately for assistance.
You need to see your counselor? Sign-up sheets are located outside the counselor’s office. For emergencies, seek permission from a teacher and obtain a pass.
You lose personal property? Check the main office for lost items.
You have property stolen? Report the theft to an administrator or obtain a pass from your teacher to visit the administration.
You lose your locker combination or schedule? Report to the main office.
You have problems with your schedule? Sign-up to see your counselor in the guidance office.
You’re being harassed at school? See your counselor, SRO or an administrator immediately.
You hear a rumor about drugs, weapons, or fighting? See a teacher, SRO, counselor or administrator immediately.
You need to call parent to obtain lunch money? Get permission from your teacher to call home . You can use the phone in the teacher’s classroom or the main office.
Can I have a cell phone at School? Yes. Cell phones can be brought to school, and it is recommended that you lock the phone in your hall locker. Cell phones are not to be used during school hours. Unauthorized or inappropriate use of a cell phone will result in disciplinary action being issued.
Tuesday, August 20 / All Staff – full day (8:00-3:15)Wednesday, August 21 / All Staff – full day (8:00-3:15)
Thursday, August 22 / First Day for Students Grades 1-12
Monday, September 2 / Labor Day – No School
Friday, October 11 / Teacher In-Service Day-No School for Students
Friday, October 25 / End of First Quarter-Students Dismissed at 1:30
Thursday, November 14 / Parent Teacher Conferences-No School for Students
Wednesday, November 27 / Conference Exchange Day-No School
Thursday, November 28 / Thanksgiving Holiday- No School
Friday, November 29 / Thanksgiving Holiday – No School
Monday, December 2 / School Resumes
Monday, December 23 / Winter Break Begins- No School
Wednesday, January 6, 2014 / School Resumes
Friday, January 17 / End of Second Quarter-Students Dismissed at 1:30
Monday, January 20 / Martin Luther King Day – No School
Monday, February 17 / President’s Day- No School
Friday, March 21 / End of Third Quarter-Students Dismissed at 1:30
Monday, March 24th – 28th / Spring Break Begins- No School
Monday, March 31 / School Resumes
Friday April 18 / Good Friday – No School
Friday, May 26 / Memorial Day – No School
Tuesday June 3 / Last Day for Students & Staff
Students Dismissed at 1:30
End of Fourth Quarter
Work to excel academically, socially, and emotionally.
Be at school every day, on time, and prepared for classes.
Understand and obey school and classroom rules and follow the Lockland Code of Conduct.
Complete all assignments on time.
Respect the rights and property of students and staff.
Behave in a safe and responsible manner.
Be respectful to others; Profanity, insults, threats, and harassment are prohibited.
Follow the school dress code policy and use proper hygiene.
Ask for help with problems from teachers or school staff.
Practice good citizenship by being helpful and honest at all times.
Seek, promote and practice peer mediation procedures when resolving problems.
Set high expectations for students’ academic, social, and emotional goals.
Develop an engaging classroom environment using research based best practices.
Use fair and consistent discipline to teach students responsible behavior.
Keep accurate records of progress, grades, attendance, and behavior.
Make class work and homework appropriate with clear directions.
Create a classroom environment where students can ask for help and feel safe and respected.
Communicate regularly with parents/guardians about progress and/or problems with attendance, behavior, and academics.
Help students understand classroom and school rules
Seek training and education that lead to a safe and successful school.
Be a role model of self-control and responsible citizenship.
Assist the parents/guardians in accessing resources relevant to individual student growth and development.
Stress the importance of an education with your child (set high expectations).
Support the school’s discipline measures and assist the school with discipline when needed by attending re-entry meetings.
Keep the school up-to-date on telephone numbers and address changes, medical problems, family or social problems that may affect school performance.
Report absences to the office by 8:00 a.m. Inform staff early and in writing if your child must arrive late or be dismissed early for the day. In order for your child to be dismissed early, parents must enter the school at door #1 located on N. Cooper Avenue and sign him/her out in the elementary office. Send your child to school on time every day.
Expect your child to complete assignments and study daily.
Monitor student progress and voice concerns through Progress Book, attending conferences, student agenda books, and contact with teachers.
Expect your child to dress appropriately, follow the school’s dress code, and practice good hygiene.
Expect your child to be responsible, respectful, and behave appropriately in school.
Make sure your child has current immunizations and required medical exams.
The following is designed to aid you and your parents in making curriculum choices during your high school career. Each pupil should discuss his/her course selections with his/her parents. It is strongly suggested that pupils plan in advance their courses for each year toward graduation. Pupils who have difficulty in selecting courses are encouraged to seek additional help from the counselor, teachers and if possible, from people employed in occupations you may wish to consider in the future.
Listed below are graduation requirements as established jointly by the Ohio State Department of Education and Lockland Board of Education. Students must meet both testing requirements and curriculum requirements in order to earn a diploma.
I. Curriculum Requirements
English language arts ...... 4 units
Health ...... ½ unit
Mathematics ...... 4 unitsNote (1)
Physical education ...... ½ unitNote (2)
Science ...... 3 unitsNote (3)
Social studies ...... 3 unitsNote (4)
Electives ...... 5 unitsNote (5)
Class of 2014-2016
Passage of the Ohio Graduation Tests (All five sections) Reading, Writing, Math, Science, and Social Studies
1. Mathematics units must include 1 unit of algebra II or the equivalent of algebra II.
2. The Ohio Core allows school districts to adopt a policy that would exempt students who participate in interscholastic athletics, band or cheerleading for two full seasons from the physical education requirement. Students must take another course of at least 60 contact hours in its place.
3. Science units must include 1 unit of physical sciences, 1 unit of life sciences and 1 unit advanced study in one or more of the following sciences: chemistry, physics, or other physical science; advanced biology or other life science; astronomy, physical geology, or other earth or space science.
4. Social studies units must include ½ unit of American history and ½ unit of American government.
5. Electives units must include one or any combination of foreign language, fine arts, business, career-technical education, family and consumer sciences, technology, agricultural education or English language arts, mathematics, science or social studies courses not otherwise required.
6. All students must receive instruction in economics and financial literacy during grades 9-12 and must complete at least two semesters of fine arts taken any time in grades 9-12. Students following a career-technical pathway are exempted from the fine arts requirement.
All Lockland School students are expected to behave appropriately. The following indicates what is expected of all students in school.
- Prompt - On time for school, class, work, and appointments.
- Prepared - Materials on hand, right frame of mind, enough sleep.
- Polite - We all have a right to be treated politely.
- Positive Mental Attitude - Keep your attitude positive.
- Participate - Must participate to produce.
- Produce - Complete submissions, assignments, and tasks assigned. Demonstrate skills learned.
Our small, diverse school community offers students in grades Pre- K thru 12 unique opportunities to interact individually with all peers, staff, and interested stakeholders. We develop critical thinking skills through instructional continuity in order for students to become responsible, informed, and civic-minded.
Arlington Heights Academy is a school of choice that strives to develop learners who demonstrate core life skills, achieve academically, and make positive contributions to society. We achieve this through a cohesive and personalized approach where all members have a strong voice in our school community.
During the 2003-04 school year, the Lockland School District made the strategic decision to bring about a unique and extensive alternate educational choice for district students and their parents. This new program includes an experimental curriculum with hands-on projects, work-based learning, service learning, a social skills component called Discovery, and on-site counseling and family support. Arlington Heights Academy is a non-traditional school for students who have struggled in the traditional school setting and have exhibited a need to facilitate their diverse styles of learning in a knowledge-building environment. We are a school committed to connecting with our students as human beings first, and as learners second. The staff recognizes that since our students are adults-in-training they need many opportunities to practice adult behavior and adult decision-making.
We are also a school that believes in the infinite possibilities of our students. Consequently, we have set our academic standards high and expect to set them higher as our students grow into a sense of their capabilities. We pledge ourselves to developing those capabilities so that our students’ achievements in the classroom translate naturally into post-high school achievements.
Finally, and most importantly, we are a school of choice. The staff, students, and parents choose to participate because they believe in the mission and vision of the program.
We believe that the Lockland school years are a time of great growth and development for children. Not only do dramatic physical changes occur, but mental changes impacting learning happen as well. Children start their school years as concrete thinkers and progress to varying degrees of abstract thinking by the time they leave the high school. This progress is developmental in nature, occurring at different times for different children. Our learning program at LocklandSchools is designed to address these developmental issues through an academic program that recognizes the diversity that exists within the walls of our schools. Each course and class has been designed to have high learning expectations, which are matched to the developmental level of the students.
A school psychologist is employed by LocklandSchool District. The function of the school psychologist is to support the academic, social, and emotional needs of all students. Some of the services provided may include educational evaluations and consulting with students and parents regarding counseling services as needed.
Individual and small group help is given to students qualifying for this program.
Students who qualify for special education receive services as recommended by the Individualized Educational Program (IEP). Special education is specially designed instruction to meet the unique needs of a child with a disability. There is a full continuum of services available from consultation with the Intervention Specialist to Resource classes. Along with access to a Speech and Language Pathologist, occupational therapist, and other support services as deemed necessary. Parents and students are encouraged to participate in meetings to develop the IEP.
Students with gifted ability qualify for an enrichment program according to state guidelines through various assessment instruments. Included in the process are teacher and parent recommendations. Lockland’s Gifted & Talented program supplements the regular school program.
Studentachievementis recognized in a variety of ways. Typically, Perfect Attendance and Honor Roll students are recognized each quarter at a breakfast in which parents are welcome to attend. Certificates are issued at the ceremony. Yearly awards will be given at the end-of-the-year assemblies for the middle school and high school.
Athletes at Lockland Middle and High School compete in the Miami Valley Conference and are members of the Ohio High School Athletic Association.
Athletes are expected to maintain high standards for academics and behavior. It is a privilege to play sports, and athletes are representatives of the school, school district and community. Therefore, they should be good citizens and role models for others at school, at sporting events and in the community.
To be eligible, he/she must meet both of the following requirements:
- Receive a passing grade in a minimum of 5 (five) one credit courses or the equivalent in the grading period immediately proceeding the sports season. For example, the eligibility for the fall sports season will be determined by 4th quarter grades.
- Board Policy dictates that an athlete must maintain a GPA of 1.50 or higher in the preceding grading period of the sports season to be played.
Athletes who are ineligible for a particular sports season will not be able to regain eligibility until the following sports season. He/she will not be able to participate in any practices or activities during this time. For example, if an athlete becomes ineligible for the winter sports season, he/she will not be able to play in a sport until the spring season.
Athletes should refer to the Lockland Athletic Handbook for further information on guidelines and rules.