Date: 21 February 2017

Time: 7:00 to 8:10 PM

Location: Trinity United Church library

Present: Ben Sinnamon, Austin Bowman, Dorothy Murray, Wendy Wright, Ginny McGowan (chair)

Regrets: Callista Tan

  1. Worship:We settled in silence to centre ourselves. New attendees were introduced.
  2. Minutes of the last meeting were approved online prior to this meeting.
  3. Agenda items were approved with an addition: the marriage policy.
  4. Budget: Council has approved $200.00 for miscellaneous expenses.
  5. It was agreed that Council’s Standing Committee mandates will be posted on the website and that the descriptions of Committees will be edited so as to be consistent. Ginny is to fetch them from Barbara Prowse; Ben will post them.
  6. “May have been hacked notice”: Ben got rid of this message that users received when accessing our webpage by using Google Search Console. This app also provides some analytics that Ben wants to investigate. He noted that our YouTube videos are widely viewed. One of the most consistent viewers is in the Cayman Islands.
  7. Social media function and policy: It was agreed by the Committee members that the website and Facebook page should function to highlight Trinity-Clifton-related matters, not those of interest to the general public. The reason for this decision is that if our social media strategy is successful, we will risk cluttering our social media with non-Trinity-Clifton material and dilute our brand. If non-Trinity-Clifton material is to be disseminated via our social media, permission should be obtained from the Committee. Ginny will draft a social media policy for review by the Committee and approval by Council. Additionally, Ginny will begin development of an Editorial Style Sheet for our social media to ensure consistency in grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
  8. Website front page: Current research shows clearly that readers read websites in an F pattern. Accordingly,it was agreed thatBen will look into flipping the sidebar (announcements) to the left side of the page and that Committee members will review the front page as users for its function, relevance, style, and readability.
  9. Facebook access:It was agreed that administrative access will be provided to Committee chairs so that they (or their delegate) can post information about their activities. Training can be provided if needed. Ginny will be added as an admin to both the website and Facebook (Callista). We will need to obtain the email address that was used by Committee chairs/delegate to set up their Facebook account (Ginny).
  10. Maintenance and update strategy for social media: Ben identified four areas that require attention: the Calendar, YouTube videos of worship services, Bulletin uploading to the website, and the announcements on the front page. Accordingly, it was agreed that:
  • Ben and Callista will upload the worship service videos to YouTube weekly.
  • Callista will add a screenshot of the Facebook page to the rotating announcements at the beginning of worship.
  • Austin will monitor the website on a monthly basis to identify outdated items, incorrect items, and missing items.
  • Dorothy and Wendy will upload the weekly Bulletin to the website during April.Ben will send instructions and set up accounts.
  • Ben will provide a Wordpress manual that outlines our website’s categories and folders.
  1. Telling Our Stories: We had discussed a monthly blog post that would comprise an interview with a congregational member about what Trinity-Clifton means to them and their vision for the future of Trinity-Clifton Pastoral Charge. This label has been trademarked by PEI Business Women’s Association, so we need to come up with a new name. Accordingly, it was agreed that this would be homework for Committee members!Dorothy suggested “What Trinity-Clifton United Church Means to Me.”
  2. Digital bulletin board at Richmond Street entrance: This project is currently before Council for approval as a joint activity of Stewardship and Communications. Ben’s research indicates that a Smart TV could point at a web page, rather than having a dedicated computer with PowerPoint, which would be unwieldly, expensive, and difficult to maintain. It was agreed that Ginny is to follow up with Vicki Allen Cook.
  3. CanadaHelps: This website enables online donations to a charity for a low fee (%).It was agreed thatBen will prepare a write-up for Council on what it is, what is lets us do, exact fees, and a description of its features. Ben/Callista will find out if Clifton has a business number/is a registered charity separate from Trinity.
  4. Google Drive folder: It was agreed that Benwill set up a cloud-based folder on Google Drive for committee chairs to upload their minutes for Council review. This is more secure than using email. It is also easier to use and can be accessed from any location. Committee chairs can easily upload their minutes and any other materials that they wish Council to review, thus saving Ellen from having to send out emails. We will also set up a shared folder for Communications Committee to use, can do this for any other Committee that wishes to have a shared drive for its members.
  5. Marriage Policy: It was agreedthat Ginny is to consult with Rev. Greg Davis on the status of the marriage policy as it now appears on our website.
  6. Letterhead and style sheet: What should the letterhead include, as part of the branding of Trinity-Clifton? What is permitted/trademarked? The Committee members felt that the United Church logo and the Affirm logo, with the office contact information and the tagline “All are welcome in this place” should appear on the logo. Ginny will discuss this matter with Barbara Prowse before we take recommendations to Council.
  7. Next meeting: We will begin work on a marketing and promotions strategy for Trinity-Clifton. First, the Committee needs to identify what we can do for Trinity-Clifton and what we cannot or should not do. A worksheet was distributed for Committee members’ homework to think about our Committee’s core values, mission, vision, goals, objectives, and strategy.
  1. Adjournment: We adjourned at 8:10 PM.
  2. Next meeting: Tuesday, March 21st, 2017, at 7:00 PM.

Prepared by V. McGowan & Ben Sinnamon/27 February 2013