Location: Samford University, Birmingham, Alabama
Transition Meeting
Called to order by Phillip Nelson
Call to Roll, Members of the Executive Board Present: Kelly D’Eath (President), Philip Nelson (Past President), Brian Quinsenberry (President Elect), Amy Rowell (Vice President), Jay Powell (Treasurer), Marcus Byrd (Secretary), Lane Smith (Treasurer Elect)
Members of the Executive Board Not Present: None
Quorum established; not reported by Secretary to President due to quorum being established at the 15/16 end of year transition meeting held immediately prior to the first 16/16 Executive Board Meeting at Samford University on June 30, 2016.
Introduction of 2016/17 Board
See AASFAA Board Sheet
Those not in attendance: Stephanie Miller, Randi Bozeman, Cheryl Newton, William Wall, Theresa Mays, Buddy Jackson, Las Shae Nelson, Donna Bass, Steve Smith, Kevin Ammons, Randy Walton, Joan Waters, and Betty Edwards.
Motion to change itinerary Amy Rowell, Second Debra Moody
Brief piece about yourself 16/17 board members send to Stephanie and serving AASFAA, Out on blog
Approval of the minute’s motion Amy, Second Lane Smith
Comments on Spring conference
Acknowledged SASFFA president sitting in
Good Conference
Old Business
Waiving conference fees for elected officials
Would apply to just executive board members
Reference 10.8.2 Compensating guest
Motion: such compensation (or exceptions to participants being required to pay for rooms or registration) shall be recommended by the conference chairperson and approved by the executive board to be added to pnp10.8.1 (KellD’eath) Debra Mood 2nd
Motion Passed
Increasing in scholarship award amounts
Discussion on how the scholarships are not being awarded
16.9.1 Board
Endowment suggestion for the upcoming year
Motion to increase dollar amount by the scholarship committee.
Amendment to the motion by Jim Theeuwes second the motion Amy Rowell
Motion passed to increase the scholarship for $500
Clarks motion tabled to address 2.7.5 that will set up a endowment for scholarships or move the charity to scholarships to increase the dollar amount
Outstanding payments
Check with Treasurer about what is outstanding.
A comparison of non-payment of conference fees.
Adding credit card payment method for conference. Jay Powell is working on it.
Website needs to update so that there is not an extra charge.
Atac and Paypalcant talk.
Phillip Nelson asked if there is anything that needs to be write off. Lane and Jay will work on cleaning up past year.
Motion: (LisaPowell)Everything prior 2014 treasurer and treasure elect clean up the books and a (Amended: KellyD’Eath) report will be presented to the board for approval (Amy Rowell, Second)
Motion passed.
Credit card on file for Quickbooks payment
Motion: the president elect credit card will be used for Quickbook payments (Jim Theeuwes, Debra Moody 2nd)
Motion passed.
SASFAA Hill Visit
Lane Smith described the event. About 20 went from SASFAA.
Kelly D’eaththanked the association for sending two representatives. SASFAA covers one AASFAA paying for the other.
Motion: (JimTheeuwes) AASFAA will send one representative to the Hill visit either Legislative Chair or President. (Amy) A line item will be added to the budget.
Motion: (KellyD’eath) To add as a duty of the legislative chair and/or president or their alternate to attend the Hill visit. (Amy) 6.11 and 5.2
Motion: (Motion) Action that the new board can take action (Debrae Moody)
A thank you from Phillip Nelson, out-going president.
2016/17 Board takes over
Amending the agenda to add Budget discussion
Budget Report
Revenue report was given: revenue increased and expenses were reduced with a surplus of $20,592.
Motion: (Marcus Byrd) To increase to scholarship the scholarship line item to $2500 and to add a line item of $1000 for the Hill visit. (Kelly D’eath,2nd)
Motion passed.
Impact of consolidations on membership and attendance
Jim Theeuweswas able to give insight to the current status but is not sure of future changes or impact.
Will affect the membership and attendance but association will try to recruit propriety institutions to balance.
Impact of Fair Labor Standards Act of attendance
Discussion led by Lissa Powell on the impact of changing exempt and non-exempt threshold from $27,000 to $47000.
Will affect the membership and attendance but association will try to recruit propriety institutions to balance.
Support (possible partnership) with ACCS
Discussion led by Kelly D’Eathon the possibility of ACCS attending conferences and membership.
The two-year college concerns will address how to
Motion: (Jim Theeuwes) Approve a working budget adding the two line items of scholarship and Hill visit. (Amy Rowell 2nd)
AASFAA Paypal Account
There is a discrepancy with paypal and ATAC software communicating. We will use paypal but it will not be integrated with ATAC.
ATAC Change of Sponsorship Form
There is a change that needs to be done to the form to make it compatible with PayPal. There is a fee of $75.
Motion(Amy Rowell): To pay the one-time fee of $75 to make a change of sponsorship form.(JimTheeuwes 2nd)
Purchase of NASFAA credential training materials
Get information from Kelly about the amounts
There has been a change and NASFAA will be charging to offer the credentials.
Motion: (JimTheeuwes) (Phillip Nelson) We allow $1300 for NASFAA core credentials to be the responsibility of the committee to decide what package that would best fir the association.
Motion passed.
Fall conference training
Discussion on the dates for the fall conference
Amanda Childress is going to work with BrianQuisenberry to partner with ACCS and the conference committee is going to work on NASFAA credentials
Spring 2017
Possibly working to change date due to competitive associations.
BrianQuisenberry is going to work with site to see what kind of penalty and if there will be a penalty to move dates.
2018 Spring conference site selection
Ask Steve Smith to bring back Perdido Beach, Atmore, Mobile and proposals.
SASFAA Leadership Symposium
SASFAA will pay for one person and AASFAA will pay for one.
Marcus Byrd and Brian Quisenberryvolunteered to go.
Travel reimbursement
New draft Travel request form.
Motion: Debra Mood, Amy Rowell : That we adopt the new travel request form
Discussion on mileage rate.
Jay Powell will update the mileage rate on the form.
Per diem 10.6.1 Reimbursement form
Form will be updated with per diem.
Motion: To attach the for to pnp and reflect 25 cent per mile and prorate per diem 10, 15, 25
JimTheeuwes (motion) Amy (2nd)
Naming of committee heads
Adjournment at 2:46