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Meeting Minutes - RMPA
Location:RMS, House, First floor meeting room
Date:January 14, 2016
Time:Meeting opened 8:46am
Jenn Walker- President, Erin Campbell- Vice President, Ed Trageser- Treasurer, Katie Houston- secretary, Maryangela Rubin, Ryan Browning, Shealyn Milesh, Chris Campbell, Jenni Baker- RMS Director of Advancement
Agenda Items
- Introductions were made around the table. RMPA welcomed new attendee, Ryan Browning.
- Jenn Walker presented a proposed RMPA dues increase from $45 to $50. Ed Trageser stated this would result in a budget increase of $1500 and the current year budget surplus is $1500, creating a total budget surplus of $3000. Erin Campbell and Ed propose making sure the RMPA has several specified events or other purposes listed for this dues increase before approving. i.e. this could be events for students or parents, specifically in February and March when there is a noticeable lull in events. Jenni Booker Baker suggests that it might be good to tie $50 into the 50th anniversary of RMS which we will be celebrating over the coming year. Jenn proposed that a list of current RMPA projects be listed and included with the new RMPA contracts. A motion to increase 2016-17 RMPA dues from $45 to $50 was proposed and unanimously passed.
- Hospitality update from Maryangela Rubin.
- Winter gifts have been distributed to 56 faculty and staff members. Bamboo arrangements (ranging in size) as well as $25 gift cards to Short Pump Town Center were given. The staff was highly appreciative and thank you notes are starting to come in; several of these thank yous were shared around the table. Jenni Booker Baker emphasized her appreciation at the thoughtfulness from the RMPA. Winter gifts came in $200 under budget
- The next scheduled event for hospitality will be teacher appreciation week as well as conference day luncheon in May.
- appreciation week budget is $1200
- a discussion took place around ideas for appreciation week and how to involve the students and parents more. ideas were brought forward for creating collaborative art projects between student and parent as well as art ideas that could be hung in the lobby, outside and/or on teachers doors. Maryangela will work directly with art teacher, Mo Bennett to brainstorm and execute ideas.
- Chris Campbell as well as Jenni Booker Baker emphasize importance of and requests from parents to have parents more involved and building more of a sense of community so, tying this into appreciation week is a possibility.
- Conference day lunch budget is $600
- Community Relations update from Shealyn Milesh.
- Monthly parent coffees are going well and staying right on budget. Attendance levels are holding month over month.
- Discussion took place around additional events for parents. Ideas discussed included a night out at Capital Ale House, a parent/teacher reception following Dr. Angeline Lillard’s presentation on 1/28 (Maryangela and Jenni will follow up on this with Lane), a food truck event and including parent ‘gathering’ times around already built in events at school such as back-to-school night.
- Family bingo night proposed for Friday, February 26th
- Spring fling dance proposed for Friday, March 18th
- Discussion took place regarding possibility of offering more significant food offerings at events in hopes to draw higher attendance. (i.e. dinner at bingo night rather than simple snacks). Consensus was reached that this would take burden off of parents having to pack picnic food and may create more attendance motivation.
- Pizza Friday update.
- Pizza income is off 12% from last year due to decreased enrollment. However, FOX’s pizza is less expensive than previous vendor so net should be comparable year over year. The approximate net income to RMPA from pizza is $7000.
- Jenni Booker Baker provided a brief advancement update.
- RMS is now tied in with Kroger’s education program. Fliers will be coming home with students that contain a barcode to link your Kroger plus cards in the store. Portion of sales will come back to RMS
- The idea of an RMS supper club will be starting next year. We will be having “RMS night” at several local restaurants during which families can dine at said restaurant and proceeds will benefit RMS.
7. Ed provided an update that Winterfest funds have been distributed to Tracy/RMS with intention of each classroom receiving $150 to supplement individual budgets. Ed gave kudos to Maryangela and Shealyn for keeping hospitality and community events at or under budget.
8. Shealyn brought forward an idea/question and feasibility of creating some sort of local RMS business directory in which families of the school who offer various services would be able to list their businesses (i.e. restaurants, legal services etc.) .
Action Items
- Parent/Staff reception following Dr. Lillard’s presentation; Thursday, January 28th
- Next RMPA coffee; Friday, January 29th at 8:15am
- Next RMPA meeting; Thursday, February 11th at 8:45am
- Family bingo night; Friday, February 26th
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