The following information has been developed as a response to members of theLayer Road SurgeryPPG who identified the need for accessible on-line non-medical information about contact details for various support groups, national organisations and local community resources or services in Colchester. Often it can be difficult to identify where to go and who to contact therefore, here at the Layer Road Surgerywe hope the following information will help you, your family and or carers find the support and services you need.If you would like to join ourPPG please speak to a receptionist for details.
Please click on the following headings below to find out the support or information that may be of help:
- Referrals to services you can make for yourself without seeing a doctor
Local and national help or support with:
- Benefits advice, form filling, debt and low income
- Bereaved adults, death of a child and oversees death
- Carers who are adults or of school age
- Community and social groups
- Counselling services - various
- Older people
- Long term health difficulties
- Mental health and emotional well-being
- Parents and families
- People with physical disabilities
- People with sensory impairments
- People with health conditions
- Young People
Essex Connects Website
Many of the most vulnerable patients attend GP surgeries because they don’t know where else to gofor advice and support. There are many organisations that provide valuable services and are often far betterplaced than medical practices to offer suitable support, and in an ongoing capacity if appropriate.There are hundreds of organisations working across Essex via The Essex Connects Website that enables you to search for organisations by geographical location (from Essex wide to local council ward level), typeof service provided and who for.The website is by no means exhaustive and there are listings by many other client groups such as:-
- Travellers
- Gender
- People not in education
- Employment or training
- People on low incomes
- Survivors of abuse
- Victims of crime
- Lone parents
- Homeless people
- People in rural communities
- Forces personnel
- Gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgender people
- Offenders/ex offenders.
Another excellent website that has advice and tips on a wide range of subjects impacting on our daily lives such as relationships, bereavement, child abuse, anger, bullying, eating disorders, exam stress, self harm, domestic violence, rape and sexual assault, disability, mental health, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, addictions, debt, phobias, conflict, sexuality, health concerns, homelessness, racial harassment, loneliness and much more.
SupportLine provides a confidential telephone helpline offering emotional support to any individual on any issue. The Helpline is primarily a preventative service and aims to support people before they reach the point of crisis. It is particularly aimed at those who are socially isolated, vulnerable, at risk groups and victims of any form of abuse. SupportLine is a member of the Helplines Association. SupportLine also provides support by email and post.. Helpline01708 765200(hours vary so ring for details).
If you would like a website or resource considered for inclusion on the Layer Road Surgery website or discover an update is needed please contactreception.
Whilst to the best of our knowledge this information is correct and all the organizations or information sources are vetted the content is for guidance only and does not constitute endorsement of any agency, person, company, group, helpline, contact or supplier. Furthermore, no responsibility can be held by the Layer Road Surgeryfor the consequences of any actions taken on the basis of the information that has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but in no way guaranteed.:All materials on this website page are provided for your information only andis not intended in any way or form as medical advice or instruction.
Layer Road Surgeryaccepts no liability for any damage caused to the visitor to any site, their property, computer based or otherwise, software or data caused as a result of visiting this or other websites.
Anglian Community Enterprise (ACE)
Help and support with
- Weight management
- Increasing physical activity
- Stopping smoking
- Reducing alcohol intake
- Stress management
North East Essex Health Trainers are part of Anglian Community Enterprise (ACE) and are trained to help with behaviour change and to provide motivational coaching in order to help
you achieve your long-term lifestyle goals.We are part of a Nationwide programme to improve health and the service is completely FREE!
The service is open to all aged 16 and above. If you feel ready to make some positivelifestyle changes, you can self refer by phoning the ACE Lifestyle Line (ALL) on 0800 0224524 (chargeable from mobiles). If you prefer, you can complete, print and post the referral form via the website.
Centre for Action on Rape and Abuse (CARA)
This is a confidential support service run by women for women children and young people of both genders under the age of 19 who have suffered any form of sexual violence, past or present. We provide formal counselling for rape and sexual assault, including child sexual abuse. We also offer an advocacy service and can accompanywomen to the police, to court, to the GUM clinic, or to other meetings if they request it. We are continually looking at other ways in which we can expand our services, if possible or appropriateTelephone 01206 769795.
Health in Mind
This organisation has the expertise to offer a wide range of talking treatments (sometimes called 'psychological therapies') to help people with a variety of different mental health problems such as:
- Mood problemse.g. Low self-esteem, Depression or Interpersonal problems
- Anxiety e.g.Phobias, Panic Attacks, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Social Anxiety and Shyness, Health Anxiety or Excessive Worries
- Traumatic Stress
- Post natal support
Please look at the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) web page to find out if the service is suitable for you. The website has a self referral form you or a friend could help complete or contact them by telephone on 01206764600.
Home-Start Colchester
If you are a mum, dad or carer with a child living in the Colchester area and are finding things tough at the moment, you can ask for free home-visiting support.
As a parent or carer, you may benefit from Home visiting support if:
- Anyone in your family has ill health, disability or special needs.
- You are feeling lonely or isolated.
- You are suffering from depression.
- You are finding it hard to manage your children’s behaviour.
- You have relationship difficulties.
- You are struggling with the emotional and physical demands of having twins, triplets or more.
- You may need practical support to access local services, a volunteer can attend with you.
- You may have moved into the area (maybe with the military) and need a little support to familiarise yourself with the area.
- You areoverwhelmed by the death of a loved one
Telephone: 01206 865349 or email:
HOSPICE CARE – For a range of life limiting health conditions.
The main hospice covering the Colchester and Tendring area isSt Helena based in Colchester on 01206 890360. It offers a range of day care, 24 hour crisis line, care at home, family support, volunteer drivers, emotional support and community nursing services and are not just about patients needing end of life care.
Macmillan Cancer Support - Bereavement Service
Open to anyone who has been bereaved andbased atSt Helena Hospice. The service covers Colchester and Tendring areas. Telephone01206 890360and ask to speak to Roger or Alan - Macmillan Cancer Support Counsellors. Alternatively telephone the Macmillan Cancer Support National helpline free on 0808 808 00 00. A useful internet link to their website is
Age UK are an excellent resource for anyone receiving a state pension needing advice with caring issues, benefits, legal issues, local support groups, form filling, befriending, day centres, heating costs, toe nail clipping, help at home, equipment and much more. TelephoneColchester01206 368420. Tendring 01255 473346.EssexH.Q. 01245 346106. National Helpline 0800 169 29 39.
Age UK now have a home care service at approximately £12.00 - £14.00 pounds per hour for light housework, shopping, cleaning, company at home etc.
Bereavement Benefits
For more information about possible bereavement benefits telephone 0845 6060265.
Business Debt
For help and advice about debt linked to the self employed and small businesses telephone free on 0800 197 6026.
Colchester Advice Network(Citizens Advice)
This agency has highly trained staff and volunteers able to help with general and complex issues linked to benefits, form filling, debt, appeals, housing, low income and much more. You can complete an on-line referral or telephone 03444 111 444.
Getting the right advice as soon as possible is critical and ignoring the problem won’t make it go away. There are some excellentfree national and local resource to help such as:
- Colchester Advice Network(Citizens Advice) telephone 03444 111 444
- National Debtline telephone 0808 808 4000for free advice and help
- As above but online via
- The Money Advice Service or telephone 0300 500 5000
Elizabeth Finn Care
This is a nationalcharity fighting to make a difference to those living in poverty in the UK. They do this by providing emotional, practical and financial support to individuals and families, making a real difference to people’s lives. Telephone 020 8834 9200 or email
Foodbanks – Colchester
Colchester Foodbank is here to help in a crisis situation, not maintenance. It assists people through a temporary shortfall in money when they cannot afford to buy food. A person needs to be referred for a parcel of food by a professional person who is aware of their situation such as Job Centre staff, social workers, health visitors, drug & alcohol support agencies, GP’s, Health in Mind, schools, Age UK, churches, armed forces, victim support, probation etc.
Financial Grants- General
These may be available to you from trade unions you were a member of and or professional bodies such as teachers, police, civil service, NHS, local government, British Legion etc.
GP Care Advisor
Every GP practice has a specialist and impartial GP Care Advisor who can help with Benefits Advice, Appeals Process, Equipment needs, Telecare, Blue Badges and general Form Filling. Speak to your GP receptionist who can make a referral for someone to call or visit you at home. These highly experienced staff may also know of other reputable agencies or advice lines that may be able to help you, your family or someone caring for you
Money Advice Service
Clear unbiased information to help you manage your money better. Telephone 0300 500 5000.
Macmillan Cancer SupportBenefits Team – For cancer patients and or their partners, family etc
Macmillan have funded benefit advisors to help with any benefit cancer related enquiry such as Carer’s Allowance, Personal Independence Payment, Housing Benefit, general form filling, sickness benefits etc and whether you are eligible or not.Staff can meet you at a convenient location in either Colchester or Tendring. However, please be aware that benefits are much harder to claim than ever before therefore, getting the right advice and guidance from the benefits team experts is essential.Telephone 08000 19 60 65for help and advice.
Macmillan Cancer Support - Financial Grants.
Macmillan Cancer Support can sometimes (subject to income and savings assessment) help with small one off grants of up to £150 for hospital travel expenses, parking costs, nebulisers, extra heating and lighting costs, clothing, wigs, bandanas, equipment, bedding and other expenses as a result of cancer. To discuss further pleasetelephone01206 745347and ask to speak to Debbie Farthing, Information Manager.
Grief is a normal response after someone dies and everyone experiences grief in their own. There may be a range of emotions or physical symptoms you feel which sometimes can be very strong and can even feel overwhelming. Sometimes a memory or event, or a special date in the year, can cause fresh feelings of sadness. Let your GP know if you are worried about them.
Don’t be afraid to show your emotions or to ask for practical help or emotional support from family and friends. There’s also support available from professionals and support organisations for you and your family. Take your time making decisions about your future. When you’re ready, you may also want to celebrate the life of your relative or friend, along with other people who cared about them.
Bereavement Trust Helpline
Support for anyone who has been bereaved.Telephone 0800 435 455 6pm-10pm every evening
Bereavement Benefits
For more information about possible bereavement benefits telephone 0845 6060265.
Bereavement Register
If someone you know has died, we can reduce the amount of unwanted marketing post being sent to them, stopping painful daily reminders. By registering with our free service, the names and addresses of the deceased are removed from mailing lists, stopping most advertising mail within as little as six weeks. Telephone 0800 082 2233.
Cruse Bereavement Care is here to support you after the death of someone close. If someone you know has died and you need to talk telephone 01206 363008 or the national helpline on 0844 477 9400. Very limited service locally.
Department of Works & Pensions – One Call Service
Make just one call to ensure all other agencies and government departments are informed about a person who had died. Telephone 0845 606 0265.
Deceased Preference Service
Registering with The Deceased Preference Service is one of the quickest and easiest ways to ensure unwanted mail addressed to the deceased is stopped. It also ensures that the risk of identity theft is reduced giving double peace of mind.Telephone 0800 068 44 33.
East of England CO-OP – Bereavement Support
The East of England Co-op Funeral Service offer one-to-one support with one of our experienced bereavement counsellors giving you the support you need in a safe, confidential environment. The feelings of grief after losing a loved one can be overwhelming, and there's no one way to grieve, or a set amount of time that you should grieve for. We're here to help for as long as you need us - working with you on a one-to-one basis to help you accept the loss and adjust to life without your loved one.Telephone 01206 797196.
Funeral costs
The aim of this website is to assist those who have recently lost a loved one and are unable to find accurate information about funeral costs. Information includes: Arranging a funeral, finding suppliers, buying a Headstone, types of funeral, average funeral costs, help with funeral costs, legal requirements.
Forwards Bereavement Group
Forwards is a Colchester group consisting of those that are single by bereavement. We meet each week, and also have many events including; group holidays, parties, meals, whist drives, walks, dances and outings to the cinema. If you are bereaved and would like to join us please
come along one Wednesday evening to our meeting and see if you like it.. Visit their website and click on ‘Contacts’’ for a list of people you can telephone for more information.
Information and support resource offering training and practical peer support for families bereaved of homicide. Telephone 01026 512445.
Macmillan Cancer Support – Bereavement Service Colchester & Tendring
Open to anyone who has been bereaved andbased atSt Helena Hospice. The service covers Colchester and Tendring areas. Telephone 01206 890360 and ask to speak to Roger or Alan - Macmillan Cancer Support Counsellors.
Macmillan Cancer Support
Excellent information, support and help for anyone affected by cancer either as a patient or loved one. National helpline free on 0808 808 00 00.
Way Foundation (Widowed and Young)
Provides a self help network across the UK to those who are bereaved through losing their partner/spouse when aged 50 or under, together with their children. Telephone 0300 012 4929.
Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide
A self help organisation which exists to meet the needs of those bereaved by the suicide of a family member or anyone close to them. Telephone 0844 561 6855. Lines are open 09.00am-9.00pm every day.
Child Death Helpline
Helpline support for anyone affected by the death of a child, irrespective of the age of the child, the relationship or the length of time since the death. Provided by Great Ormond Street and Royal Liverpool Children's Hospitals Telephone 0800 282986.
Mon-Fri 10.00am – 1.00pm,
Weds only 1.00pm - 4.00pm
Every day 7.00pm – 10.00pm
Child Bereavement UK
A charity that has a dual focus of training professionals who work with families and children affected by a death which also produces excellent resources that can be used by those who are bereaved. This includes families and professionals supporting children affected by the death of an adult or anyone affected by the death of a child. Telephone 01494 568900 for the Information & Support Team.
Advice, help, friendship groups and support for the whole family who have experienced the death of a child. Telephone 0808 802 0925.
Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Charity – supporting anyone affected by the death of a baby
Telephone 020 7436 5881.
TCF (formerly The Compassionate Friends)
Support by telephone, befriending and local groups for anyone affected by the death of a child.
Please note that this charity supports people irrespective of the age of the child at the time of death i.e. the child may have reached adulthood. Telephone 0845 123 2304 every day of the year 10.00am - 4.00pm and 6.30pm - 10.30pm.
Winston's Wish
Is a childhood bereavement charity that helps families rebuild their lives after a lossandsupports those caring for children affected by the death of a parent or a sibling and to the children themselves. Helpline: 08452 03 04 05.