ACED Faculty & Staff Meeting,October6, 2015

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Date: March 9, 2016

Location:COE Dean’s Conference Room – Education Center

Time:9:30a.m. – 11:30a.m.

Faculty present: Dr. Backes,Dr. Wright, Dr. Martinez, Dr. Whisler, Dr. Ellis,

Mr. Corey Nawolski, Dr. Pickles, and Mrs. Wendy Miller

  1. Call to Order & Welcome

Dr. Martinez called the meeting to order at 9:48a.m.

  1. Apologies, Recognitions and Announcements
  1. Dr. Pickles and Mrs. Amy Williams send their apologies by way of Dr. Martinez. There were no other apologies.
  2. Dr. Martinez reports that we had fairly positive results at the academic committee meeting. However, there were some questions about the assessment tools being used which Dr. Martinez was able to successfully defend.
  3. Dr. Ottwill be released on April 8 from his TDY, but he must go for a 2-week training. He will return to work in May.
  4. Dr. Martinez has nothing to report regarding the budget for next year. He has received no news about personnel, hiring, changes, or modifications to the budget.
  5. The number of undergraduate applications has risen for the upcoming academic year, which translates to potentially higher undergraduate enrolment next year.
  6. Dr. Wright asked; does VSU have a policy that you are notified if your contract is or is not going to be renewed by April 15?
  7. There is a policy but we are not sure what the specifics of the policy are.
  8. We want to do everything possible to keep Mr. Nawolski around.
  1. Consideration ofFebruary 10, 2016 Faculty Meeting Minutes
  2. Motion to accept minutes by Dr. Ellis and Mr. Nawolski seconded the motion.
  • Corrections requested for section IV
  • Motion passed and minutes were acceptedcontingent upon the amendments.
  1. Updates – Dr. Martinez
  2. OAT Search Committee
  3. Dr. Ellis is to serve as chair, Dr. Whisler is to serve as the second member, and Dr. Wright will be the outside member of the committee.
  4. The advertisement will run for 30 days and we will look at applications in early April and hopefully make our decision by late April.
  5. This is a Fulltime-non-tenure track position.
  6. A fulltime-non-tenure employee typically does not advise or do research.
  7. If there is no other change in staffing when we hire someone to fill this non-tenure position our ratio is at 25% non-tenure employees.
  8. MOU with UWI
  9. The ceremony is still on track for the week of March 23, 2016.
  10. CPRs Submitted
  11. Dr. Martinez has turned in the reports and he thinks they were positive. He thinks that we found good data to support us and our programs. This is the first time Dr. Martinez has seen a CPR done using SWAT analysis.
  12. Our CPRs paint a picture of the struggle that we have been through and the growth we have experienced. Overall the CPRs tell a good story about us.
  13. Dr. Backes commends the department on being so inclusive during this CPRs process. The experience of building those SWAT analyses turned out to be very beneficial to us as a department regardless of the CPR requirements.
  14. Dr. Pickles thought this proved to be a great team building experience for our department.
  15. We will get feedback from the Dean and the Provost, but they have until the end of May to give us their feedback.
  16. ACED Budget
  17. We have very little money to spend but we are expecting some money from the exemption exams.
  18. There is also enough money to cover the GACTE booth.
  19. There should be around $1500 left this summer after all of our planned expenses. Dr. Martinez will send out a notice for you to request funds to spend on materials as the fiscal year draws to a close.
  1. Strategic Planning
  2. Classroom& Labs
  3. Take a look at classrooms and labs. Give some suggestions on how to spruce them up.
  4. Electronic wiring needs to be updated, there are metal rails on the floor of room 2106 covering the wires running along the floor. Those wires need to come from the ceiling instead.
  5. The podiums need to be updated in rooms 2106 and 2112.
  6. Either get rid of clocks or keep them set.
  7. Graduate Assistant Job Duties
  8. Work should be channeled through Mrs. Wendy
  9. GAs should not be developingcourse materials such as PowerPoint presentations, lectures, exams, etc.; however, GAs can assist by typing or formatting materials that have already been developed by a faculty member.
  10. GAs should not be grading discussion boards, essay questions, papers, or projects that require subjective evaluation.
  11. Our GAs are not Teaching Assistants (TA); however, they can assist faculty in the classroom under direct supervision.
  13. Mr. Nawolski is trying to get HCP approved as a minor. We are waiting for approval at the University level. Then it is sent to the Board of Regents to advise them that it has been added as a minor to the University curriculum.
  14. We need to investigate why we are not receiving any double majors from Dental Hygiene anymore.
  15. Look at Pathways website to make sure the information is accurate.
  16. We need to ensure coordinator consistency for this program if we want to ensure the growth and viability of HCP as a program.
  17. If we need to have a presence at Moody Dr. Wright suggests that HCP would be a better fit for the student population on base.
  19. External reviewer’s recommended two fulltime tenure instructors be added to the current faculty for OAT.
  20. Certification Testing: What role does testing play, where does the testing fit in the program of study, and how does passing or failing the exams impact student’s grades for ACED 2400, 3400, and 4020?
  21. Since we are still piloting these tests the OAT faculty does not feel comfortable requiring that students pass the certification tests in order to pass one of the above classes. However, requiring students to pass these exams in order to pass these classes is the next step.
  22. What tests do we plan on adding to our repertoire of certification tests?
  23. Future tests may include the following: Advanced MS, Adobe, QuickBooks, and MTA.
  24. CBE- Piloting with 2000 and 2400 courses
  25. WED
  26. We are moving away from military basis and moving WED to an OBC program at the undergraduate level.
  27. Adding one more course to WED at the Doctoral level

International WED is what we are developing

  1. Graduate School Update – Dr. Ellis.
  2. COE & VSU Committee Meeting Updates – ACED Faculty
  3. Other Business
  4. Nothing new to report on merit pay at this time.
  5. Adjournment
  6. Dr. Martinez adjourned the meeting at 11:36 am.
  7. Meeting was cut short due to the Dean’s office needing to utilize the space for a different meeting.

Respectfully submitted by Larry Turner