Meeting #1 2015-11-27 MINUTES
Date: Friday, November 27
Location: 47 Gun Club Road
Time: 7:30pm
Present: Andrew Bean, Crystal Boyd, Jason Irving, Pat Oneill, Nathan Bain, Laurelea Dirstein
Regrets: Chad Schoppel, Dan Holmes, Jason Vanderweide, Jeff Pearson, Bob Lupmanis
Recorder: Laurelea Dirstein, Nathan Bain
No. / Item / Action / Owner / Due / Closed1.0 / Welcome & Review of Agenda: Approved as written
2.0 / New Business
2.1 / Naming of Organization:Creating a list of possible suggestions. Current suggestions: Mid-North Dirt Riders, Muskoka Dirt Riders, Dirt Riders of Muskoka, Muskoka Off-Road Rider Assoc., Muskoka Trail Riders
Check for availability
-We would like to include the ‘Muskoka’ branding
-We want to be careful with how we distinguish ourselves (motorcycles could also mean the ‘Harley street riders’)
-If we could have a short acronym that rolled off the tongue it would make people remember it better ex. MDR (Muskoka Dirt Riders)
-Group narrowed choices to, “Muskoka Dirt Riders” and, “Muskoka Off-road Riders Assoc.” / -NUANS report needs to be done within 90 of incorporation application (Laurelea to look into cost and other related registering action)
- Email to be sent out to absent 5 members to decide on name. Majority rules. / Laurelea / Dec.4
2.2 / Jason: Logo and MDR Name, Algonquin West ATV Liaison
-Ideas for the logo: keep it an acronym and make letters motorcycle parts i.e. the “M” could be made to look like an engine.
-Jason mentioned the connection with Dan Holmes dad and the Algonquin West ATV link. We would like to create a positive relationship with them and invite them to next big group meeting. / - Preliminary logo ideas (hand sketches) are to be voiced Dec.4.
- Jason will work on logo to be completed before January
-Invitation to be sent out before next meeting / All / Dec.4
2.3 / Executive: Volunteering members? 3-5 People needed for Executive Board: President, VP, Treasurer, Secretary etc.
-We started to turn our minds to the choosing of executive board members .
-Crystal Boyd has volunteered for Secretary
-Pat Oneill has volunteered for a Marketing Director role
-Nathan Bain has volunteered for President
-Laurelea Dirstein has volunteered for vice president
-Volunteers are not yet chosen for the executive roles and we would like to extend to other members not present.
-Roles to be still volunteered for are: Treasurer / - Send out email to absent members to see if they would like to take on any executive roles.
- Executive board to be chosen by Dec.4 to further actions for January 13th meeting.
- How many voting board members can we have? Question to be put forward. / All / Dec.4
2.4 / Decide club membership fee: Average $30
-We would like to keep it at $30
2.5 / Description of clubs purpose- comprehensive & thought out mission statement of who we are and what we do.
-Brain storming ideas were put forward to decide what our clubs purpose is
-Our ideas are as follows: we would like to encompass everyone (all riding ages and skills), distinguish we are an off-road motorcycling community, promoting safe and responsible riding, promote rider equality, have a positive outlook when read.
-Must fit with OFTR mandate as well / -Ask Chad Schoppel if he still wanted to do mission statement (past experience)
-Lauerlea to help chad or put together a misson statement before Dec.4 for review. Feedback will be given online through an email chain and changes will be made to suit. / Chad
All for review / Dec.4
2.6 / People to sign as incorporators
-We need people to sign as incorporators and first members to start the club.
-Question arose: board directors must be applicants? Is this executive or anyone? As seen in “not for profit incorporators handbook” PDF section 3 sent from Paul Trethaway, you must be a director to be an applicant. / Laurelea will speak with Paul to get some insight / Laurelea / Dec.4
2.7 / Find consistent mailing address.
-We need to have a mailing address that can be constant and unchanging
-We would like to look into the cost of a P.O. Box at post office
-Once established we will have a member picking up the mail / - Andrew to look into cost of getting a P.O. Box/ viability / Andrew / Dec.11
2.8 / To incorporate or not to incorporate
- We will incorporate to defer liability as well as ask for help and guidance with legal fees / - Nathan and Crystal will get an idea of the costs involved and the process to become an incorporation / Nathan
Crystal / Dec.11
2.9 / January Bike Show
-OFTR will make some space for us to have a booth (or someone there) to promote the club. / -Andrew volunteered to help out with this since he will be there already. Would be nice if someone could give him a hand. / Andrew
3.0 / Business Arising
3.1 / Completion of Incorporation application / -Date to be determined once more information is gathered
3.2 / Summer BBQ dirt bike event club kickoff
- We would like to hold of first event as a family riding day with a BBQ. / -Date to be determined
3.3 / End of January big meeting
- We would like to hold another large public meeting to let people know what was started and what we see for the future. / -Proposed date of last Monday in January 2016 (January 25)
3.4 / Facebook Page
-People can follow us better/see what were up to
-Create awareness
-Get people revved up! / -Pat will start FB page once we have our organization name / Pat
Next meeting: January 13th 2016