Childcare Training

The Mary Ward Centreoffersthe following childcare training courses:

  • Introduction to Working with Children
  • Level 1:Working with Children(NOCN)
  • Level 2:Working with Children (NOCN)

This leaflet should help you decide which would be best for you.

Level 1 & 2 lead to recognised Open College Network (NOCN) childcare qualifications.

Most students progress from Level 1 to Level 2. You will need at least Level 2 to work in childcare.

Introduction to Working with Children

This course meets for ten weeks.

Students will have homework to do each week.

You do not have to do a placement.

At the end of the course you will draw up an Action Plan for yourself (e.g. to do an ESOL class, help out at your child’s school). If you want a place on the Level 1 course afterwards, you will need to show you have worked through your Action Plan. The course is not assessed, but you will compile a portfolio of your work.If you want to apply for this course you need to be able to speak, read and write English in simple sentences (entry level 2-3).

Wednesday24 April 2013, 10.00-13.00, £118/ conc £41

This course meets for 20 weeks. There will be homework set each week. You do not have to do a placement but will need to visit a play centre in your own time. If you complete your portfolio you will receive an NOCN Progression Certificate.If you want to apply for Level 2 you will need to show you have worked through your Action Plan.

Assessed units on this course:

  • Using art activities with children and young people
  • Understanding growth, social and emotional development
  • Developing own interpersonal skills
  • Developing Skills for Listening to Children

If you want to apply for this course you need to be able to speak, read and write English in sentences

(entry level 3 – level 1).

Wednesday26 September 2012,10.00-13.00,£280/ Conc £98*

*£45 for those in receipt of JSA or ESA

This course is a recognised level 2 course and if you complete your portfolio and your placement, you will receive an NOCN Progression Diploma and be able to apply for work as a crèche worker or nursery or play group assistant.You will have several hours of homework to do each week and two mornings or afternoons a week you will be on placement in a local crèche, nursery or play group.

You will need to be able to speak, read and write English in complex sentences (Level 1-2)

At the end of the course you will be qualified to work in a crèche, nursery or play centre but you could also go on to do a NVQ Level 3, become a classroom assistant in a school, or consider an Early Childhood Studies degree programme. Some students have gone on to train as social workers or to work with children with special needs.

TuesdayThursday, 18 Sept 2012, 10.00-13.00

£923/ Concs £323*

If you want a place on any of these courses you need to

show in your application form and interview that:

you are committed and will come to all the classes and be

on time

you have an interest in childcare

you are prepared to do homework each week and

complete yourhome work and placements

*£111 for those in receipt of JSA or ESA

How do I apply?

Pick up an application form at The Mary Ward Centre. Application forms can also be downloaded online at

You are more likely to be offered a place if you have some voluntary or paid experience of working with children and the appropriate level of literacy to complete the course.

If you apply for one course but we think you might be more suited to another, we will try to offer you a place on the other course.

Return your application form to Paula Suen

You will be contacted in early September for an interview.

For more information

Please contact: Paula Suen



/ Mandy Yu

0207 269 6023

Mary Ward Centre

42 Queen Square, London