LocalGovCamp, Birmingham, Fri 3rd/Sat 4th June 2016
This two-day event run by LocalGovDigital & PSCSF a selection of fringe events to support change across the sector including a Digital Transformation Makers Day & Leaders Summit on Friday 3rd June and the LocalGovCamp Unconference on Saturday 4th June, now in its 7th year.
Attendee organisations thus far:
Adur and Worthing Councils, Birmingham City Council, Bracknell Forest Council,
Bradford Council, Bristol City Council, Calderdale MBC, Coventry City Council, Croydon Council, DEFRA, Devon County Council, Dudley CVS, Essex County Council, Future Cities Catapult, Government Digital Service, Guildford Borough Council, High Peak Borough Council, Home Office Digital, Kirklees Council, Lancashire County Council, Leicestershire County Council, LGiU, LGSS, Lincolnshire County Council, Local Government Association, LocalGov Digital, London Borough of Camden, Luton Borough Council, Oxford City Council, Plymouth Libraries, Shropshire Council, South Cambridgeshire District Council, Suffolk County Council, Wales Audit Office, West Berkshire Council
Digital Transformation Leaders Summit
Run by:
A 1 day event being run by FutureGov,who are an established player and thought leader in Service, Product & Organisation design Over the past seven years, they’ve helped more than a hundred local and national authorities across four continents think differently about public services.
Supported by SOLACE, the Society of Local Authority Chief Executives, this 1-day interactive activity will see Chief Execs, Directors/Heads of Service learn from the experiences of other Public Sector organisations in the UK & globally.
Number of expected attendees: 50 Senior Decision Makers
Digital Transformation Makers Day
Run by:
“Fix in Six”
You can do a lot in six hours. Fly from New York to London, boil 120 eggs, watch the TV version of War and Peace, but could you fix something in local government?
One of these is our Makers Day which invites digital developers and designers with an interest in improving local public services to come together to solve challenges.
The challenges below have been chosen from a number crowdsourced from Local Gov orgs:
Challenge 1: Digital development is often seen as a threat by internal LA departments rather than a benefit and something that they want to engage with. A tool that could quickly demonstrate the potential benefits (savings, customer satisfaction, reduced delivery effort, trading opportunities, shared service options, etc) of digitising any given service based on usage numbers by channel (or something of that ilk) would go some way to helping break down the barriers that digital teams face. The benefits would have to be discussed at the department which is not often what we do. Less time spent convincing is more time spent making and drawing out the real benefits for customers.
Challenge 2: Like many my life does not fit neatly into administrative boundaries. At home a short walk can take me to three local authorities and across a county boundary. I work in a completely different borough and can walk to a couple more. What can we do to hide how local government is organised e.g. let me register as a volunteer once within 20 minute drive of my home.
Number of expected attendees: 70 attendees (Digital Transformation roles)
LocalGovCamp Unconference
When most people think of LocalGovCamp they think of the Saturday unconference and this year we’ll be welcoming 150 participants to take part in a number of sessions throughout the day.
There’s no agenda beforehand making this an exciting event at which everybody has an equal voice.
Anyone can pitch a session and facilitate it, should there be sufficient interest.
Number of expected attendees: 150 attendees
These 2 days of Digital Transformation focused events offer an ideal opportunity for solutions & service providers active in the Local Government vertical to be seen supporting these well-recognised and thought-of events and also the following:
- attend all the events and network/interact with Local Gov attendees during the activities
- understand Local Gov’s thinking around Digital Transformation ideas/issues
- use the 2 days to feed into marketing/sales strategies/research & development of solutions/services targeting Local Gov.
- Exhibit to the attendees of both days during the refreshment breaks (we will be running our delegate card prize draw scheme again this year)
- Pitch sessions to be run in at the Unconference on Saturday 4th June
- Have your company brand promoted in all LocalGovCamp16 promotion, correspondence and event follow-up.
- Attendee details post event
There are 3 levels of sponsorship and these are as follows:
A great package for smaller companies and start-ups who want to show their support for the event
- Company name & logo on LocalGovCamp16 webpages
- 1 place at each day of the event
Cost: £400 + VAT
- Company name & logo on LocalGovCamp16 webpages
- Logo on all outgoing event PR & attendee communication
- 2 places at each day of the event
- Positioned as a sponsor on all outgoing promotion/communications
- 3m x 2m stand space inc. table/chairs/wifi/power
- A4 or smaller inserts into delegate bags
- Opportunity to place branded merchandise in the delegate bags
- Delegate list with contact details post event
Cost: £1000 + VAT
- Company name & logo on LocalGovCamp16 webpages
- Logo on all outgoing event PR & attendee communication
- 3 places at each day of the event
- Positioned as a Partner on all outgoing promotion/communications
- 3m x 2m stand space inc. table/chairs/wifi/power
- A4 or smaller inserts into delegate bags
- Opportunity to place branded merchandise in the delegate bags
- Delegate list with contact details post event
- 1 guaranteed session at LocalGovCamp16
Cost: £1250 + VAT
Why we need sponsorship?
The sponsorship goes towards paying for the venue & catering for 300 people for 2 days which can run to £7/8k
Additional sponsorship will be used to produce some branded merchandise or provide “paid for” social activity.
There will be a meet-up the night before Friday and hopefully we will generate enough sponsorship to cover a Social activity on Friday where we will have a room in one of Birmingham’s better hostelries and some paid for drinks and then on for the legendary LocalGovCamp curry at Manzils where people will be asked to pay for themselves.
Any questions, please let me know.
Nick Hill
07816 830221